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What's New

This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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221216: Wales - Cross Compliance for 2023


The Welsh Government has confirmed that the vast majority of Cross Compliance for 2022 will continue to apply for 2023, with some amendments to Factsheets and associated sections of the Verifiable Standards which have been updated for 2023 to reflect changes in requirements, good practice and to clarify wording. See the Welsh Government website for more detail.

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CAAV Note 221216: Tax Rate Differences within the UK


NB – This note replaces the note of 25th September 2022 to take account of the November Financial Statement, LTT changes in Wales and the Scottish Budget. The cumulative effect of this autumn’s Financial Statements, the Scottish Budget and the Welsh decision on LTT has been to widen difference in the taxation: of income between the rest of the UK and Scotlandof land transactions between England and Northern Ireland with SDLT and Wales and Scotland with their own taxes. Capital taxes,...

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CAAV Note 221216: Scotland - Scottish Tax Changes


The Scottish Budget for 2023–24 was outlined to the Scottish Parliament yesterday, including changes to devolved taxes (for more detail, see the Scottish Budget 2023–24). This note reviews the proposals....

Avian Influenza: Online Reporting System


To support its avian influenza mitigation strategy, DEFRA has launched a new online reporting system for dead wild birds in Great Britain. The system is available for use 24/7, making it simpler and quicker to make a report. Any member of the public who finds:One or more dead wild bird of prey such as an owl, hawk or buzzardThree or more dead birds that include at least one gull, swan, goose or duckFive or more dead birds of any sort Is encouraged to make a report and to provide contact...

Energy Efficiency: Consultation on Support for the Private Rented Sector


The government has announced a consultation on the ECO+, an extension of the Energy Company Obligation. Much of the consultation is about general design, including eligibility (mostly low income households living in the least efficient property), costs and targets but there are also specific issues relating to the private rented sector. Eligibility for the private rented sector is considered in two areas: EPC D and E but not F and G on the grounds that landlords should have spent up to £3,500...

#48 - A glimpse of the future; is it one to embrace?


After four months of political uncertainty and an equal number of cabinet reshuffles, the Government wheels are again starting to turn. The backlog of policy is beginning to come through, with Defra secretary Therese Coffey unveiling plans for the new environmental schemes at the CLA conference. Against a background of the fourth financial statement in as many months, Jeremy Moody discusses the economic outlook for farmers and rural businesses.

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Jeremy's Blog 9th December 2022: Decisions on the Back Foot


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 8th December 2022 We are now getting decisions again from the Government but they are often decisions made on the back foot, not as a fresh government with a mandate and programme but one navigating while pummelled by circumstances and firefighting successive shocks. The November Financial Statement was driven by a need to bring order and confidence in markets with the £100 billion reversal in fiscal position, just 55...

Guidance: Woodland Grant Schemes and BPS


The Forestry Commission has updated 'operations note 42', their guidance on the interaction of woodland grant schemes and BPS. The note can be found here: Guidance on woodland grant schemes and BPS: operations note 42 - GOV.UK (

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CAAV Note 221208: DEFRA Policy Review - Coffey at EFRA Committee


Thérèse Coffey, DEFRA Secretary of State, answered questions across her portfolio from the Commons Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee on 6th December. She was joined by DEFRA’s Permanent Secretary, Tamara Finkelstein. This note looks at some comments from the session.

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Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022


The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022 received Royal Assent on 6th December 2022. Part 2 of the Act deals with provisions that are to make changes to the Electronic Communications Code, including: introduction of ADR for disputes;operators to be required to have complaints handling procedures;the statutory valuation for lease renewals under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Act and the Business Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 to be altered to see the "no...

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CAAV Note 221207: Levelling Up Bill - Onshore Wind


In a further announcement on planning policy in England following that on housing development, the government has responded to a backbench amendment to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill by moving policy on on-shore wind in England. This note provides some more context.

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England: RPA Payments


With the payment window having opened on December 1st, the Rural Payments Agency has today advised that 95.3 per cent of farmers have already received their full balancing payments under the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS), topping up the first payments made to most claimants in July and August. Over 102,000 payments have been made, bringing the total paid to farmers to £1.528 billion under BPS, Countryside Stewardship (CS) and Environmental Stewardship (ES) schemes.

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Slurry Infrastructure Grant: Now Open


The Slurry Infrastructure Grant has now opened for applications. Members can find more information on the Grant in our webnote of 23rd November. DEFRA, RPA, Environment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming are running a joint information webinar on Wednesday 7 December 2022 at 14:30. Those interested can register to attend here: Slurry Infrastructure Grant Webinar Tickets, Wed 7 Dec 2022 at 14:30 | Eventbrite....

Heat Pumps and Energy Efficiency Measures: Grants from Scottish Government


The Scottish Government has announced grant support of up to £7,500 for installation of heat pumps in private houses. It is also offering similar levels of grant for households wishing to install other energy efficiency measures. The grants are increased by £1,500 for houses in rural areas. The previous obligation to take an interest-free loan alongside the grant has been removed. Private sector tenants are eligible for grants under some circumstances but landlords appear not to be. Further...

CAAV Examinations Results


With the results of the CAAV’s practical, written and oral professional examinations now sent to candidates, the CAAV is very pleased to welcome 72 new Fellows from all parts of the United Kingdom.

Jeremy's Blog 2nd December 2022: DEFRA Policies Reaffirmed


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 1st December 2022 Two striking points about DEFRA’s agricultural and environmental policies, with their twin themes of improving farming productivity and the environment, are that: they are the principal area of post-Brexit policy development, with the Agriculture Act 2020 as the first major post-Brexit statute even with all the political turbulence, never minding the normal uncertainties of political life, the goals have...

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Resilient Woodlands and Treescapes


Royal Forestry Society (RFS) and the Royal Scottish Forestry Society (RSFS), in connection with Trainhugger UK and GreenTheUK, have announced a new grant scheme for RFS and RSFC Members. Grants are for this planting season and beyond, at a rate of 50p per tree. Full terms and conditions, and applications details, can be found here....



The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) has announced 18 days of strikes in the next two months by its members at the RPA. The RPA has advised the CAAV and other that: “You may have seen dates for upcoming RPA strikes and we wanted to provide assurance on our level of service during this period. “We’ve been working hard over the summer and autumn to ensure that we get as many farmers paid when the payment window for BPS, CS and ES opens this week and we’ve made good progress....

Avian Influenza: Wales Housing Order


The Welsh Government has announced that a housing order for all poultry and captive birds will come into effect on Friday 2nd December 2022. In addition, it will be mandatory to complete a biosecurity self-assessment. Three of the four nations of the UK now have mandatory housing orders in place, the exception being Scotland....

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CAAV Agricultural Land Occupation Survey 2022 - England and Wales


The forms for the 2022 CAAV Agricultural Land Occupation Survey for England and Wales have been circulated to Local Association secretaries by email and are attached again here for convenience. The survey records changes in land occupation, including new arrangements (FBTs, succession tenancies, grazing agreements or contract farming arrangements) and identifying what has happened to land that has left the let sector (sold or taken in-hand, for example). It does not ask about rent. This is the...

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CAAV Note 221127: CGT Changes and Trusts


The interaction between the Autumn Financial Statement’s reductions in the Annual Exempt Amount for CGT and Schedule 1C of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 means that some trusts could have an annual exempt amount as low as £300 in 2024/25. This note provides a summary of the changes announced as part of the Finance Bill.

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Jeremy's Blog 25th November 2022: Government is now Moving


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 24th November 2022 Government in London is now beginning to take decisions again. Civil servants have briefed their fourth set of ministers since the end of June and markets have been calmed after the fallout from the September Financial Statement. The backlog is large, the time left to this government even more limited and many of our issues laid out more starkly than before. From DEFRA, we have the good news of the...

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CAAV Note 221125: England - Nutrient Neutrality Guidance and Mitigation


Natural England has published its Nutrient Neutrality Generic Guidance. This document sets out in detail the approach to be taken to assess, mitigate and offset the risk of nutrient runoff from development impacting protected natural areas. DEFRA have also released an update to the progress of the Nutrient Mitigation Scheme and related amendments to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. Some background is provided in this website note....

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Slurry Infrastructure Grant: Webinar


DEFRA will host a webinar on the Slurry Infrastructure Grant on Wednesday 7th December. Participants will be able to put questions to the policy leads during the session.

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Environmental Farming Scheme Claim Confirmation


DAERA is asking EFS agreement holders who started their agreement on 1 January 2022 to ensure they complete a Claim Confirmation this December. Farmers who accepted a Tranche 5 agreement in 2022 and submitted a year 1 claim using the Single Application Service this year, must submit a Claim Confirmation online between 1 December 2022 and midnight 3 January 2023. Failure to submit a Claim Confirmation will mean you will not be paid and your EFS Tranche 5 agreement will be cancelled. Claim...

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Jeremy's Blog 18th November 2022: What Best Delivers Environmental Objectives


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 17th November 2022 There is a dreary and repetitive pattern to some public discussion of environmental schemes, one that appears to fail to understand, ignore or hide the realities of policies but seems to make good copy. Too often, it defaults to see not only backsliding but betrayal, alleging that at each turn the Government is about to hold a bonfire of the environment. Looking back, lobby groups were raising this concern...

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BASIS: Principles of Sustainable Land Management - WINTER OFFER


Under a new policy and market focus, land managers face a spread of challenges and opportunities, including demanding environmental targets, goals for carbon reduction and biodiversity improvements. Government and private schemes increasingly focus on environmental outcomes:The environmental land management suite of schemes in England;Sustainable Land Management in Wales;biodiversity and sustainability conditionality in Scotland. This requires advisers to have a familiarity with the language...

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CAAV Note 221112: Wales - Key Milestones for Let Dwellings


The implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 will see new agreements, standards and requirements needing to be met for new and existing let property. This note provides an overview of the key actions and dates that members should be aware of and replaces the earlier note of 8th August 2022.

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Jeremy's Blog 11th November 2022: We Must Learn to Mitigate


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 10th November 2022 As COP26 slides into COP27 with COP28 doubtless to follow, the language of climate change and the high level commitments become ever more familiar but the scale of its impact, what might be required to mitigate it and what we might have to do to adapt to it have yet to impress themselves on the public mind. At one level, it is evident that the real heavy lifting has to be done by the major corporate...

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