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This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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240606: England - Landlord's Right to Rent Checks Guidance from 21st June 2024


The Home Office has published updated Landlord's right to rent checks guidance with effect from 21st June 2024. Applicable to all residential landlords in England, the main updates from the previous versions of the guidance include:Right to Rent checks involving EEA citizens and their non-EEA family members with pre-settled status under the EUSS.Clarification on the role of the Department for Science and InnovationTechnology (DSIT), within the accreditation process of IDSPs and holding...

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CAAV Note 240625: CAAV Schemes Webinar - Q&A


On 13th June, Jeremy Moody and Richard Sanders from the CAAV Secretariate gave a webinar looking at the future of agri-environment schemes in England, focused mainly on the details of the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme. A recording of the webinar is available to purchase on the CAAV website: CAAV - English Schemes Briefing - Recorded Webinar 2024 - The Central Association for Agricultural Valuers. Those looking for more general background to the expanded SFI offer should see...

Jeremy's Blog 21st June: Election Thoughts


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 20th June 2024 A governing party’s manifesto is taken more seriously than many might suppose. The civil service will be poring over it to establish the new policy directions, No 10 conventionally checks off the pledges as progress is made and the House of Lords defers to Bills for manifesto commitments. The political debate of an election campaign then dramatises points, advancing or avoiding proposals and being...

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CAAV Note 240620: Carbon Calculators - Agreement to Harmonise


Three major farm carbon calculators, the Farm Carbon Toolkit, Cool Farm Alliance CIC and Agrecalc, have now agreed to harmonise their methodologies for calculating the greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. This note has a brief overview of the agreement. The three calculators are holding a joint webinar for an hour on 11th September 2024 at 1pm....

Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill


The Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill has completed its Stages in the Scottish Parliament on 18th June and now awaits Royal Assent. As framework legislation, the practical detail for schemes is to come at some point in the Rural Support Plan.

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CAAV Note 240619: River Action v EA


The High Court has handed down a judgement in a judicial review claim launched by the charity River Action: R (River Action) v Environment Agency [2024] EWHC 1279 (Admin). This note reviews the case.

EWCO Grant Deadline for Next Planting Season: 30th June


Potential applicants are reminded that England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) grant applications, aiming to plant in 2024-25, must be submitted by 30 June. This deadline does not apply to Woodland Creation Fast Track projects as these will be processed and an agreement issued within 12 weeks (60 working days) regardless of the time of year, as long as fast track eligibility criteria are met. More information is available here: England Woodland Creation Offer - GOV.UK (

Jeremy's Blog 14th June 2024: Flooding Can Bring a Dark Legacy


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 13th June 2024 We can often overlook how much our landscape has been affected by mining. It is not just coal or Cornish copper and tin. Mining has left a history from the Neolithic flint mines at Grimes Graves and copper mines at Great Orme to today’s great underground granite aggregate quarry at Glensanda in the Highlands and the massive Woodsmith polyhalite mine being hewn under the North Yorkshire Moors. Our varied...

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240612: HMRC Publish List of Businesses not complying with Money Laundering Regulations


HMRC has published a list of businesses fined in 2023-24 for failures to comply with Money Laundering Regulations, many of which were property related businesses in breach for not registering with HMRC. Members are reminded of the need to comply with the Regulations - see CAAV Note 9th May 2023 for an outline of the requirements. The obligation to register with HMRC or other AML requirements can be triggered by just one property transaction; so members should familiarise themselves with the...

Scam Emails


We are aware that some members have been receiving scam emails purporting to be from the CAAV offering either: A list of over 1,500 adding the AGM or A members list. They appear to be using publicly available addresses and, with a style echoing marketing agencies circulars, these are not from the CAAV. If you receive one of these scam emails, please delete it.

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Northern Ireland: Smoke, Heat and Carbon Monoxide Alarms Regulations 2024


The Smoke, Heat and Carbon Monoxide Alarms for Private Tenancies Regulations (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2024 have been made. They come into operation for all new private tenancies from 1 September 2024 and for other private tenancies from 1st December 2024. Minimum numbers and placing of alarms are specified in the Regulations, which permit both hard-wired and battery sealed types, provided they are compliant with BS 5839-6 and BS 50292. Further guidance from the Department for Communities...

CAAV Office Internet Service Resumed


UPDATE: Service now resumed The internet service and access to the server at the CAAV Office, Harts Barn, is temporarily down. We are hoping service will be resumed by the morning of 12th June. Whilst we wait for service to be resumed there will be no access to emails. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

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DEFRA has announced that SFI23 will close for new applications at midnight on Monday 10 June. Any application that has already been started must be submitted within 60 days of starting. Applications for the expanded SFI offer will open fully later in the summer. To apply early and access the new range of actions, those interested can complete an expression of interest survey. Applications are then to be invited to apply over the next few weeks....

Jeremy's Blog 7th June 2024: Statutory Powers and Business Agreements


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 6th June 2024 It may be an obvious point when it is put directly that statutory powers override contractual rights and obligations, even those under an agreement with the state, while actions under a contract can change the legal status of land. Equally, an Act of Parliament and legislation under it only creates the powers that it creates; the state cannot just assume it has powers. While it clearly does not feel as...

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