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This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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SI 2023/104 The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 (Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land) Amendment Regulations 2023


The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 (Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/85) came into force on 1st April 2022. They require the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland to establish and maintain a public register of persons holding a controlled interest in land. A provision for an initial one-year transitional period, running to 1st April 2023, was to allow time for entities who may own land in Scotland to provide details of controlling interests,...

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230420: NI Consultation on Regional Strategic Planning Policy for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy


The Northern Ireland Department for Infrastructure has opened a consultation on regional strategic planning policy for renewable and low carbon energy. The stated aim of the review is to ensure that regional strategic planning policy on renewable and low carbon energy remains fit for purpose and up-to-date to inform decision-making in relation to development proposals for this subject area. It is also intended to inform the local development plan (LDP) process and enable plan-makers to bring...

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230418: HM Courts & Tribunal Services - Webinar on E-Filing


The Upper Tribunals (UT) and the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) intend to mandate E-Filing for professional users when filing or issuing new proceedings/claims. HM Courts & Tribunal Service are therefore hosting a webinar (two dates are offered) to demo E-Filing and the functions within it. The webinar will be recorded and there will be a Q&A after the demo. The links to register for the E-filing webinar/demo are below: 3rd May 2023 - Webinar registration | Microsoft Teams 10th May 2023...

Avian Influenza Housing Measures Lifted in Northern Ireland


The Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has announced that the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) housing measures for poultry and captive birds in Northern Ireland have been lifted from 00:01 on Tuesday 18 April 2023. The AIPZ mandatory biosecurity measures will remain in force. The announcement includes a link to a biosecurity checklist....

Jeremy's Blog 14th April 2023: Planning for Change or Hiding From It


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 13th April 2023 England may be demonstrating that one thing worse and less effective than having national panning targets is not having them. The August 2020 Planning White Paper proposed a new approach looking afresh at where people want to live as revealed by the ratio between prices and wages. The early retreat from that turned into a Parliamentary rout before Christmas on the Levelling up and Urban Regeneration Bill, such...

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CAAV Note 230414: Wales - Checklist for Occupation Contracts (V2)


The checklist below is aide memoire to assist members meet the statutory requirements for occupation contracts under the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016. It has been updated to include the obligation for the landlord to provide an inventory to the contract-holder, which is a supplementary provision and, therefore, can be omitted or amended if the parties agree.

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Avian Influenza Housing Measures To Be Lifted in England and Wales


The Animal Plant and Health Agency has announced that the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) housing measures for poultry and captive birds in England and Wales will be lifted from 00:01 on Tuesday 18 April 2023. The AIPZ mandatory biosecurity measures will remain in force. More information on Wales is available on the Welsh Government website. At this time the Scottish government has not lifted the housing measures....

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UK Infrastructure Bank Act 2023


This Act establishes the UK Infrastructure Bank (UKIB), which is wholly owned by the Treasury. The Act sets out the objectives of the bank, which are:to help tackle climate change, including by supporting efforts to meet the target for 2050 set out in section 1 of the Climate Change Act 2008, andto support regional and local economic growth. The UKIB can provide finance, loans and other support to projects which are wholly or mainly relating infrastructure....

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230411: First Phase of National Underground Asset Register Launched


The Geospatial Commission has announced the first phase release of a digital map, generally known as the 'National Underground Asset Register' (NUAR), showing underground cables and pipes. Ultimately providing information on buried services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and intended to reduce accidental asset strikes, the map currently covers North East England, Wales and London. Use of the digital map is currently restricted to asset owners, such as utility companies, transport and...

Jeremy's Blog 6th April 2023: Carbon - Missing Ambitions


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 6th April 2023 In the last week we have seen a step and been shown parts of a map for the long road to net zero. Both illustrate the sheer scale of the journey still to be travelled, once grandly referred to by a minister as "the biggest transition in human history". We should not underestimate what that requires for the target to be met in the next 27 years - and still have to adapt to much climate change. The step is that,...

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CAAV Note 230405: Green Finance Strategy and Nature Markets Framework


At the close of March, the Government released a series of publications setting out policy and objectives for reaching Net Zero, as well as meeting broader environmental ambitions. Reported as the ‘Green Day,’ the documents included Powering Up Britain – The Net Zero Growth Plan and the Carbon Budget Delivery Plan. Both of these have been reviewed in detail on our website. Among the publications were several documents related to the financing of the net zero transition and wider nature...

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CAAV Note 230404: England and Wales - Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards for Non-domestic Property


With effect from 1st April 2023, all privately rented non-domestic property must meet Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Band E or better. This note sets out the requirement and its background and briefly discusses the options for landlords. It also refers to the government consultation on privately rented domestic property which proposes to raise the minimum energy performance of privately rented domestic property to Band C by 2025.

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CAAV Note 230403: Species Recovery Grants


Natural England has launched an £18 million Species Recovery Programme Capital Grant Scheme to help protect rare and threatened species. This note provides some more detail.

#53 – Artificial intelligence: Opportunity or threat?


Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in daily life, and when it comes to work, generative technologies – those which create images and text – could be incredibly useful. There’s been a lot in the news recently about ChatGPT, and it tends to divide opinion – there are those who are worried it will take their jobs and ultimately threaten humanity, and there are others who merrily use it in their day-to-day work to save time on mundane jobs. So who’s right? Richard Sanders,...

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230403: England - How to Rent Guide Updated


The Government has published an updated 'How to rent: the checklist for renting in England'. Landlords (or their agents) in England should serve a copy of this guidance on tenants of ASTs, preferably before the start of the agreement. Failure to do so invalidates no fault notices under s.21 to regain possession. The Government has also updated its 'How to Let' guidance for those considering letting their property....

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230403: Openreach Information Pack for CAAV Members


Openreach have published an information pack for CAAV members, which includes details on:Identifying Openreach equipment;Making a network alteration request;Existing apparatus - wayleave search or making a claim for a wayleave;Reporting damage or safety issues with Openreach apparatus. Openreach welcome feedback on this document from CAAV members. Please email if you have any comments or questions.

Jeremy's Blog 31st March 2023: Change and its Tensions


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 30th March 2023 2023 is the pivot year for English agricultural policy, when its gathering momentum becomes real for farmers on the journey to a business sector without direct payments in 2028: Basic Payment rates are cut by 35 per cent from 2020; 50 per cent in 2024 now paid half yearly, the payment this July/August 2023 will see farmers paid more half the total payments due between 2021 and 2027 de-linking for 2024...

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CAAV Note 230331: Net Zero - Carbon Budget - Agriculture Plan


Among the many papers issued by the Government as part of its revised Net Zero and energy security policies is a Carbon Budget Delivery Plan that begins to set out some of the detail in how the potentially demanding targets for net reductions in greenhouse gases by the agriculture and land use sectors. This note collects and reviews the relevant policies....

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England: Farming Equipment and Technology Fund Updates


Farm Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) – The present application round for productivity and slurry management closes on 4th April. The round for Animal Health and Welfare has just opened, capable of funding items such as solar panels for electric fencing, cow brushes, sheep handling, and cameras for monitoring animals. The opportunity for larger grants for cattle housing may be available later this year....

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CAAV Note 230329: Compulsory Purchase - the Last Resort?


Two separate decisions by The Planning Inspectorate, both refusing applications for CPOs for schemes thought desirable, provides some insight on the question: to what extent is an acquiring authority expected to engage and negotiate with affected parties? This note reviews the two cases, both of which refer to the Government 'Guidance on Compulsory purchase process and The Crichel Down Rules'....

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CAAV Note 230328: Scammell with Discount


The latest and eleventh edition of Scammell, Densham and Williams, Law of Agricultural Holdings, has been published with its thorough coverage of current law and decided cases now updated for developments since the tenth edition of 2015. CAAV Discount – Priced at £269.99, the publishers are kindly making it available to CAAV members with a 30 per cent discount at £188.99. This is available by pasting this code – – into a browser....

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CAAV Note 230327: England - Local Nature Recovery Strategy - Guidance


On 23rd March, DEFRA published guidance on the preparation of Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS), as well as the response to a related consultation. The guidance can be found here: Local nature recovery strategy statutory guidance ( The consultation response is here: Local Nature Recovery Strategies: how to prepare and what to include - GOV.UK ( This note provides an overview....

Rules for Farmers and Land Managers: Collected Guidance


Recently, DEFRA sought feedback from a group of farmers, land managers and advisers in England to improve the presentation and accessibility of information related to farming legislation and regulation. The research group reported difficulty in finding relevant rules and understanding their implications due to the number of rules, their grouping, and complex wording. To address these issues, a single page called "Rules for Farmers and Land Managers" has been created on GOV.UK, which groups...

Jeremy's Blog 24th March 2023: Climate Change, Agriculture and Land Use Decisions


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 23rd March 2023 Next week may give a glimpse of the scale of change ahead and what it might mean for rural land management if carbon imperatives begin to catch up with scheme design while we get closer to deadlines for targets. The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change has just produced a synthesis report, summarising its work with the views that: it may now be harder to limit warming to 1.5 or 2 degrees without earlier...

Slurry Infrastructure Grant: Full Application Guidance


DEFRA has published guidance for those who have been invited to submit a full application to the Slurry Infrastructure Grant: Invited applicants: how to fill in a Slurry Infrastructure grant full application - GOV.UK (

Foundation for Common Land: SFI Internal Agreement


As part of the Foundation for Common Land's Defra funded Test and Trial, they are developing resources to reduce barriers to commons entering the SFI Moorland standard and to maximise outcomes. They have made available the resources on Internal Agreements the FCL Website. The Precedent and accompanying documents can be found here: Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) Moorland — Foundation for Common Land....

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CAAV Note 230322: England - BNG Metric - Consultation Response


In the latter half of 2022, DEFRA opened a consultation into proposed changes to the Biodiversity Metric, and also sought views on related issues such as training and guidance. We published a note on the consultation on our website: CAAV Note 220802: Biodiversity Net Gain - Technical Consultation - The Central Association for Agricultural Valuers The consultation response has now been published: Technical consultation on the biodiversity metric - Defra - Citizen Space. This note provides an...

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CAAV Note 230321: IPCC Climate Change Synthesis Report


The United Nation’s Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) yesterday published its synthesis report summarising its present appraisal as analysed in much longer papers. This note reviews the headline messages of the report.

RPA Maps: Issues on iPads


Members have been in contact to tell us that they are having trouble accessing RPA maps on an iPad. A recent update to the Rural Payments Service means that the maps now open in a new tab - this is to allow the user to continue to review and update information on the system while also using the maps. However, the default setting of the Safari browser on an iPad is to block pop-ups, preventing the new tab with the maps from opening. To changes this, iPad users should open Settings, scroll down...

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CAAV Note 230320: CAAV Centenary Scholarships


The history of the CAAV Centenary Scholarship is set out in this note. Any member interested in considering a Centenary Scholarship should contact Jeremy Moody to discuss the matter.

#52 - The Spring Budget: Unpicking the details


Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has delivered his first Budget – and while there was not a huge amount in there for the farming industry, there are potentially significant changes afoot. That’s because he announced a review of how environmental land management will be treated from a taxation perspective, the potential to limit agricultural property relief on let land, and a big push on encouraging investment. Jeremy Moody, secretary and adviser to the CAAV, picks out the detail and explores the...

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CAAV Note 230320: IHT and Environmental Uses and Credits - HMRC Manual


Aside from the consultation and call for evidence issued with the March 2023 Budget on the taxation of environmental credits and on the potential to extend APR to include land in defined environmental commitments, HMRC has updated its Inheritance Tax manual in two respects regarding the environmental use of land. This note looks at the changes....

Jeremy's Blog 17th March 2023: Budget 2023 Environmental and APR Tax Consultation


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 16th March 2023 We see growing competition for the use of land with agriculture, itself likely to be on the Missing from the Budget Speech but buried in the accompanying papers, the Treasury has issued an important consultation and call for evidence on major taxation issues for farming, environmental matters and the management and use of rural land. Opening up important questions, the paper covers: the taxation...

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CAAV Note 230316: The Energy Bill


As we reported earlier, the Energy Security Bill (HL Bill 39), now known as the Energy Bill, was introduced into the House of Lords on 6 July 2022. The Bill has reached the Report Stage in the Lords in its current version. Following its third reading, it will pass to the Commons. This note reviews those aspects of the Bill, the energy policy statements and draft regulations which are of relevance to members and their clients working in the rural economy.

House of Commons Library: Changes to Farm Payments in the UK


The House of Commons Library, which, among other things, provides 'politically impartial analysis and statistics' to Members of Parliament and their staff, has published an overview of the changes to farm payments in the UK: CBP-9431.pdf ( This briefing includes extracts from policy announcements, enabling legislation and stakeholder views.

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Woodland Grants Overview


The Forestry Commission has updated its overview chart of the grants available for woodland planning, planting and management in England. The document can be found here: Woodland grants and incentives overview table - GOV.UK (

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CAAV Note 230314: Government Announces NSIP Action Plan


The Government has announced its NSIP Action Plan, seeing a need for reform with an increasing number of large infrastructure projects coming forward, especially for energy generation, transmission and distribution. This note provides further information.

Application Window for BPS, CS and ES Opens


The applications window for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS), Countryside Stewardship (CS) revenue payments and Environmental Stewardship (ES) opened on 14th March. The claim window for BPS closes on 15th May 2023. Payments submitted after that date, but before midnight on 9th June 2023 will be considered late payments and a penalty will be applied. Claims, and the accompanying supporting evidence, for CS revenue payments should be submitted by 11:59pm on 15th May 2023. Claims submitted after this...

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CAAV Note 230314: ChatGPT for Rural Valuers - Early Comments


The increasing capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) have been well reported recently with their unquantified potential to affect social and business life, particularly since the launch of ChatGPT at the end of November 2022. This note takes a brief look at some of the features of the tool and the uses and considerations for rural valuers.

RPA Key Dates - 9th March Update


The RPA has released an updated version of their Key Dates chart. The latest version is available here: Rural Payments Agency key dates 2023 - GOV.UK (

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