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What's New

This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

Jeremy's Blog 27th January 2023: DEFRA Lays Out Environmental Schemes


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 26th January 2023 DEFRA has today set out in over a hundred pages its approach, schemes and options in England for this year and 2024. It offers six new SFI standards for 2023, each now with options, not in separate levels, and their payment rates, some now moved from Countryside Stewardship and developed. The picture is given for Countryside Stewardship, now enhanced to carry the load that had been intended for Local Nature...

#49 The Energy Trilemma – what does the future hold?


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused enormous upheaval in global energy markets. We are now facing conflicting demands – on the one hand, the nation is seeking to bolster security of supply, while also capping energy costs. On the other, the Government has committed to increasing renewable energy in a bid to reach net zero, all while demand continues to soar. Given the ageing state of the National Grid, Rebecca Collins examines what this all means for rural residents and landowners.

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CAAV Note 230124: Building Reinstatement Costs Update


With further volatility in material and labour costs, this note provides guidance and supplements the CAAV Rebuilding Costs Schedule 2018 (superseding the earlier notes of 23rd January 2022 and 14th August 2022).

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CAAV Note 230123: DEFRA Supply Chain Issues Survey


DEFRA has opened the Disruptive Challenges Survey. See this note for more detail. This Survey is open until 31st January 2023. Please click here to see and start the Survey which is intended to take less than 10 minutes to complete.

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Slurry Infrastructure Grant - Apply by 31st January


DEFRA has reminded farmers to apply before the 31st January for the first round of the Slurry Infrastructure Grant. More information on eligibility and the funding available can be found in our website note of 23rd November 2023.

Jeremy's Blog 20th January 2023: From Area Payments to Debating Land Use


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 19th January 2023 Twenty years ago this week the EU Commission, then a power in Britain, published the draft legislation for the Single Payment Scheme. It being immediately clear that access to land would be the key to securing entitlements and then give access to future payments, this draft froze the agricultural land sales market. That required work and ingenuity by the CAAV and lawyers to develop the arrangements for...

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CAAV Note 230118: England - Countryside Stewardship - Capital Payment Rates Update


Earlier this year, DEFRA announced increases in the payment rates for capital options within Countryside Stewardship. Those new rates were to apply to applications made from 5th January 2023. This raised a shoal of issues and concerns for people with prior applications and agreements but outstanding capital works. These were reviewed in the CAAV e-Briefing leader of 12th January and the Blog of 13th January. DEFRA has today announced a series of changes and clarifications, with further issues...

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CAAV Website Note 230117: The FBT and Statutory Residential Letting Requirements in England and Wales


Clause 5.2(c) of the CAAV Farm Business Tenancy (FBT) model clauses for two years or less, or for longer periods obliges the tenant to occupy the farmhouse as his usual place of residence. Several aspects of the statutory requirements for let residential property encompass FBTs. This note sets out the main requirements and complements CAAV numbered publication 245: The Letting and Management of Residential Property in England the CAAV residential lettings web page. As always, regulations are...

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CAAV Note 230113: Wales - Occupation Beyond the End of an Initial Fixed Term Contract


Since its implementation on 1st December 2022, the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 presents a new practical issue as to what are the terms when a periodic tenancy follows on the expiry of a fixed term agreement. This note outlines the position and provides draft clause which may be considered for use by incorporation into a fixed term occupation contract if deemed appropriate to the circumstances....

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CAAV Note 230113: Climate Change - Net Zero - Skidmore Report


Chris Skidmore, former energy minister, was invited Jacob Rees-Mogg, when Business Secretary under Liz Truss as Prime Minister, to conduct a swift review of the business and other issues in meeting the net zero emissions target by 2050. He has now issued his 340 page report, Mission Zero, with 129 recommendations to Government. This note provides and initial review of the report....

Jeremy's Blog 13th January 2023: Countryside Stewardship Capital Payments Uncertainty


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 12th January 2023 DEFRA’s policy and operational decisions are now coming in fits and starts, not yet catching up with what many are seeking. December saw the announcement that Countryside Stewardship, already with some 35,000 agreement holders, would be developed to meet the larger land use objectives and local priorities previously set for the Local Nature Recovery scheme, which was not going to be seen at all until...

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CAAV Note 230110: Energy Costs Relief - 2023-24


The Treasury has announced a new Energy Bills Discount Scheme to be established under the Energy Prices Act 2022 for non-domestic users including businesses, charities and the public sector that will apply for the twelve months from 1st April when the present scheme ends. This note contains more information.

Avian Influenza: Catching Up of Wild Game Birds


The Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) covering the whole of England, Wales and Scotland has been amended to forbid the movement of game birds that have been caught up for 21 days. The Game Act 1831 permits the catching up of wild game birds during the open season for the purposes of breeding. The prohibition came into effect at midday on 9 January 2023. Birds may not be moved from the premises where they are caught for 21 days after the last bird was caught, unless a licence is first...

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230109: Openreach Wayleave Rates


Openreach set standard payment rates for a variety of apparatus; the latest rates, as of January 2023, are below. The CAAV periodically meet with Openreach and we anticipate further guidance being available to members in due course.

OFC 2023: Jeremy Moody's Presentation - Focus on What You Can Control


The CAAV hosted a successful breakfast meeting at the 2023 Oxford Farming Conference. Jeremy Moody, Secretary and Adviser, gave a presentation to attendees, with the title 'Focus on What You Can Control'. Jeremy Moody drew attention to what might matter to farm businesses – and what might be a distraction – as we move further into this new era of change, risk and uncertainty. The slides are available here: Jeremy Moody' Presentation 06/01/2023....

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230107: National Connectivity Alliance Launch


The National Connectivity Alliance (NCA) is a new industry body, formed of telecommunications providers, infrastructure providers, landowners and their professional advisers. The CAAV is a member of the NCA Steering Group. On the launch of the NCA, the Digital Infrastructure Minister Julia Lopez MP said: "I welcome the creation of this new alliance, which will bring together industry and landowners to improve negotiations and make sure we are doing everything we can to boost connectivity,...

Jeremy's Blog 6th January 2023: Policy Certainty - Farming as a Business


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 5th January 2023 While a commonplace point in much end of year commentary has been uncertainty over agricultural policy, this is an area of relative certainty. Area payments are being phased out in England, are to be removed in Wales and made much more conditional in Scotland with strong climate change objectives. Only Northern Ireland, with no Ministers, Executive or Assembly, is not taking a new policy forward though the...

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European Valuer – Edition No. 28


European Valuer is the quarterly journal of The European Group of Valuers’ Associations (TEGoVA). TEGoVA brings together 70 valuers’ associations, including the CAAV, from 37 countries, both in and outside the EU with observer members from the USA, Canada and elsewhere. European Valuer contains updates on the work of the Group, as well as topical editorial commentary. Edition No. 28 includes articles on: 'The Dawn of an Uncertain Era – The Era of Risk?''Valuing War Damage in...

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CAAV Note 230102: England - Illegal Tree Felling - Increased Penalties and Powers


The Environment Act 2021 provides for increased penalties under the Forestry Act 1967 for illegal tree felling. These have now taken effect for England from 1st January 2023 under the Environment Act 2021 (Commencement No. 5 and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2022 No. 1266. The Regulations apply the Act’s Schedule 16, amending Part 2 of the Forestry Act 1967. This note provides further information....

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CAAV Note 230102: Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill - Half Time Report


England’s Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB), following on from the February 2022 White Paper, has completed its Commons stages and is now in the House of Lords with a significant number of Government amendments, that have taken it from 338 pages to 408 pages. More Government amendments are expected. The portmanteau Bill covers subjects from English devolution with “Combined County Authorities” to the power to review RICS governance and pavement licences but much of it concerns...

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221228: Survey regarding Non-Domestic Alternative Fuel Payment support


The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has been delivering support to those impacted by increasing energy costs. As part of this, BEIS is conducting research with organisations that are responsible for non-domestic buildings such as business, agriculture, schools, charities and not-for-profit organisations, which are not connected to the mains gas grid and use alternative fuels, such as heating oil. BEIS have created a user survey (Microsoft Forms) to collect...

Northern Ireland: Avian Influenza Surveillance Zone Lifted


Chief Veterinary Officer for Northern Ireland, Dr. Robert Huey, has announced that the Avian Influenza Surveillance Zones in County Fermanagh have now been lifted and movement restrictions removed. The Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) remains in place across the whole of Northern Ireland and that includes the need to adhere to those strict biosecurity measures and the mandatory housing order introduced in November for all kept and captive birds....

CAAV Christmas Closure


The CAAV office will close for Christmas at 1 p.m. on Thursday 22nd December 2022 and re-open on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. May we take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

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221222: Wales - Renting Homes Guidance on Possession Action


The Welsh Government has published 'Understanding the possession action process: A guide for private landlords in Wales', summarising Court processes and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms for occupation contracts under the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016. The CAAV has published its comprehensive text, which has been sent to Welsh members and is also available for non-members to purchase here....

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SI 2022/1258 (W.256) The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 (Amendment of Schedule 12 and Consequential Amendment) Regulations 2022


For converted standard periodic contracts (those which were periodic ASTs before 1st December 2022), the period of notice for the no fault s.173 ground has been amended. A s.173 notice served between 1st December 2022 and 31st May 2023, the minimum period of notice has remains 2 months. For notices served on or after 1st June 2023, the minimum period of notice has been increased to 6 months, aligning converted periodic contracts with most other periodic occupation contracts....

Jeremy's Blog 21st December 2022: Christmas Light for the Future


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 21st December 2022 Christmas is a fixed point each year in the calendar of turbulent centuries, important for the faith of many and, with older roots close to the darkest day of the winter solstice, long-embedded in the customs of our people, as it is in the customs of others. That continuity over the ages brings comfort in a time of uncertainty as the world, juddering with shocks, enters a new age of risk. The power of...

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CAAV Note 221220: Making Tax Digital Deferred for Income Tax


The Government has now confirmed the deferral of the date from which it is to be mandatory to use software for Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax Self Assessment (ITSA), so that it would start from 2026, later for those with lower profits.. This note provides more information.

Great Britain: Green Gas Support Scheme Open for Applications


The Green Gas Support Scheme provides tariff support for plants producing biomethane via anaerobic digestion which is injected into the gas grid. It opened for applications on 30 November 2021 and is funded by the Green Gas Levy. It replaces the Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive which closed on 31 March 2021. Tariff support is available to cover the cost of new biomethane production equipment and the cost of operating it. Tariff support payments are made for 15 years....

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CAAV Note 221219 England: STEPS Grant Funding


Local land managers are being encouraged to submit applications to Severn Trent’s Environmental Protection Scheme (STEPS) before the application window closes on 31st January 2023. This note has some more detail.

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CAAV Note 221216: Environmental Targets


The Government has today (16th December), in a written statement laid in the House of Lords, set out the statutory Environmental Targets required under s. 1 of the Environment Act 2021. This note provides more detail.

Jeremy's Blog 16th December 2022: CAAV at Oxford - Focus on What You Can Control


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 15th December 2022 The CAAV is presenting an event for those attending the Oxford Farming Conference, meeting in-person for the first time since 2020. This Conference has been meeting for many decades at the start of the year, bringing together farmers, advisers, policy makers and others from across the UK and further afield, looking ahead at policy and practice critical in these challenging times. Last year, we used a...

RPA Contact Details


The RPA increasingly corresponds with registered land manages and their agents via email, updating them about individual business but also general changes and actions. We have been informed by a member of a potential issue with recorded contact details. Where the member has submitted a grant application or claim on behalf of a client and has then subsequently updated their contact details, it appears that the RPA may on occasion retain and use the contact details from the submission. In the...

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