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What's New

This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

Jeremy's Blog 8th September 2023: Making the Best of Water


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 7th September 2023 Water supply is steadily becoming a critical issue in the United Kingdom with agriculture needing to look ahead and ensure both access to water and making the best use of it. Only last year, four Sussex councils were proposing water neutrality policies for housing development – that no more use should be made of water once houses are built than before – while, earlier this year, South East Water...

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230907: DEFRA Guidance on Diverting or Extinguishing a Right of Way


DEFRA have published the guidance below to assist Local Authorities who choose to consider diverting or extinguishing a right of way (e.g. footpath diversion) under the current provisions of the Highways Act 1980. The guidance does not currently have statutory force but may do so if or when the amending legislation to the Highways Act 1980 and Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 is commenced.

Using the CAAV’s Dispute Resolution Appointment Service


We have published this guidance to using the CAAV’s Facilitating Dispute Resolution service, supported by this podcast. The CAAV President has statutory status for the appointment of arbitrators to agricultural tenancy disputes under the 1986 and 1995 Acts on unilateral request. However, the CAAV service goes much wider than that, appointing arbitrators, experts and mediators for all rural disputes across the United Kingdom. We start by urging good and effective negotiation to avoid the...

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CAAV Note 230906: England - NPPF Revised for Onshore Wind Farms


Michael Gove, Secretary of State at DLUHC, has told Parliament that after the consultation earlier this year on a number of proposed changes to England’s National Planning Policy Framework, he has now amended Chapter 14 of the NPPF in respect of onshore wind development. This note sets out the changes and provides commentary.

#58 – Dispute resolution, from negotiation to arbitration


Three years ago, the Agriculture Act gave the CAAV statutory recognition as a professional authority to appoint arbitrators to manage disputes between tenants and landlords. Since then, the council and executive have established the CAAV facilitating dispute resolution service, and published a range of professional support papers to help in this area. Now, the association has produced a new and comprehensive publication which pulls together many of those threads, to help people avoid...

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CAAV Note 230905: Scotland - Programme for Government 2023/24


The Scottish Government has today published its Programme for Government for the coming session of the Scottish Parliament. Among other legislation, the Programme includes Bills for Agriculture, Land Reform and Housing. This note provides an overview....

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230904: HS2 Phase 2b Guide for Farmers and Growers Published


HS2 has published its 'Guide for Farmers and Growers' for Phase 2b, covering topics related to land acquisition, compensation and the construction of the project. This guidance sits alongside the earlier publications released in respect of Phase 1 and Phase 2a....

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CS Mid Tier: Land Updates


We have received the following update from the RPA: Customers intending to apply for CS Mid-Tier online (closing date 15 September 2023) will need to submit land changes no later than 5 Sep 2023. Please advise your members that we can prioritise emails if they include the subject heading ‘CS application RLE1 land change’ and their SBI.

Jeremy's Blog 1st September 2023: Nutrient Neutrality - Meaning of the New Regime


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 31st August 2023 We have yet to see what the true effect of the Government’s proposed changes to nutrient neutrality might be. The combined package of legislative amendments (yet to pass the House of Lords), measures and funding is intended to achieve both the unlocking of house building and improved quality of water courses. That package represents a move from a single tool, requiring nutrient neutrality only from...

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SFI 2023: Expression of Interest in Early Application


Members will be aware that farmers and land managers have been invited to register their interest in applying early for the SFI 2023 as part of the controlled rollout of the scheme. Submitting the Expression of Interest form when invited to do so will enable eligible applicants to access the scheme as it is opened. The speed of the controlled rollout will then be assessed to prevent backlogs and delays. Once applicants have registered their interest, they are advised to review the scheme...

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CAAV Note 230831: Habitat Wales Scheme 2024 - Initial Outline


Following the announcement in July of an interim agri-environment scheme for 2024 after the end of Glastir (see website note of 27th July), the Welsh Government has now set out an outline of how it might operate. This note provides an overview....

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CAAV Note 2308301: Planning Winery Uses - Cuxton 2023 Appeal Decision


This note summarises the Cuxton 2023 Appeal Decision concerning a vineyard in Kent and its proposed major expansion. The case tests adding value to "agricultural produce" and more broadly considers the boundaries of the definitions beyond which permission is needed, relevant to farms, from fruit to livestock. The Cuxton 2023 Appeal Decision can be found attached below.

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CAAV Note 230829: England - Nutrient Neutrality - Protected Sites Strategies


The Government’s announcement on nutrient neutrality issues (see webnote) sets out a number of measures to reduce nutrients reaching water courses, accompanying the proposal to change legislation. These measures include a reference to Protected Site Strategies. This note looks at the background to these strategies....

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CAAV Note 230829: England - Slurry Grants - Increased for Nutrient Control


DEFRA has now confirmed to the CAAV that today’s announcement (29th August) relating to nutrient neutrality does indeed include more funding for slurry grants. The new commitments provide: £147m for the coming two rounds of Slurry Infrastructure grants in Autumn 2023 and 2024. £21m for two further rounds of slurry management equipment, offered as part of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund. The next round is to open in early 2024. This note provides more detail....

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CAAV Note 230828: England - SFI 2023 - Opening Dates


DEFRA has announced that farmers will be able to sign up for the Sustainable Farming Incentive from 18th September and can start registering their interest from Wednesday 30th August through the on-line Rural Payments service. This note provides more detail.

Jeremy's Blog 25th August 2023: CAAV's Autumn Programme - Preparing for Change


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 24th August 2023 Harvest can be a time for taking stock – perhaps especially with this year returning to a more catchy form after last year, with better weather grabbed when possible but with challenges in drying costs, quality and prices. More have had old crop in store and any national surplus faces export markets. For many, tax payments on the 2022 harvest year will be due in January. But it marks the completion of a...

England: Partial Lifting of Ban on Poultry Gatherings


DEFRA has announced that from 23rd August, the ban on gatherings of Galliforme poultry and birds has been lifted. Galliforme birds include chickens, turkeys, pheasants, partridge and quail. The ban has only been lifted in England and Galliforme birds and poultry from Wales and Scotland are not allowed to attend bird gatherings in England. Gatherings are subject to the APHA poultry gathering general licence and giving APHA seven days notice of the event. They are not permitted in disease control...

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Review of Impact of Solar PV Sites on Soils and Land Quality


The Welsh Government has published a study by consultants ADAS reviewing the impact of solar PV sites on soils and land quality. The study reports includes a literature review and background material. It finds that the main impact is from soil compaction during construction and, implicitly, decommissioning, measured in terms of potential changes to the Agricultural Land Classification. It also finds that there remain many gaps in the evidence, knowledge and experience....

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CAAV Note 230823: Wales - Consultation - Changes to the Forestry (Felling of Trees) Regulations 1979


The Agriculture (Wales) Bill – which was passed in the Senedd on 27th of June – is now awaiting Royal Assent. For more detail on the Bill, see our website note of 28th June. Among other things, the Bill makes changes to the Forestry Act 1967 in relation to Wales. This note provides more detail. As a result of the changes, amendments need to be made to the procedural Forestry (Felling of Trees) Regulations 1979 (as amended). The Welsh Government are therefore consulting on the...

Northern Ireland: Soil Nutrient Health Scheme Round 2 Application Deadline


Northern Ireland: Farmers and advisers in West County Armagh, South Tyrone or all of Fermanagh are reminded to register for Zone 2 of DAERA’s Soil Nutrient Health Scheme (SNHS). The deadline to do so is 31 August 2023. More detail on the SNHS is available in our website note of 23rd June 2023....

Farm Funding Webinar: 6th September


The Farming & Countryside Programme team at DEFRA is holding a webinar for farmers to find out about the payments available in England. The webinar will take place on 6th September, between 11:30am and 12:30pm. More detail, and booking, is available here: Defra funding for farmers webinar Tickets, Wed 6 Sep 2023 at 11:30 | Eventbrite....

Recruiting New Members of the Independent Agricultural Appeal Panel


DEFRA has recently launched a campaign to recruit a new cohort of members for the Independent Agricultural Appeal Panel. As you know, the panel is an important part of the process in considering cases of dissatisfaction relating to policy. Details of the application process can be found via the link below: Role details – Independent Agricultural Appeals Panel members – Apply for a public appointment – GOV.UK (

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CAAV Note 230821: Darwall v DNPA - Wild Camping on Dartmoor


On 31st July, the Court of Appeal handed down its decision in the case of Alexander Darwall & Anor v Dartmoor National Park Authority [2023] EWCA Civ 927. The Court upheld the Dartmoor National Park Authority's appeal against a decision in the High Court that had overturned the commonly held view that there was a right to wild camp on Dartmoor. The decision of the Court of Appeal means that the right to wild camp on the Commons of Dartmoor remains supported by the 1985 Act. This note reviews...

Jeremy's Blog 18th August 2023: High Investment Farming


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 17th August 2023 News of planning permission for a prawn farm in Crowland, Lincolnshire draws attention to high investment agricultural projects in a number of UK farming sectors where the business, rather than the property, will be the driver of value. This is still agriculture, further testing farming’s spectrum from food production to land management. According to the proposition, agricultural planning rights may be...

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SSE Wayleave Rates 2023


Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks (also known as Scottish Hydro) have published wayleave rates for 2023.

Rural Payments Service Downtime: 5pm Wednesday 16th August to 9am Thursday 17th August


The Rural Payments Service will be unavailable due to maintenance between 5pm on Wednesday (16th) and 9am on Thursday. We have been informed by the RPA that this 'is a full system release with critical items in it, including urgent fixes for MT Online'. Members will be aware of some ongoing issues with CS Mid-Tier applications. The CAAV has been told by the RPA that no one will be disadvantaged by a technical error. Those experiencing issues are advised to: Read through the CS application...

Stacking Payments for Biodiversity Net Gain & Nutrient Mitigation


Natural England have updated their guidance on stacking payments for Biodiversity Net Gain, Nutrient Neutrality in England. The update provides more information on using the same land for BNG and/or NN and government agri-environment schemes. The guidance can be found here: Combining environmental payments: biodiversity net gain (BNG) and nutrient mitigation - GOV.UK (

Small R&D Partnership Projects


DEFRA opened Round 3 of the Small Research and Development (R&D) Partnerships on 14th August. Our website note of 2nd August contains more detail....

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Jeremy's Blog 11th August 2023: Preparing for Future Needs


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 11th August 2023 A recent international survey by the insurance broker, Gallaher, found UK businesses curiously passive in preparing for climate change. 48 per cent said it had already harmed them, with a mix of the direct impact of extreme weather, higher operating costs and disrupted supply chains. However, 53 per cent had then taken no action, thinking it the government’s task to ensure that businesses prepared –...

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CAAV Note 230811: Power Cables - Underground or Overground?


Confronted with the scale of the infrastructure work required for transmitting the increased power needed, the recent report to the Government by the Electricity Networks Commissioner (see webnote) noted both: the greater cost of putting transmission cables underground their environmental damage. As this question of the merits carrying power cables overhead on pylons against laying them underground frequently features in public discussion of proposals, this note gives an initial consideration...

DEFRA guidance for SFI 2023 offer


DEFRA has today (10th August) published the following in relation to the SFI 2023 offer: the voluntary ‘How to do the SFI actions’ guidance some minor updates to the SFI handbook, and a summary of what’s been updated

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CAAV Note 230809: England and Wales - Planning Inspector Dismisses a Solar Farm Appeal


Lullington Solar Park Ltd (Lullington) applied for consent to construct a 50MW solar farm in June 2021. The Local Authority (LA), South Derbyshire District Council, refused consent on 8th August 2022 on the grounds that: the proposed development would result in the loss 33.6 hectares (ha) of best and most versatile (BMV) agricultural land; give rise to significant impacts to the landscape character and visual amenity of the site; and harm designated heritage assets. The Planning Inspector...

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CAAV Note 230808: Northern Ireland - Consultation on Energy Efficiency Requirements in the Building Regulations


The Department of Finance has announced a consultation on the energy efficiency requirements and other related areas of the Building Regulations, such as ventilation, overheating risks in dwellings and electric vehicle charging infrastructure at buildings. The discussion document sets out detailed proposals for changes to Parts F (conservation of fuel and power), and Part K (ventilation) for buildings used as dwellings and buildings used other than for dwellings. Options in the discussion...

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230807: Landlords to Face Increased Fines for Illegal Migrants


The Home Office has announced increased fines for landlords who allow an illegal migrant to occupy a residential dwelling. The announcement also includes increased fines for employers who allow an illegal migrant to work. Under the provisions of the Immigration Act 2016, all landlords in England have a responsibility to prevent those without lawful immigration status from accessing the private rented sector. Failure to carry out the appropriate checks may see a landlord receive a civil penalty...

DEFRA Webinar on SFI 2023 for Advisers - Thursday 10th August


Janet Hughes, Farming and Countryside Programme Director, and Jonathan Marsden, Head of Standards for SFI, are holding a webinar on SFI 2023 on this Thursday afternoon, 10th August at 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm. Their aim is to provide an opportunity for advisers to ask questions about the actions and guidance in the SFI 2023 Handbook before applications open. This is the registration link for this Advisers webinar. Intended for advisers only, this event precedes possible later, more sector specific...

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CAAV Note 230807: CAAV Rent Movement Table 2023


The CAAV Rent Review Movement Table, which summarises historical movements in overall rents for Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 tenancies in England and Wales, has been updated for 2023 with the latest data from DEFRA.

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CAAV Note 230807: Electronic Communications Code - Appeal Decision for Concurrent Leases - Vodafone Ltd v Potting Shed Bar and Gardens Ltd (formerly Gencomp No. 7 Ltd)


This decision in the Court of Appeal re-examines and, in part, reverses an earlier Upper Tribunal judgement regarding the provisions of the Code in respect of concurrent leases. It determined that the purpose of the Code’s regime meant that the interposed tenant, now the direct landlord of operator, was the site provider for the functioning of the Code.

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CAAV Note 230804: Photo ID Needed To Buy AN Fertiliser


This note sets out the regulations regarding the purchase of ammonium nitrate with a nitrogen context of at least 16 per cent, now added to the list of regulated explosives precursors under the Part 3 of Schedule 1A of the Poisons Act 1972 by the Control of Poisons and Explosives Precursors Regulations 2023 (SI 63), applying to England, Wales and Scotland....

Jeremy's Blog 4th August 2023: Magic or Hard Work


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 3rd August 2023 “Wish upon a star.” It might work in Disney films but it is no basis for engaging with reality to answer the many large challenges we face. These require focused thought, effective mechanisms, planning and logistics and sustained attention with leadership giving explanation, not magical thinking. An immediate illustration of grand aspiration meeting reality lies in HS2. The Infrastructure and Projects...

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CAAV Note 230804: Electricity Networks Commissioner's Report - Improving Transmission Infrastructure


A year ago, the Government appointed Nick Winser as the Electricity Networks Commissioner to report to it this summer on these issues for the electricity market in Great Britain, so Scotland as well as England and Wales. His report to the Government has been published today, proposing and urging reforms to achieve effective and timely connections, especially through the whole planning and regulatory process. Two documents have been published: the letter reporting from Nick Winser to the...

Bank Rate Increased to 5.25%


The Bank of England has announced that the Bank Rate has been increased to 5.25%, an increase by 0.25% from 5%. The vote was 6–3 in favour of the increase to 5.25%. One member preferred to maintain Bank Rate at 5% and two preferred an increase to 5.5%.

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