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What's New

This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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231128: Northern Ireland - Funding for Flood Recovery


The UK Government announced up to £15 million of support will be available to respond to flooding in areas of Northern Ireland in the absence of the Executive. The money has been made available through the granting of a request made to HM Treasury jointly by the UK Government’s Northern Ireland Office and Northern Ireland’s Department of Finance to reallocate funding from capital to resource budgets – recognising the need to be nimble and act swiftly at times of crisis for communities....

#60 – Moving from BPS to delinked payments: How will it work?


Richard Sanders, technical and policy adviser to the CAAV, offers a quick refresher and update on the delinking scheme. As many listeners will be aware, as part of the post-Brexit agricultural transition, England is moving to a farming support system of public money for public goods. Basic payment has been gradually declining, to be phased out by 2027. So what does the future hold? RPA Delinking Guidance: Delinked payments: replacing the Basic Payment Scheme - GOV.UK ( CAAV...

Jeremy's Blog 24th November 2023: DEFRA Call for Evidence on Conduct in the Let Sector


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 23rd November 2023 The let sector covers a third of England’s farmland, still with many 1986 Act tenancies but more than half on FBTs, and still large areas of Wales and Scotland. In addition to that scale, it provides a critical means of flexibility in farm structures, entry, expansion and exit from farming, relieving owners of the need to farm and enabling farmers to have the use of land without having to buy it. Its...

Jeremy Moody bestowed Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Agricultural University


On Tuesday night Jeremy Moody was formally bestowed Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Agricultural University (RAU), its highest honour, in a ceremony at the RAU attended by Chair of the Governing Council, Dame Fiona Reynolds, as well as the Vice Chancellor, Earl Bathurst as Vice President and many of the senior leadership team at the RAU. Jeremy Moody was commended to the meeting by William Leschallas. The event was also attended by friends, family and alumni – including the current CAAV...

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231123: Wales - Proposed Update and Reform of Council Tax System


The Welsh Government has announced proposal to update and reform the Council Tax system in Wales. The consultation seeks views on how and when changes should be made to the basic structure of Council Tax in Wales and update the property valuations used. See the consultation for full details and how to respond. The deadline for the consultation is 6th February 2024.

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231123: Northern Ireland - Consultation on Domestic and Non-Domestic Rates


The Department of Finance has launched a 14-week consultation on a range of rates reliefs and allowances. The announcement summarises the seven proposals for changes to rate reliefs: four are in the non-domestic sector, and three are in the domestic sector, with greater detail in the consultation papers. The deadline for the consultation is 13th February 2024....

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231123: England - Slurry Infrastructure Grant Round 2 now open for applications


DEFRA has announced that Round 2 of the Slurry Infrastructure Grant is now open for applications. Our website note of 13th October provides an overview of the Slurry Infrastructure Grant Round 2 Guidance, published by DEFRA on 13th October 2023. The grant is to improve or expand slurry storage capacity and to cover stores. It must be used to reach the grant storage requirements: 6 months for beef and dairy8 months for pigs The deadline for full applications is 27th June 2025....

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CAAV Agricultural Land Occupation Survey 2023 - England and Wales


The forms for the 2023 CAAV Agricultural Land Occupation Survey for England and Wales have been circulated to Local Association secretaries by email and are attached again here for convenience. The survey records changes in land occupation, including new arrangements (FBTs, succession tenancies, grazing agreements or contract farming arrangements) and identifying what has happened to land that has left the let sector (sold or taken in-hand, for example). It does not ask about rent. This is the...

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CAAV Note 231123: DEFRA Agricultural Tenancies Conduct and TFC Call for Evidence Summary


DEFRA has invited the CAAV and other representative bodies (together with some individuals) to seek views and evidence from their members on questions arising out of the Government’s response last May to the report of the Rock Review on Tenant Farming. This paper summarises the issues and questions being asked and invites members to respond with their comments and relevant evidence to the Secretariat ( by 21st December so that they can be brought together and reviewed for...

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CAAV Note 231123: Community Benefits for Electricity Lines


The Government has now issued its response to the consultation on Community Benefits for Electricity Transmission Network Infrastructure. The note below provides a summary. Four webinars are to be offered to provide an overview of the proposals and answer questions - see these links to register for these events. register for webinars aimed at individuals and community representatives register for webinars aimed at industry representatives...

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CAAV Note 231122: Renting Homes Wales - New Template Contracts and Termination Notice


Legislation associated with the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 has been amended by The Renting Homes (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2023 (SI 2023/1199), seeing revised template contracts and an amended termination notice RHW17, which is now only to be used in limited circumstances where 2 months' notice is required. These changes take effect from 6th December 2023 and it will be important that the new template contracts are used from this date. Members will need to check and...

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231121: England - Funding for Rural Housing Launched


The Government has launched funding to support a network of advisers, known as "Rural Housing Enablers". These advisers are to act as brokers between developers and communities and help identify sites with local support for development of new affordable housing to rent or buy in rural areas. The scheme forms part of the "Unleashing Rural Opportunity" policy in England (see CAAV Note 6th June 2023) and is being delivered in conjunction with Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)....

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231120: HS2 Report to Parliament to November 2023


This Report provides a review of HS2 including programme update, local community impact and engagement as well as land and property issues. For claimants who have had land acquired that is no longer required for revised scheme, the Report states "We are committed to acting in good faith and for fair treatment for all affected – particularly those with transactions in progress – while protecting taxpayers appropriately." It also provides a brief update on safeguarding, reconfirming that...

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231120: England - Draft Code of Practice on Right to Rent Scheme


A draft code of practice on right to rent has been published, which will be applicable to landlords and their agents in England. It is due to come into force at the same time as the Immigration Act 2014 (Residential Accommodation) (Maximum Penalty) Order 2023 and the Immigration (Restrictions on Employment and Residential Accommodation) (Codes of Practice) (Amendment) Order 2023 - these Orders amend the civil penalties that apply for breaches. The code of practice is due to come into force...

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Jeremy's Blog 17th November 2023: Farming Consequences of Weather


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 16th November 2023 At least the UK does not have volcanoes. Iceland, a land still being forged in fire, is watching in awe at the risk of an eruption 25 miles from its capital, evacuating a town before its destruction. In Europe’s other volcanic area, the Phlegraean Fields near Naples and Vesuvius have just had a 4.2 earthquake. Here, we are only following Iceland in the more benign search for geothermal energy prospects in...

DEFRA SFI Webinars


DEFRA is holding two upcoming SFI Webinars:20th November, for Livestock and Grassland Farmers4th December, for Arable and Horticultural Farmers...

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231110: CPA Training Event - 50% Discount for CAAV Members


The Compulsory Purchase Association (CPA) has offered CAAV members a 50% discount to its Talking Heads: CPO 'Cheshire Lounge Tribunal Decision'. The event can be booked here. The discount code is 'CAAV1212' (note that CPA members can attend free).

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Thérèse Coffey Resigns


During the Reshuffle of 13th November, Thérèse Coffey has resigned as Environment Secretary. More updates to come on the replacement for her role and other relevant Government positions, as details are know.

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Jeremy's Blog 10th November 2023: Housing Development and Labour


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 9th November 2023 Speaking to the North East Chamber of Commerce, Keir Starmer returned strongly to his party conference theme of the vigour that a Labour Government would bring to secure new housing and infrastructure as part of encouraging economic growth (see webnote). It chimes quite closely with the legislation that the Conservative Government is putting in place and, even while repeating the intention to “bulldoze”...

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CAAV Note 231110: Electronic Communications Code - New Requirements for ADR


New regulations under the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022 now bring into effect from 7th November 2023 its requirement at s.69 for telecommunications operators to provide information about Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) when serving certain notices under the Electronic Communications Code. This note provides a summary.

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CAAV Note 231107: The Legal Ending of BPS for England


The Government has today laid two statutory instruments in Parliament which confirm the end of the Basic Payment Scheme for England from the end of this year and so of 31 years of area-based direct payments. This note provides a summary.

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CAAV Note 231107: The King's Speech: 2023/24 Parliamentary Session


The King has, this morning given the Speech setting out the Government’s intended legislative programme for what is likely to be the last session of the present Parliament. The note below reviews the measures of most relevance to rural and property practice. With the scale of devolution many of the measures are particularly focussed on England.

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231106: HS2 Phase 2b - Second Committee Report published


The Select Committee published its Second Special Report on the High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill, announcing that it has paused its work because of the recent announcement by the Prime Minister. The Committee will not be holding any further hearings until it receives further information from the Government or instruction from the House. The report explains in full why this decision has been made and expresses the Committee’s hope that clarity will be forthcoming soon for the benefit...

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Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023


Although receiving Royal Assent on 26th October 2023, most provisions of this Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 require commencement regulations to be brought into effect and so are not currently in force. Once fully implemented, the Act will provide a range of measures to tackle money laundering, corruption and fraud. This includes greater transparency over who owns and controls Limited Companies and limited partnerships (LPs). The CAAV Note of 9th May 2023 outlines how the...

Jeremy's Blog 3rd November 2023: Water, Wind and Fire


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 2nd November 2023 The variability of British weather has long been a topic of conversation but our extreme weather events now come “not single spies but in battalions”. Hundreds of acres of Lincolnshire farmland are still flooded and Angus had at least 11½” of rain in October, the wettest since its records started in 1891. As rain falls on saturated land, we see surface water flooding as well as river flooding –...

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Energy Act 2023


Last week the government announced that the Energy Act 2023 received Royal Assent, the final version is now available. Our webnote of 16th March 2023, written at the end of the Committee Stage in the House of Lords discussed the main areas likely to be of interest to members. Since the Bill entered the Commons it has undergone several amendments. We will provide an update on the Act as soon as possible....

Levelling Up and Regeneration Act Becomes Law


The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act received Royal Assent on the 26th of October. It would ordinarily take effect 2 months later, though most items will take much more work and will not commence for some time. The CAAV will brief members on the ongoing impacts of the Act.

Farming Connect Wales: Free Workshops


Farming Connect Wales is offering fully funded workshops looking at improving herd and flock health, performance and productivity. These workshops are to support farmers in preparing for the coming Sustainable Farming Scheme and in working toward the net zero target. More detail is available online....

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231102: Consultation on the UK Egg Sector


The Government has launched a review focused on promoting fairness, transparency and accountability across the egg supply chain. The consultation seeks views on how the UK egg sector currently functions and how it can be improved. The consultation deadline is 22nd December 2023....

Rural Payments Service: Offline (Updated 02/11/2023)


The RPA have informed use that they have identified an issue with the Rural Payments Service (RPS). In order to investigate the problem, they have taken the RPS offline. We will update members when more is known about restoring the service. Update: 2nd November, 3:45pm - The RPS is now back online.

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CAAV Note 231101: England - Environmental Principles: Implementation


Following the making of the Environment Act 2021 (Commencement No. 6) Regulations 2023, s. 19 of the Environment Act – the duty of Ministers to have due regard to the environmental principles when making policy decisions – comes into force from 1st November 2023. This note provides more detail. We looked at some of the background to and development of the principles in our note of 31st January 2023....

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CAAV Note 231101: England - Delinked Payments: Information Statements


This week, the RPA has commenced the run-in to the roll-out of delinked payments. This note provides more information. Those looking for a refresher on the background and principles of the delinked payments should see our website note of 2nd May 2023. More detailed questions may find an answer in our Q&A document of 12th May....

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CAAV Costings of Agricultural Operations 2023 - Detailed Papers


The Detailed Working Papers for the CAAV Costings of Agricultural Operations 2023 are attached. They take effect from 1st September 2023. Please note that these papers are protected by CAAV copyright - they are for the use of CAAV members and members of the Costings Committee and are not for wider circulation.

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231027: Flooding and the Valuation of Property - EVSB Commentary


This year has again seen torrential and destructive flooding across Europe, from Emilia Romagna in Italy in the spring to Greece, the Balkans and Spain in the late summer and now Storm Babet across Britain. With the serious floods there, valuers in Slovenia were asked by lenders about the longer term effects on property values. They turned to TEGOVA for support and, through the EVSB, Jeremy Moody prepared the attached commentary on issues that might apply to the UK as much as to Slovenia....

Jeremy's Blog 27th October 2023: Climate Change Risk Resilience Adaptation


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 26th October 2023 It is only October and we already have our second “named” storm. Storm Babet has repeatedly battered and saturated Angus, Aberdeenshire and neighbouring counties with still more rain falling after silage bales had been washed out to sea. Flooding has gone wider, whether Framlingham, Derby, Retford, parts of the Welsh border and now the central south coast. This is the present taste of the more volatile,...

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Energy Act 2023


The government has announced that the Energy Act 2023 has received Royal Assent, the final version is now available. Since the Bill entered the Commons it has undergone several amendments.

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CAAV Note 231025: England - Residential Tenancies: Renters Reform Bill Update


The Government has for several years promised residential tenancy legislation in England, including the abolition of s.21 of the Housing Act to remove the ability to serve a notice for repossession without giving a reason (the “no fault” notice). The Government issued its response to the report on the Bill and is now to delay the operational repeal of s.21 until the associated court reforms to support repossession proceedings are in place. Other statements in relation to student lets and...

England, Scotland and Wales: Green Gas Support Scheme Extended to 31 March 2028


The Government has announced that the closing date for new applications to the Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) is to be extended to 31st March 2028. The extension is in response to difficulties experienced by project sponsors in commissioning anaerobic digestion plant and in securing feedstock. The extension is part of the Government's response to the mid-scheme review. Further details of the response will follow in due course. The policy framework for biomethane following the closure of the...

CS Facilitation Fund 2024: Applications Open


Applications open on the 23th October for the Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund 2024. More information is available here: Facilitation Fund 2024: Countryside Stewardship - GOV.UK (

Jeremy's Blog 20th October 2023: Inheritance Tax - the Recurrent Itch over APR


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 19th October 2023 For at least 30 years, the rural rumour mill over the future of APR periodically goes into overdrive. The chatter then reverberates as others pick it up and repeat the echoes, making the speculation appear real – all told, a masochistic part of rural debate. We seem to be on the edge of one such moment as people try to join up the few dots about future Labour tax policies in this area. Use of APR was on...

Extreme Weather and Schemes: RPA Guidance


With Storm Babet passing through the UK, the RPA has published guidance for scheme holders affected by severe weather events. The guidance is available here: Extreme weather guidance for farmers and land managers - GOV.UK (

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CAAV Note 231018: Wales - Amendments to Welsh Water Regulations - Application of Livestock Manures


The Welsh Government has published a written statement setting out the two stage process of amending the Welsh Water Regulations including: the final extension of the 170kg/ha annual holding nitrogen limit to 1st January 2024; andthe process to be implemented, of an 'Enhanced Nutrient Management Approach' where the limit is likely to be exceeded. This note sets out these changes to the nitrogen holding limit rules, the last section of Phase 2 of the Water Resources (Control of Agricultural...

SFI: End of Expression of Interest Requirement


Members will be aware of the recent requirement to submit an Expression of Interest ahead of applying for the Sustainable Farming Incentive in England. That requirement is to be lifted this week, and applications invited through the Rural Payments Service. Those farming on commons, however, should continue to express their interest with the Rural Payments Agency.