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This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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CAAV BPS 2023 Payment Estimator


Attached is the 2023 version of the CAAV BPS Payment Estimator to assist members with checking 2023 BPS payments in England. The CAAV can accept no liability for its use.

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CAAV Note 231216: Beef - Proposed Exclusion of Deforested Supply


The Environment Act 2021 gives powers at s.116 and Schedule 17 for schemes to insist that the UK supply chain does not use produce from land that has been illegally deforested. As part of its work at COP28, the Government has now announced that the initial list of excluded products will include beef and leather. This note looks at some of the implications of the ban....

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Jeremy's Blog 15th December 2023: 30 by 30 - The Challenge for Land Use


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 14th December 2023 Forget England’s Agricultural Transition and the coming end of Basic Payment in the other parts of the United Kingdom. While those dominate conversation and thinking, the most striking policy change for much rural land across the UK goes far beyond where the environmental parts of the new policies might seem to go. The international “30by30” commitment means that 30 per cent of land and 30 per cent of...

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Transition CS to EWCO


The Forestry Commission has updated the grant manual for the England Woodland Creation Offer, providing more detail for when applicants can move land from Countryside Stewardship into the EWCO scheme. See section 3.3.2 here: England Woodland Creation Offer application form - GOV.UK (

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SFI Applications - System Updates & Application Changes


At the end of December, the RPA will be closing the SFI application portal, to allow for annual updates to be undertaken. Any unsubmitted SFI applications will need to be restarted when the system re-opens in January. The key points are: SFI 2023 applications should be submitted by 31 December In order for applicants to apply in 2024, RPA will close the service for new applications for a few days, between 27 December and 1 January Customers with an SFI application they have started but...