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This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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CAAV Note 230802: SDLT on Purchase of House with Grazing Land - Withers v Revenue and Customs


The First Tier Tribunal has upheld a taxpayer’s claim in Withers v Revenue and Customs [2022] UKFTT 433 (TC), seeing the use of grazing land and woodland under separate agreements as being mixed use property for SDLT. Directly relevant in England and Northern Ireland, this decision might be referred to in cases concerning Scotland’s LBTT and Wales’ LTT on such properties. This note provides a summary of the decision....

RPA Make Over 80,000 Advance BPS Payments


RPA MAKE OVER 80,000 ADVANCE BPS PAYMENTS The RPA yesterday (1st August) made the first part payment of Basic Payment for 2023 to 81,090 applicants (97 per cent of applicants) of which 80,554 have received the money with the balance subject to “banking holds” and the money should be released shortly. Where a payment has not yet been released, the RPA is working to pay where possible in two further payment slots in August. The payment should represent half the currently assessed sum due...

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CAAV Note 230802: Wales - Sustainable Farming Scheme - Tree Cover Requirements


Following the discussions at the Royal Welsh Show the Welsh Government has circulated a further note on the tree cover requirement that is one of the “Universal Actions” required for the Baseline Payment under the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) that is to be phased in from April 2025 in place of the Basic Payment. This note provides a summary.

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230802: Electronic Communications Code - Consultation in respect of unresponsive occupiers


The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology has published a consultation seeking views on proposed regulations in respect of unresponsive occupiers. The proposals form part of reforms to the Electronic Communications Code (to be Part 4ZA) being phased in under the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022. The reforms would give operators rights to obtain code rights where an occupier is deemed 'unresponsive'. The consultation seeks views on: the terms that will...

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CAAV Note 230801: CAAV Website Improvement Work


We are just completing a programme of work to improve the operation of the CAAV website. The upgraded system is now live. This note provides an overview of changes. Final checking and snagging is underway, only possible at this stage

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CAAV Note 230728: Infrastructure (Wales) Bill Consultation


The Welsh Government has introduced this Bill to the Senedd. The Bill aims to create the statutory framework for a unified consenting process for infrastructure projects in Wales. As part of the Bill’s Stage 1 process, the Senedd’s Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee has now published a consultation calling for view on the Bill. Responses are to be submitted by 11th August 2023. The Bill is to provide a new form of consent, to be known as ‘Infrastructure...

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CAAV Note 230728: England - AHWP Calf Housing Grant - Solar Panels


The Calf Housing for Health and Welfare grant scheme announced by DEFRA for England on 26th July and to be launched later this summer – see website note of 27th July – is additionally noteworthy for including some support for solar panels as part of the housing. This note provides more detail on the scheme....

Jeremy's Blog 28th July 2023: The Politics of Planning


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 27th July 2023 With an election next year and the problems of a seriously under-supplied housing market, the political parties are on manoeuvres over planning policies in England. Labour has been setting out an apparently pro-development stall for some months, with local housing targets, development corporations to take and develop land, breaking the “taboo” of the green belt and favouring onshore wind. The Conservative...

DEFRA Land Use Blog


DEFRA has started a new blog, called Land Use: Policies and Framework. The blog is to publish updates on the work of the DEFRA Land Use team, including the Land Use Framework, Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS), Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), nutrient neutrality, and wider enhancement of the environment through the planning system. Sign up details are available on the Government website....

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CAAV Note 230727: England - BNG Statutory Credit Pricing


In an announcement today (27th July 2023), Natural England has set out more detail on the operation of the Biodiversity Net Gain Statutory Credit Scheme, and their indicative pricing structure. This note contains more detail.

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Jeremy's Blog - Special Edition: Adapting Rural Land Use for Climate Change


Last week’s CAAV E-Briefing leader ended by pointing to the opportunities for members to apply skills in advising clients on adapting to the climate change that is here and to come: “It seems sensible for property-based, resource and weather-dependent small businesses with longer term outlooks, like farms and estates, also to look ahead, especially when undertaking new projects or reviewing strategy. As trusted advisers, both bringing a wider view and knowing the property and business,...

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CAAV Note 230726: England - Permitted Development Rights - Consultation - Agriculture Etc


The Government has issued a substantial consultation proposing further permitted development rights in England, many relevant to farming and rural land use, including an increase in the permitted area for agricultural buildings to 1,500, square metres, widening of Classes Q and R and opening the door to further discussion on farm infrastructure and environmental works. This webnote summarises key points for rural work. Responses are due by September 25th....

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230725: Openreach Information Pack for CAAV Members - Updated (V2)


Following feedback from members, Openreach have updated the information pack for CAAV members to include additional information about its claims handling process for accidental damage. The information pack also includes details on: Identifying Openreach equipment;Making a network alteration request;Existing apparatus - wayleave search or making a claim for a wayleave;Reporting damage or safety issues with Openreach apparatus. Openreach continue to welcome feedback on this document from CAAV...

Northern Ireland: New Way of Reporting Dead Wild Birds


The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has launched an online tool for reporting dead wild birds. The tool is compatible with desktop and mobile applications and allows accurate reporting of the location of the find. Further information is available on the DAERA website at Wild Birds and Advice for the Public....

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CAAV Note 230724: England - Animal Health and Welfare Grants - Round 2 Feedback


In preparation for round 2 of the Animal Health and Welfare grants of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund, DEFRA is now seeking views on some aspects of the grant. This note contains more detail. The survey for submitting feedback is available here: Defra FETF23 ( It remains open until 7th August.

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CAAV Note 230723: Compensation for Damage without Full Evidence - Kirby v Electricity North West Ltd


This decision by the High Court concerns a claim for damages under the tort of trespass by a contractor acting for Electricity North West Ltd (ENWL). While ENWL had not denied liability, the dispute centred around whether the evidence provided could be (emphasis added): “…accepted as essentially true and reasonably reliable, notwithstanding the absence of much of the documentation which the defendant and its advisers say that he ought, as a farmer, to have created and retained and the...

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CAAV Note 230721: Scotland - Riparian Planting Areas


The Scottish Government has undertaken a mapping exercise to identify areas of riparian land to be targeted for woodland planting. Those with land identified as a ‘riparian area’ will be able to access higher payment rates for woodland creation. This note provides more information.

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Jeremy's Blog 21st July 2023: Climate Change - Adaptation and Professional Work


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 20th July 2023 Setting records, Mediterranean Europe is for some days nudging 50oC (122oF) while that has been broken in parts of the USA and China. While Italian dairy farmers install fans and sprinklers for their cows, this is only two months after seven months’ rain fell on Italy’s Emilia Romagna in two days, flooding 43 towns, with over 400 landslides and displacing 50,000 people. As that shows, climate change is...

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230721: HS2 Phase 2b - Consultation on Additional Provisions


Proposed changes to the Hybrid Bill for HS2 Phase 2b (Crewe to Manchester) are the subject of a consultation, which is open for responses until 31st August 2023. A summary of the main changes has been published, along with further information on HS2's website. HS2 are holding a number of briefing events which can be booked via HS2's events page....

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CAAV Note 230721: Permitted Development Rights - England - Campsites Etc


Following a consultation this year, further changes have been made to England’s permitted development rights by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development etc.) (England) (Amendment) Order 2023 SI 747. This note provides more detail on the Order which includes changes to permitted development rights relating to the use of land as campsites and land or buildings used for film-making purposes....

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230721: Rail Options Study launched for services to Leeds


As announced as part of the Integrated Rail Plan, the Government has launched a study to look at options for running trains into Leeds and other rail improvements. The Department for Transport expects the study to be completed in 2025. The safeguarded route of the Eastern leg of HS2 Phase 2b remains in place and will be one of the options being considered as part of the study. It is unknown how long safeguarding will remain in place or when a decision on which rail improvement option (if any)...

DEFRA BNG Webinars


DEFRA has announced two webinars on Biodiversity Net Gain to help those looking to enter the off-site market. 2nd August, 3:30 – 4:30pm: Biodiversity Net Gain for landowners: how to get involved – suitable if you’re new to BNG, or want to understand the off-site process step by step. 7th August, 2 – 3pm: Biodiversity metric demonstration for landowners – also relevant to ecologists, learn how to use the biodiversity metric to calculate how many off-site units you can produce on...

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CAAV Note 230719: England - Cross-Compliance - Legislation Ending It


The Government has now provided the legislation for the end of cross-compliance in England with the Agriculture (Removal of Cross-Compliance and Miscellaneous Revocations and Amendments, etc.) (England) Regulations 2023 SI 816. This note looks at the provisions of the regulations.

CS Mid Tier Application Portal - Technical Issues Update


Members working on Countryside Stewardship using the Mid Tier On-Line system will be aware that there have been technical issues with the application portal on the Rural Payments Service: see our note of 12th July. The CAAV has been engaging with DEFRA and the RPA, providing examples of the problems encountered and pressing for a swift resolution. A series of system updates to the Rural Payments Service was made on Monday evening (17th July), now found to have enabled a number of applications to...

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230717: DfT research on HS2 Need to Sell Scheme


The Department for Transport has published findings from research on proposals for a new, non-statutory, property scheme to compliment the existing HS2 'Need to Sell' scheme. The outcome of the report is that no changes to the Need to Sell scheme will be made....

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Animal Health and Welfare Pathway - FETF


Animal Health and Welfare Pathway - FETF The RPA has today started issuing decisions on Animal Health and Welfare grant funding agreements. Successful applicants will have until Monday 11th September to accept the agreement offered. There is a small number of applications for which further clarification is needed. We understand the the RPA is seeking to resolve outstanding points with those applicants....

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230714: HS2's CEO to step down


HS2 announced that the CEO, Mark Thurston, is to stand down from the organisation this autumn with Sir Jon Thompson to become Executive Chairman for an interim period from October 2023.

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CAAV Note 230714: Livestock Veterinary Checks


Following a change in EU animal health regulations, livestock farmers across Great Britain are being advised by DEFRA and industry organisations to take steps now to obtain a signed declaration from their vet to enable their animals to be fully marketed with the potential for Products of Animal Origin (POAO) to enter EU markets. This note provides more detail.

Jeremy's Blog 14th July 2023: The Challenge of Development


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 13th July 2023 Our development control system was created in 1947 in an economy depressed in the wake of war and when it was thought that “the man in Whitehall knows best”. Distinctive around the globe for its site-specific micro-management, it has been under growing strain for decades. What was intended as a technocratic process became more open and then overtaken by the popular resistance to development seen in many...

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CAAV Note 230713: Case Review - CG Fry and Son - Nutrient Neutrality


On 30th June, the High Court handed down its decision in a case relating to nutrient neutrality rules in England, and the implementation and interpretation of the Habitats Regulations 2017 more broadly: C G Fry & Son Ltd v Secretary of State for Levelling Up Housing and Communities & Anor. Despite the developer’s arguments, the Court upheld the Council’s application of the assessment requirements of the Habitats Regulations – and therefore nutrient neutrality provisions – on the...



Having raised a number of members’ problems with the Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier On-Line application system with the RPA, it has now recognised that there are issues which it is tackling with its IT suppliers so that they are resolved for affected applicants. The CAAV has been told: “We are putting support in place for those affected, including measures to ensure those who experience issues are not excluded from applying.”...

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Jeremy's Blog 7th July 2023: Utilities Infrastructure - The Scale of Change


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 6th July 2023 The re-electrification of Britain is a key part of the net zero agenda. The broad, high level policy aims are to double the amount of electricity we use by 2050 and so to double the amount generated, all as renewable energy, powering most heat and transport. That means doubling the amount to be transmitted and distributed across the country between generation and use, across clients’ land to give the capacity...

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England: Tees Valley Nutrient Mitigation Scheme - Round 2


Natural England has opened the second round of the Tees Valley Nutrient Mitigation Scheme for applications. The application window closes at 11:55pm on 28 July 2023. For more background on the scheme, which is open to those undertaking residential development in the Tees Valley catchment area, see our website note from July 2022....

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Jeremy's Blog 30th June 2023: Winds of Change


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 29th June 2023 The gathering winds of change for farming not only see England now well advanced in its agricultural transition but each of the three devolved areas have their new post-Basic Payment regimes come into place from 2025. Within some 32 months, DEFRA has now put in place the largest part of the key architecture for its agricultural transition: farming will now have no more direct payments, put more clearly...

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