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This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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CAAV Building Costs Survey 2024


Dear CAAV Member, The CAAV is now repeating its Survey to produce a new Schedule of Building Costs for farm and estate buildings to support members who undertake reinstatement cost assessments, as for insurance purposes. This was last done in 2018. While the next Survey was intended to be 2021, pandemic-related supply chain disruption made this pointless and so we resorted to providing updates with indexes for key building materials as the best fall back. Feeling markets to be more stable now,...

BNG Requirement for Small Sites


From 2nd April small sites are required to demonstrate biodiversity net gain as a condition of planning consent (unless exempt). Small sites are defined as: residential development where the number of dwellings is between 1 and 9 on a site of an area 1 hectare or less, or if the number of dwellings is unknown, the site area is less than 0.5 hectarescommercial development where floor space created is less than 1,000 square metres or total site area is less than 1 hectaredevelopment that is not...

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CAAV Note 240401: Stamp Duty Land Tax - House with Paddock - Harjono v HMRC


This First Tier Tribunal decision concerns the assessment to SDLT of the purchase of a house with a grazing paddock. Should it be assessed at the higher rates for residential property or at the lower rates for mixed property? The taxpayers had submitted a return declaring tax of £124,500 due. HMRC contended that the tax should be £237,750.

Jeremy's Blog 28th March 2024: Farming and Nature; SFI and More


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 28th March 2024 Today’s developing agricultural policies have a twin-track character, embracing both farming and nature, albeit in different ways across the UK. As they develop, so the interactions become more complex. There are clear synergies with farming’s dependence on nature but, even with the well-advanced evolution of England’s new schemes, the tensions here saw this week’s swift decision limiting the use of...

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CAAV Note 240327: Report of European Agricultural Valuations Conference Lisbon 22nd March 2024


With the title Agricultural Valuation in a Changing World, the CAAV and the Portuguese ASAVAL brought together 130 valuers in a European conference in Lisbon’s Museu do Oriente on 22nd March. The day reviewed valuation principles and practice across Europe with the new challenges of already evident climate change, developing technologies, evolving markets and geo-political instability. The note below reports on the topics from the conference.

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Non-Production SFI Actions - 25% Holding Entry Cap


DEFRA has announced today (25th March) that there will be a cap of 25% of a holding able to be entered into 6 actions under the Sustainable Farming Incentive that take land out of direct food production. The actions are: IPM2: Flower-rich grass margins, blocks, or in-field stripsAHL1: Pollen and nectar flower mixAHL2: Winter bird food on arable and horticultural landAHL3: Grassy field corners or blocksIGL1: Take improved grassland field corners or blocks out of managementIGL2: Winter bird food...

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CAAV Note 240325: BSI Nature Market Principles - Consultation


The British Standards Institute has published a 1st draft of a set of principles for high integrity nature markets for consultation. The document is called BSI Flex 701 v1.0 Nature markets – Overarching principles and framework – Specification. This note provides an introduction.

Wales: New Welsh Rural Affairs Minister


The new Welsh First Minister. Vaughan Gething, has moved Lesley Griffiths to Culture, replacing her with Huw Irranca Davies in a new post for Climate Change and Rural Affairs. When an MP he had been a junior minister at DEFRA.

Jeremy's Blog 22nd March 2024: Scottish Land Reform - The Next Steps


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 21st March 2024 Scotland’s latest Land Reform Bill has now been published. Most of it concerns a series of agricultural tenancy changes and a revised and consolidated Small Landholders regime for perhaps less than 70 tenancies. However, its opening sections 1 to 6 would create a framework to regulate the management of over 400 of the largest rural ownerships and to control the disposal of land by many more with potential...

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240321: England - Register of CPO Decisions Published


The Government has published its Register of decisions for CPO applications in England, with its intention stated: "...increase transparency on how CPO decisions are taken and to improve knowledge and awareness of the purposes which compulsory purchase powers may be used. It is hoped this will give authorities greater confidence to use their CPO powers and help clarify misconceptions about the CPO process."...

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CAAV Note 240321: Northern Ireland - Moving Used Machinery from GB to NI - New Options


The CAAV and others have been pressing DEFRA for ways to ease the process of moving used agricultural machinery to Northern Ireland under post-Brexit rules where Norther Ireland is both part of United Kingdom and within the EU Single Market for Goods with its legislation. Three options are being discussed. A DEFRA Survey is now open seeking views and closes on 5th April. Interested members are urged to respond and take advantage of these live discussions in the hope of helping find more...

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CAAV Note 240319: Great Britain - Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Investment


In its Beyond 2030 Report, the Electricity System Operator (ESO) has recommended electricity transmission infrastructure investment on the Great Britain (GB) network of £58 billion between 2030 and 2035, which is in addition to an indicated £54 billion for 2024-30; all investment is aimed at preparing the electricity system to be net zero by 2035. This note provides information on the announcement. A further note will be prepared when more detail is known....

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CAAV Note 240318: Scotland - Land Reform (Scotland) Bill - Initial Review


As the expressly Land Reform component of the Bill, its Part 1 sets its provisions for “large land holdings” and “large holdings of land” whether over 3,000 ha or 1,000 ha, either as a single holding or a “composite” one, with obligations for land management plans, regulation of land transfers, a requirement for lotting decisions in some cases and a new Land and Communities Commissioner. The other parts of the Bill concern the proposed Land Management Tenancy, an array of tenancy...

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England: Consultation on Bovine TB Badger Control Measures


DEFRA is seeking views on the targeted culling of badgers and increased use of vaccination in the control of bovine tuberculosis (bTB). It proposes to retain badger culling as an option in targeted parts only of the High-Risk Area and Edge Areas, including much of southwest and central England, where there are high levels of infection in cattle, and where evidence suggests badgers are part of the problem in the spread of disease to these herds. When the disease situation has been deemed to have...

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CAAV Note 240315: Crop Planting by Spring 2024


Ahead of any possible further spring plantings, the AHDB has reported on substantial reductions in this year’s planted area for major combinable crops. This note looks at the figures.

Jeremy's Blog 15th March 2024: New Issues for Farm Advice


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 14th March 2024 Pressures on clients’ choices as to the use of property continue to develop with new factors to be taken into account for advice. The Budget’s tax hit on holiday lets may see an appraisal of how cottages are used. Answers may range from keeping them, if integral to the holding in a tourist area and hoping to benefit from others going out, to switching to longer lettings or sale at the reduced rate for...

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CAAV Note 240314: APR and Environmental Agreements - What are Public Bodies


The Budget’s announcement of the prospective extension of APR to agricultural property entered into qualifying environmental agreements has inevitably led to early questions, including the bodies with which a qualifying agreement could be made. This note looks at the position of 'public bodies' in the headline announcements.

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CAAV Note 240311: Abolition of Furnished Holiday Lettings Tax Regime


The Budget of 6th March 2024 announced that the Government is to abolish the Furnished Holiday Lettings tax regime with effect from April 2025. This would apply across the United Kingdom to properties held by individuals and trusts. The note below provides further information.

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CAAV Note 240311: SDLT - Abolition of Multiple Dwellings Relief


Relevant to England and Northern Ireland, the Budget proposes the abolition of Multiple Dwellings Relief (MDR) from 1st June 2024. The note below provides further information. The CAAV and others are being asked about any specifically agricultural issues that should be considered in this – members’ responses would be welcome.

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CAAV Note 240308: Scotland - Competition for a New National Park


Last year, the Scottish Government opened a call for applications to find a new National Park, to be designated by 2026. We looked at the proposal, including the assessment framework for selection, in our website note from June 2023. The areas now to be considered for designation have been announced. This note has an overview....

Jeremy's Blog 8th March 2024: The Budget - Positive APR Decisions


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 7th March 2024 Agricultural Property Relief (APR) from Inheritance Tax has again proved a very robust relief. In yesterday’s Budget with the financial constraints of poor growth, the Treasury issued the Government’s answers to last year’s major consultation: it will work with interested parties to understand what environmental transactions and assets really involve and develop a shared analysis of the issues and so how...

#63 – A review of the Spring Budget


This week, we heard Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s final Budget of this Parliament – and likely the final Tory budget for a few years. Much was touted ahead of the Budget, but what has it really delivered? Jeremy Moody, secretary and adviser to the CAAV, has been trawling through the depths of the details to see what lies behind the headline figures.

England, Wales and Scotland: Summary of CMA Market Study Report into Housebuilding


A summary of the Competitions and Market Authority (CMA) market study final report into housebuilding. The study considers a range of matters including planning policy, supply of housing, quality and innovation and the private management of amenities on housing estates providing an overview of their issues as well as CMA recommendations on these.

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CAAV Note 240406: IHT - Extension of APR for Farmland in Some Environmental Commitments


The Government has today responded to last spring’s consultation on this issue and recognised the need to extend APR to farmland put into qualifying environmental agreements to remove the tax disincentive for owners and farmers to do this, fearing the loss of protection from Inheritance Tax’s 40 per cent charge. It refers to the particular problem for the tenanted sector where, without this, a tenant could change the landlord’s tax status. The note below provides further information....

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Treasury Consultation on Environmental Taxation and APR – Government Response


Following last year’s consultation, the Government has just announced that: “After careful consideration of the responses, the Government’s response outlines it has decided to: establish a joint HM Treasury and HMRC working group with industry representatives to identify solutions that provide clarity on the taxation of ecosystem service markets where existing law or guidance may not provide sufficient clarity extend the existing scope of agricultural property relief from 6...

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CAAV Note 240305: Net Zero and Development - Court Quashes Gove Decision


Last year, Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling up, Housing and Communities, called in a planning application by Marks and Spencer for the demolition and replacement of its store in Oxford Street. Marks and Spencer has now succeeded in the High Court in having that decision quashed. Its appeal was upheld on five of the six grounds advanced, including the net zero argument (see decision). The note below provides further information....

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CAAV Note 240304: Inheritance Tax - Wedding Venue Fails For BPR - Butler v HMRC


The decision in Butler v HMRC by the First Tier Tribunal decision denied Business Property Relief (BPR) from Inheritance Tax to a taxpayer on the basis of an LLP business which principally operated as a wedding venue. This decision turned on the specific facts of how the wedding venue came to be operated and, as a First Tier Tribunal decision, it does not bind any other Tribunal. While the operation employed four people full time, it was found to be more akin to being the landlord of commercial...

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Jeremy's Blog 1st March 2024: Look for Housing Policies that Work


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 29th February 2024 Perhaps, as in T.S. Eliot’s words, “Humankind cannot bear very much reality” (Four Quartets). Much of our public discussion seems based on making gestures, that the wish is better than the deed, the protest more material than the answer, rather than facing the realities of our problems and tackling them, explaining the issues and applying the practical remedies. One of the greatest challenges of...

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240301: Scotland - Heat in Buildings Bill Consultation


The Scottish Government are consulting on proposals to be brought forward in its Heat in Buildings Bill. There are five broad proposals: use of “polluting heating systems” to be prohibited after 2045; those purchasing a home or business premises to end their use of polluting heating systems within a fixed period following completion of the sale; new laws that will require people and businesses to end their use of polluting heating when a heat network becomes available; homeowners to...

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240301: Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 - Factsheet Published


The Home Office has published a factsheet, summarising changes to be brought in by the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023. Once fully implemented, the Act will provide a range of measures to tackle money laundering, corruption and fraud. This includes greater transparency over who owns and controls Limited Companies and limited partnerships (LPs). The CAAV Note of 9th May 2023 outlines how the Act will sit alongside other anti-money laundering and transparency legislation....

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CAAV Note 240229 HMT HMRC Consultation Treasury Letter to the CAAV


Last year, the CAAV made this response to the consultation by the Treasury and HMRC on the taxation of environmental land management and eco-system markets. The Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Nigel Huddleston, has now replied to the CAAV saying that “the Government will give a further update in Spring 2024”. This note provides further briefing....

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England and Wales: Amendments to the Rating of Renewable Energy Projects


New non-domestic rating lists were compiled on 1st April 2023. When new non-domestic rating lists are compiled, the rateable values of hereditaments are reassessed. Hereditaments may see changes in rateable value compared with 31st March 2013 without there necessarily having been a change to the hereditament. The Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention and Renewable Energy Projects) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 amend The Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention and Renewable Energy Projects)...

SFI Action Checker


The RPA has published an online SFI Action Checker: Check what SFI actions you can get paid to do on your land ( This tool can be used to assess which SFI Actions are compatible with the land types on a holding, and directs users to the relevant guidance. It does not assess eligibility for the SFI scheme, but rather is intended as an entry-level tool for those scoping out which actions may be suitable for them....

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CAAV Note 240227: Wales - PPW Update – Net Benefit for Biodiversity


Last year, we briefed members on proposed changes to be made to the Planning Policy Wales (PPW) document, to introduce a requirement for net benefit for biodiversity to be achieved by developments (see: CAAV Note 230316: Wales - Biodiversity Update to PPW - The Central Association for Agricultural Valuers). In a letter to heads of planning in Wales, the Chief Planner has now confirmed the changes that are to be made. The original wording of the policy set out at consultation has been...

Scam Emails Regarding CAAV Overdue Membership Payments


It has been brought to our attention that some members have been receiving scam emails purporting to be from the CAAV and stating that their membership is overdue. If you receive one of these scam emails please delete it. Any genuine emails regarding membership would come from or

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240223: HMRC Webinars on Residential Property Income and Expense


HMRC are offering two webinars for residential landlords:19th March 2024 - expenses and deductions, including revenue and capital expenses, costs of repairs and improvements and finance. Register here20th March 2024 - property income, including furnished holiday lets, 'Rent a Room' scheme and property income allowance. Register here...

Jeremy's Blog 23rd February 2024: Support for Farming as a Business


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 22nd February 2024 The Government went in strength to this week’s NFU AGM: the first Prime Minister’s visit for 16 years as well as the new Secretary of State, Steve Barclay, and Farming Minister Mark Spencer. Always an occasion for announcements, more were made than usual, fleshing out policy development and schemes. Following Steve Barclay’s speech to the Oxford Farming Conference, the theme for England is now...

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CAAV Note 240222: England - Levelling-Up and Regeneration Act Changes to Compulsory Purchase


Having gained Royal Assent last year, England’s Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023 is being implemented in phases. Secondary legislation is required for many of the provisions, with the Act simply providing the enabling powers for these. The Act covers a wide range of subjects, but much of it concerns development control matters and some points on compulsory purchase. It is this latter subject of compulsory purchase which is the focus of the note below, with commencement regulations...

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CAAV Note 240221: England - FETF 2024


The guidance for the 2024 round of the Farming Equipment & Technology Fund (FETF 2024) has now been published Farming Equipment and Technology Fund 2024 - GOV.UK ( DEFRA have also published a blog post on the fund: Farming Equipment and Technology Fund 2024: guidance now available - Farming ( This note provides an overview of the 2024 grants....