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This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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CAAV Note 240315: Crop Planting by Spring 2024


Ahead of any possible further spring plantings, the AHDB has reported on substantial reductions in this year’s planted area for major combinable crops. This note looks at the figures.

Jeremy's Blog 15th March 2024: New Issues for Farm Advice


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 14th March 2024 Pressures on clients’ choices as to the use of property continue to develop with new factors to be taken into account for advice. The Budget’s tax hit on holiday lets may see an appraisal of how cottages are used. Answers may range from keeping them, if integral to the holding in a tourist area and hoping to benefit from others going out, to switching to longer lettings or sale at the reduced rate for...

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CAAV Note 240314: APR and Environmental Agreements - What are Public Bodies


The Budget’s announcement of the prospective extension of APR to agricultural property entered into qualifying environmental agreements has inevitably led to early questions, including the bodies with which a qualifying agreement could be made. This note looks at the position of 'public bodies' in the headline announcements.

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CAAV Note 240311: Abolition of Furnished Holiday Lettings Tax Regime


The Budget of 6th March 2024 announced that the Government is to abolish the Furnished Holiday Lettings tax regime with effect from April 2025. This would apply across the United Kingdom to properties held by individuals and trusts. The note below provides further information.

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CAAV Note 240311: SDLT - Abolition of Multiple Dwellings Relief


Relevant to England and Northern Ireland, the Budget proposes the abolition of Multiple Dwellings Relief (MDR) from 1st June 2024. The note below provides further information. The CAAV and others are being asked about any specifically agricultural issues that should be considered in this – members’ responses would be welcome.

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CAAV Note 240308: Scotland - Competition for a New National Park


Last year, the Scottish Government opened a call for applications to find a new National Park, to be designated by 2026. We looked at the proposal, including the assessment framework for selection, in our website note from June 2023. The areas now to be considered for designation have been announced. This note has an overview....

Jeremy's Blog 8th March 2024: The Budget - Positive APR Decisions


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 7th March 2024 Agricultural Property Relief (APR) from Inheritance Tax has again proved a very robust relief. In yesterday’s Budget with the financial constraints of poor growth, the Treasury issued the Government’s answers to last year’s major consultation: it will work with interested parties to understand what environmental transactions and assets really involve and develop a shared analysis of the issues and so how...

#63 – A review of the Spring Budget


This week, we heard Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s final Budget of this Parliament – and likely the final Tory budget for a few years. Much was touted ahead of the Budget, but what has it really delivered? Jeremy Moody, secretary and adviser to the CAAV, has been trawling through the depths of the details to see what lies behind the headline figures.

England, Wales and Scotland: Summary of CMA Market Study Report into Housebuilding


A summary of the Competitions and Market Authority (CMA) market study final report into housebuilding. The study considers a range of matters including planning policy, supply of housing, quality and innovation and the private management of amenities on housing estates providing an overview of their issues as well as CMA recommendations on these.

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CAAV Note 240406: IHT - Extension of APR for Farmland in Some Environmental Commitments


The Government has today responded to last spring’s consultation on this issue and recognised the need to extend APR to farmland put into qualifying environmental agreements to remove the tax disincentive for owners and farmers to do this, fearing the loss of protection from Inheritance Tax’s 40 per cent charge. It refers to the particular problem for the tenanted sector where, without this, a tenant could change the landlord’s tax status. The note below provides further information....

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Treasury Consultation on Environmental Taxation and APR – Government Response


Following last year’s consultation, the Government has just announced that: “After careful consideration of the responses, the Government’s response outlines it has decided to: establish a joint HM Treasury and HMRC working group with industry representatives to identify solutions that provide clarity on the taxation of ecosystem service markets where existing law or guidance may not provide sufficient clarity extend the existing scope of agricultural property relief from 6...

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