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What's New

This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

DEFRA Consultation: Wine Regulation Reform


With increasing awareness and knowledge, and a changing climate, winemaking is a growing sector in England and Wales. Land suitable for vines in England is known to command upward of £25,00 per acre. Following Brexit, DEFRA is to review the regulation of the wine industry, proposing changes to better fit the UK context. A consultation on the new regulations was opened on 24th May, and runs until 21st July. More detail is available here: Smarter Regulation: Wine Reforms Consultation - Defra...

CAAV Review of 2022


Yesterday’s CAAV Council approved this Report on the Association’s activities in 2022, alongside the financial accounts.

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CAAV Website Note 230524: England - A Commentary on DEFRA Policies Towards Private Environmental Markets


The Government has today issued its response to the Rock Review report from the Tenancy Working Group commissioned by George Eustice when Secretary of State. With that report largely focussed on tenants’ access to environmental management options, the Government’s response also offers a general commentary on the current policies towards private environmental markets DEFRA wishes to encourage....

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CAAV Website Note 230524: England - DEFRA Response to Rock Review


The Government has today issued its response to the Rock Review, the report of the Tenancy Working Group (TWG). The Government’s response has been issued with a House of Commons statement by DEFRA Minister, Mark Spencer. He told the House that the Government had accepted the majority of the Review’s recommendations, some already as new schemes had evolved. The response comes in two papers: the overall response by themesthe response to each recommendation. While focused on the let...

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CAAV Website Note 230524: Upper Tribunal as Arbitrator - Power to Award Costs


This decision (A Grantor v A Grantee [2-23] UKUT 23 (LC), anonymised in its arbitration context) considered whether and on what basis the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) has power to award costs when it acts as an arbitrator following a reference by consent. This note reviews that decision and then concludes more widely with the circumstances in which the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) can award costs....

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SI 2023/556 (W. 87) The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 (Amendment of Schedule 12 and Consequential Amendment) Regulations 2023


These Regulations amend the requirements to provide a written statement of contract for converted contracts where the identity of the contract-holder changes prior to 1st June 2023, as well as clarifying the position for substitute contracts. The Regulations come into force on 1st June 2023 and the CAAV Note 25th May 2023 provides a summary of the amendments. The Welsh Government has also published guidance....

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Jeremy's Blog 19th May 2023: A Change of Farming Era for England


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 18th May 2023 The bells striking for midnight on Monday marked the end of an era for farming in England. For 31 years, May 15th has been a key date in the farming calendar for a succession of area-based payment regimes, since the MacSharry reforms were implemented for 1993. The frantic scramble then to have the required mapping done in time foreshadowed later crises, as applications were prepared and made each year, despite...

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CAAV Model FBT for 2 years or less (England) (V4)


Delinking ends the Basic Payment Scheme for tenancies granted in England after 15th May 2023 as land occupation no longer gives any right to claim area payments and entitlements have gone. The CAAV’s Model FBTs for England have been revised for this, both the main template and the one for agreements for two years and less. As well as the Word document for each is here for use, a tracked pdf version is as usual included to show the changes from the previous version. These changes are not...

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CAAV Model Farm Business Tenancy (England) (V10)


Delinking ends the Basic Payment Scheme for tenancies granted in England after 15th May 2023 as land occupation no longer gives any right to claim area payments and entitlements have gone. The CAAV’s Model FBTs for England have been revised for this, both the main template and the one for agreements for two years and less. As well as the Word document for each is here for use, a tracked pdf version is as usual included to show the changes from the previous version. These changes are not...

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England: Managing Oak Processionary Moth


New guidance on the management of Oak Processionary Moth in England will come into force from 24th May 2023. This includes changes to the rules for the sale and movement of trees. Full details can be found on the government website: Oak Processionary Moth management policy changes guide - GOV.UK (

Northern Ireland: EFS Application Window


The application window for the Environmental Farming Scheme (EFS), Higher Level, in Northern Ireland closes on 19th May. Farmers that currently hold an active Tranche 2 Higher Agreement which will end on 31 December 2023 are also eligible to reapply to Tranche 7. More detail is available on the DAERA website: Application window for EFS Higher opens | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (

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PM's Letter to Farmers


The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has written an open letter to British Farmers ahead of the Farm to Fork Food Summit being held at Downing Street today. The letter is attached here.

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England: Delinked BPS Q&A


The RPA has produced a Q&A document for the operation of the Delinked Payments scheme. The document, approved for publication, is attached here.

Jeremy's Blog 12th May 2023: A Coronation for a Challenging Future


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 11th May 2023 1,050 years ago on 11th May 973 but without Handel or a gospel choir, Edgar was crowned king of all England in Bath Abbey. Edgar made commitments with essentially the same oaths as Charles III amid the ceremonial on Saturday: to uphold our laws and customs and govern with law, justice and in mercy, doubtless echoing earlier coronations. They frame the later, more specific commitments of Magna Carta, the Bill of...

Bank Rate increased to 4.5%


The Bank of England has announced that the Bank Rate has been increased to 4.5%, an increase by 0.25% from 4.25%. The vote was 7–2 in favour of the increase to 4.5%. Two members preferred to maintain Bank Rate at 4.25%.

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CAAV Note 230510: Scotland - Urquhart & Anor. v West Larkin Ltd 2023


This note reviews the appeal case Amanda Urquhart And Another Against West Larkin Ltd (In Liquidation) And Others [2023] Scotcs Csih_16 and its relevance to certain statutory provisions concerning an agricultural tenant's right to buy the land subject to the lease as set out in Part 2 of the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 2003.

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CAAV Note 230509: Disclosure for Anti-Money Laundering and Transparency


There is a significant body of legislation which places obligations on individuals and businesses to know and verify who they are dealing with. The Government has published its Economic Crime Plan 2023-2026 and sees UK property as being at high risk from money laundering. This note provides aims to capture the main areas relevant to CAAV members, including current and prospective legislation for: Limited Companies & Limited PartnershipsTrustsLetting and Selling PropertyHigh Value Dealers (e.g....

BPS Deadline


Reminder: The deadline for applications to the Basic Payment Scheme in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is the close of Monday 15th May 2023. In England, a valid claim in 2023 is a key criteria to be eligible to receive the Delinked Payments in the coming years. For more information, see our website note of 2nd May....

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230509: Wales - Rural Grants and Payments Appeal Process


Guidance has been published for Welsh Government’s Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments. The appeal process is a two stage process:Stage 1: review by officials within the group responsible for administering the scheme and agreed by a senior officialStage 2: review by the Independent Appeals Panel (‘the Panel’) which makes recommendations to the Welsh Ministers, who in turn take the final decision which concludes the process. The appeal process is intended to provide...

Jeremy's Blog 5th May 2023: Competition for Land Use


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 4th May 2023 Competition between a growing number of different uses of land is an increasing part of many of our major policy debates and poses as many challenges for environmentalists as anyone else. While there are synergies between overall goals there are also conflicts. Making progress on managing climate change, restoring nature, ensuring food and recovering control of energy involves significant, potentially rapid,...

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CAAV Note 230504: England - Holiday Lets Consultation


The Government has announced proposed changes to the regulation of holiday lets in England. One consultation proposes the introduction of a new use class for short term lets, permitted development rights for the change of use from a dwellinghouse to a short term let and seeks views on flexibility for limited letting of a dwellinghouse. The second consultation seeks views on three approaches to the registration of holiday lets. This note provides a summary of the consultations. The deadline for...

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CAAV Note 230504: England - Delinking - Business Restructuring


Following the CAAV webnote reviewing the further information on delinking issued by the RPA on 2nd May, the position where a change of business structure is in mind has been explored with DEFRA in the context of a farmer wanting to farm with a new company with the benefit of delinked payments based on the reference amount of the company that has been used to farm the land. This note provides the detail....

#54 - Nature markets – what’s in the pipeline?


In this episode, we take a detailed look at nature markets – a topic that has dominated farming and environmental headlines in recent years. This developing area has the potential to both generate an income for land managers, to mitigate the impact of climate change, and improve our natural environment. But as with any embryonic market, it’s a complex area, so Richard Sanders, technical and policy adviser at the CAAV, joins us to offer a bit of clarity.

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CAAV Fees Survey 2022 - Report


The CAAV Fees Survey Report 2022 is now available. This can help inform members and others about developing fee rates and is referred to as an objective overview by members and compulsory purchase acquirers when looking at fee structures and hourly rates.

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CAAV Note 230503: England - Bledisloe Award 2023 - Applications


Applications have been invited for the Royal Agricultural Society of England’s 2023 Bledisloe Gold Medal for Landowners. The annual award is given to a landowner who ‘demonstrates outstanding achievement in the successful land management and development of an agricultural estate in England.’ More information is available in the attached note and accompanying flyer.

EIA (Agriculture) Regulations: Updated Guidance


The Government has updated the guidance to the EIA (Agriculture) Regulations. The update relates to the section that details when a screening decision - approving or preventing an action - is required from Natural England ahead of an intensification of agricultural use. Previously, item seven in the given list of proposed activities that required a screening decision stated:'increasing stock density that will result in improved vegetation from grazing' The edited guidance now...

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CAAV Note 230502: England - BNG Stacking Rules


The Government has published further guidance on the stacking rules when creating Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) units and meeting the requirements of other schemes: What you can count towards a development’s biodiversity net gain (BNG) - GOV.UK ( This note provides more information.

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CAAV Note 230502: England & Wales - Law Commission Review of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954


At the request of the Government under its Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan, the Law Commission is preparing to consult as part of its review of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. In particular, it is looking at Part 2 of the Act governing the tenant’s right to renew on the expiry of the granted term of a lease together with the ability to contract out of that right. The note below provides further information....

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CAAV Note 230428: Compulsory Purchase Compensation - Removal of Prospect of Planning Permission (England & Wales)


The Government issued a consultation last year, seeking views on proposals to limit market value where there is an issue of “prospective planning permission” in England and Wales (see CAAV Note 7th June 2022). The Government has now published its response, which will see proposals to remove the prospect of planning permission from the land value in certain schemes. This is to be progressed through the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill and the note below provides a summary....

Jeremy's Blog 28th April 2023: The Life of the Profession


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 28th April 2023 Last Friday, the Suffolk Association of Agricultural Valuers marked its 175th anniversary with a breakfast at the Suffolk Food Hall hosting solicitors, accountants, tax advisers and other professionals for an event of both networking and briefing. The celebration was delayed by a year following the pandemic as the actual anniversary was last year. Suffolk is recorded as the oldest of the CAAV’s local...

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230427: Wales - delay to Phase 2 of the Water Resources Regulations


The Welsh Government has announced that they are extending the implementation date for the 170kg/ha annual limit from 30th April 2023 to 31st October 2023 in order to allow more time to consider the consultation responses to a licensing scheme for higher annual holding nitrogen limit of 250kg/ha subject to crop need and other legal considerations....

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RPA Helpline Opening Hours: May Bank Holidays


The Rural Payments Agency will be opening the Customer Service Centre helpline between 8:30am and 5pm on the two weekends before the BPS scheme deadline of 15 May. Saturday 6 May / Sunday 7 May Saturday 13 May / Sunday 14 May In addition to this, they will also keep the helplines open until 7pm on Monday 15 May.

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CAAV Note 230426: Scotland - Second Homes and Holiday Lets Consultation


Following similar changes introduced in Wales and proposed in England, the Scottish Government has published its consultation, seeking views on increasing Council Tax for second homes and empty dwellings, as well as considering the non-domestic rates thresholds self-catering accommodation. The note below provides more information.

SFI Guidance Update: Application Process


On 21st April, the guidance for the Sustainable Farming Incentive was updated, to reflect a change in the processing of applications. The update states: From now, any SFI applications which have been created/started by customers on the Rural Payments service but not finished and submitted within 60 days will be automatically cancelled and the customer will be required to start a new application if they wish to return to the service and proceed with applying for SFI. The full guidance is...

Submitting a CS Revenue Claim: Video Guide


The RPA has released a short video guide for those submitting a Countryside Stewardship Revenue Claim: How to submit a revenue claim using the Rural Payments portal - YouTube.

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CAAV Note 230424: England - Lump Sum Exit Scheme - Expired Tenancy Evidence


We have been notified by members with clients entering the Lump Sum Exit scheme that there was some uncertainty around the evidence required to demonstrate disposal of land that was held in a tenancy. This was particularly the case for oral tenancies and tenancies that have since expired. This note provides some clarification.

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CAAV Note 230424: Are all Professional Fees Payable by Statutory Authorities?


Ultimate liability for professional fees incurred on behalf of a landowner/occupier and whether these can be expected to be met by a statutory authority is a common area of confusion and a source of many disputes. The answer to this question will depend on the nature of work being undertaken. This note aims to assist members by summarising the position and outlines good practice.

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Jeremy's Blog 21st April 2023: Making Decisions


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 20th April 2023 So many conversations now revolve on the difficulty, effort and time in getting things done, appearing simply to be a feature of modern life but frustrating progress and achievement. In part, we do not notice what works well but do feel the frustration as a piece of work moves from being glutinous to appearing impossible. More fundamentally, this denies our ability to make our future better. Some of this is...