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What's New

This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

Jeremy's Blog 12th January 2024: The Outlook for Interest Rates


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 11th January 2024 Recent weeks have seen a mood that interest rates may be on the way down. However, UK 10 year gilts are nudging back up to 4 per cent and there seems reason for rates to remain higher for longer and also be more volatile. The strange period was the 15 years of unprecedented ultra-low interest rates from 2008 to 2023, not the last few months in which we have returned to a world of significant interest rates....

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CAAV Note 240111: Consultation on Greater Transparency


The Government issued this consultation between Christmas and the New Year seeking views on greater transparency of land ownership where it involves trusts. Responses are requested by 21st February. This note sets out more detail.

CAFRE Soil Nutrient Health Scheme Training


DAERA has announced that the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) is providing free, face-to-face Soil Nutrient Health Scheme (SNHS) training sessions for farmers in the County Down area.

Updated Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) Payment Rates


Defra has reviewed and updated Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) payment rates based on current costs. Where the 2024 rate has increased, the higher payment rate will be paid for: existing SFI Pilot and 2023 agreements, backdated to the start of their current agreement applications received in 2024 SFI 22 payment rates are not changing as the scheme is closing....

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Scotland: Consultation on Management of Deer for Climate and Nature


The Scottish Government has launched a consultation with a view to updating the legislation on the management of wild deer. The consultation follows the report of the Deer Working Group in 2020. The proposed legislative changes seek to improve deer management taking into consideration climate change and biodiversity. Changes to legislation that were made in 2023 include to remove the close season for all male deer, to enable the wider use of non-toxic ammunition and to facilitate night...

Flooding – DEFRA Statement


Robbie Moore, Floods Minister, has made a statement in the Commons on the renewed flooding in England following Storm Henk, noting that: “Parts of the country had a month’s worth of rain in the first four days of January, and that rain fell on already saturated ground. Several of our biggest river systems—the Trent, Thames, Severn and Avon—saw record levels, or close to record levels …” He stressed the protection given by recent flood defence works and the 2022 planning guidance...

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CAAV Note 240108: England - Flood Recovery Framework


The Government has announced financial support for farmers, businesses and households in those areas of England that have experienced exceptional localised flooding form Storm Henk (2nd to 8th January). This note sets out the support available.

Jeremy's Blog 5th January 2024: Power Cables for the New Economy


As a striking achievement, the United Kingdom is now about halfway to its net zero target for 2050, the first G7 country to do so. With the lags in producing statistics, the headline territorial measure for UK-produced greenhouse gas emissions in 2022 has now been reported at 51 per cent of their level in 1990, lower than before the pandemic and expected to have fallen further in 2023. With much of this achieved by increased renewable energy reducing the share of fossil fuel in electricity...

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CAAV Note 240104: England's Agricultural Transition Plan Update


Following an earlier note, this update provides more detail on the Secretary of State’s speech to the Oxford Farming Conference. Accompanied by the publication of the Agricultural Transition Plan Update and three years after the original Plan was issued, this sets out a substantial expansion of SFI and other measures phased in over 2024....



Andrew Liddiment of near Leominster, Herefordshire referred himself to the CAAV’s disciplinary processes following a criminal conviction for sexual assault. The CAAV Executive, sitting as a Disciplinary Panel, reviewed all papers submitted and, as authorised for such a case under the Bylaws, determined that the seriousness of the matter for the reputation of a Fellow and of the Association warranted his expulsion from membership of the Association with immediate effect from 19th...

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CAAV Note 240104: OFC announcement and publication of the Agricultural Transition Plan


Now three years into the Agricultural Transition and with payments delinked, the speech to the Oxford Farming Conference (see press release) by the new Secretary of State, Steve Barclay, was accompanied by the Agricultural Plan Transition Update, continuing to aim for a 70 per cent take of environmental land management agreements by farmers, while making other announcements is support of farming productivity. This note summarises the speech and is supported by the attached DEFRA papers....

SFI Applications Re-Open


The end of year closure of the SFI Application Portal meant that all applications that had been started but not submitted by then are treated as withdrawn. The Application Portal has now re-opened. We understand that a number of applications have already been started using re-opened Portal and a small number of applications have now been submitted. This is seen to suggest that the system is again functional.

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CAAV Christmas Closure


The CAAV office will close for Christmas at 1 p.m. on Friday 22nd December 2023 and re-open on Tuesday 2nd January 2024. May we take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

Jeremy's Blog 22nd December 2023: The Year Turns


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 21st December 2023 With the winter solstice in the dark of early tomorrow morning, the year turns to bring 2023 to an end and open 2024 and all it might offer. The great feasts of lights, Jewish Hannukah followed by Christmas, shine out in the mid-winter, lights against the dark. From this autumn’s grey and rain sodden farmland of Britain to the grim war-fronts of south and east Ukraine, this matters for the hope and...

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231221: Wales - Cross Compliance for 2024


The Welsh Government has confirmed that the vast majority of Cross Compliance for 2023 will continue to apply for 2024, with some amendments to Factsheets and associated sections of the Verifiable Standards which have been updated for 2024 to reflect changes in requirements, good practice and to clarify wording. See the Welsh Government website for more detail.

Delinked Payments: Check Information Statements


As Members will be aware, BPS ends on 31st December 2023, succeeded by delinked payments managing the run-off funds of the scheme. For more background to the scheme, see our recent Podcast). Over the past month, farm businesses have received an Information Statement, setting out the basis on which their delinked payments would be calculated. A business’ reference data – the gross payment received across 2020, 2021 and 2022 – will be able to be transferred to another party in early 2024....