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This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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CAAV Note 240520: England - Mitigation Hierarchy & Planning


A recent dismissal of an appeal by the planning inspectorate (ref. APP/D1265/W/23/3314801) provides an interesting parallel for the implementation of biodiversity net gain (BNG) in England. This note looks at the relevant section of the published decision.

Jeremy's Blog 17th May 2024: The No 10 Farm to Fork Summit


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 16th May 2024 The fruit and vegetable sector is a strong contributor to the value of UK agricultural output. It has been under severe economic pressure as costs, risks and necessary working capital have risen well ahead of produce returns. Weather and labour add to the challenges. Production volumes, areas and confidence have all fallen. It is clearly magical thinking to suggest that saying the British public ought to eat...

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CAAV Fees Survey Report 2023


The CAAV Fees Survey Report 2023 is now available. This can help inform members and others about developing fee rates and is referred to as an objective overview by members and compulsory purchase acquirers when looking at fee structures and hourly rates.

Expanded SFI: Expression of Interest


As many will be aware, the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive in England will be opening this summer. The RPA will be offering a controlled rollout of the scheme to a limited number of people before the scheme opens to all applicants. This small number will be able to apply for the scheme early so that the RPA can open the service in a controlled way. They will also be asking these early applicants about their experience of submitting an application, so that they can improve the service in...

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CAAV Note 240514: England - Wet Weather Temporary Scheme Adjustments


The RPA has introduced a set of temporary adjustments for those who have had difficulty meeting the requirements of their CS, ES, SFI and SFI pilot agreements due to wet weather. The full list of options and actions with temporary adjustments is available here: Wet weather: temporary support for farmers in 2024 - GOV.UK ( This note provides a short overview....

CS Claims - Rural Payments System Delays


Many will be aware that there are significant delays in the creation and submission of annual claims for Countryside Stewardship. The RPA is encouraging agreement holders to continue to with their claims. They have advised us that: 'We will make sure that those affected are not disadvantaged. We will keep a record that the system performance has affected their ability to claim and they won’t receive any late claim reductions if we receive their claim after 15 May because of this.' Those...

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CAAV Note 240514: Wales - Sustainable Farming Scheme Slips to 2026


The recently appointed Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies, today told the Senedd that, after seeing a draft of the analysis of over 1,200 consultation responses “it is already clear that some changes are needed” to the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) proposals. That analysis and the government response to the consultation are to be published in June. This note provides more detail....

Jeremy's Blog 10th May 2024: Land Drainage - A Key Investment


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 9th May 2024 Land drainage and the management of water offer one of the ways to tell the story of our landscapes as millennia of hard work have made a wet land productive. Even now, for many soils having good field drainage is the precondition for land to give its potential – becoming more important with the spread of no-till practices. With 40 years since the last major wave of drainage investment, this winter has shown...

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CAAV Note 240510: Carbon Credits - VAT


HMRC has now issued the Revenue and Customs Brief – VAT Treatment of Voluntary Carbon Credits with guidance to take effect from 1st September 2024, applying to transactions involving voluntary carbon credits on or after that date. This note provides more detail....

CS & ES Claims - Update Land Use


Those preparing to submit a claim for CS or ES in 2024 are reminded that the land use codes for the relevant parcels should be updated where there have been changes.

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CAAV Note 240508: Wales - Slurry Grants More Detail


Following the announcement last week of two schemes to specifically support investment in on farm infrastructure (see our note), this note sets out more detail of the two slurry schemes being offered by Welsh Government.

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Updated to V.6.1 on 7th May 2024 The RPA has prepared a Sustainable Farming Incentive Q&A document, addressing some common questions about both the general nature of the scheme and some action-specific issues. The RPA's intention is to provide a common understanding of the purpose and requirements of aspects of the scheme. This is to be a 'living document'; it will change as new questions and issues arise and so should not be taken as a fixed and definitive guide. It should also be read in...

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CAAV Note 240507: Wales - Sustainable Farming Scheme New Roundtable


Ahead of a statement due on 14th May, the new Welsh Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca Davies, has made a written statement to the Senedd on the next steps for the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS), this note provides a summary.

Government's Climate Change Plan: High Court Challenge


The Climate Change Act 2008 requires the Government to prepare a 'carbon budget delivery plan' setting out how the targets for reducing emissions will be met. The latest version, approved by the Minister in 2023, had been subject to a legal challenge by a collection of eNGOs and climate advocacy groups. On Friday 3rd May, the High Court ruled that the plan did not meet the requirements of the Act, and the Government must therefore revisit the document. We wait to see if the Government will...

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