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This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

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12th February: Mandatory BNG for New Major Developments


From today (12 February), all new major housing developments in England are required to deliver at least a 10% Biodiversity Net Gain. A collection of related CAAV resources and external guidance is available on our website here: BNG - CAAV Collected Guidance - Version 1 - The Central Association for Agricultural Valuers.

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Jeremy's Blog 9th February 2024: Lessons from European Farmers' Discontents


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 8th February 2024 It started in Holland but has now spread to most EU countries in the mainland of Europe, from Spain to Poland as farmers bring their tractors to town make their points. Each country’s protests though follow its national agenda, perhaps only unified by the EU’s pernickety farm-level auditing of the CAP and the growing force of the EU Green Deal. With a wider background of western malaise and ahead of...

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240207: Wales - Reminder to Use Latest Renting Homes Template Documents


Rent Smart Wales have recently issued a reminder to landlords and their agents to download the most up-to-date versions of template model contracts and prescribed forms from the Welsh Government website each time, rather than using locally saved documents. This follows some minor amendments made last year, taking effect on 6th December 2023, as summarised in the CAAV Note of 23rd November 2023....

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CAAV Note 240207: Scotland - Changes to Residential Rent Controls and Repossessions from 1st April 2024


Draft Regulations have been laid before the Scottish Parliament to provide transitional measures that, if approved, will take effect on 1st April 2024. This latest legislation follows the temporary rent cap and eviction moratorium protections brought in by the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) Act 2022, which will cease to apply after 31st March 2024. The note below provides further information, as well as the Scottish Government publishing updated guidance ahead of the legislation being...

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240205 Wales: CAAV Model Grazing and Mowing Licence for Wales


The 2024 edition of the CAAV Model Grazing and Mowing Licence for Wales is attached. The adaptation of this agreement to practical circumstances is a matter for the professional judgement of members for which the CAAV can accept no liability.

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Jeremy's Blog 2nd February 2024: Finding Farming's Answer to Land Use Changes


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 1st February 2024 Many very large things are being asked of us and our land. We are being asked to answer climate change and adapt to increasingly volatile weather, reducing emissions, sequestering carbon and managing water, improving nature and eco-systems, providing housing and other development including infrastructure – and still provide food. All that is to come from the finite area of our islands at a time of growing...

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CAAV Note 240201: England - Agricultural Tenancies: Consultation on Draft Code of Behaviour for Parties and Agents


The draft Code of Behaviour for all parties, whether landlords, tenants, agents and advisers (see Note below) will be considered by the CAAV Council on 15th February. Members wishing to have views considered, either e-mail them to Jeremy Moody at the Secretariat ( or contact their Local Association Council member(s) so that those views can be available for the Council discussion.

Bank of England has held its base rate at 5.25%


The Bank of England has held its base rate at 5.25% with the Governor noting that geopolitical risks had intensified. Six members of the Monetary Policy Committee voted for a standstill, two for an increase and one for a cut.

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Scotland: New Statutory Guidance for Repairing Standard Effective 1st March 2024


For rental properties in Scotland, the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 s. 14 imposes on landlords the duty to meet a repairing standard. Items are to be in reasonable repair and working order. Section 13(7) lists what is covered, including: wind and water tightness; structure and exterior, including drains, gutters and external pipes; installations for the supply of water, gas electricity, sanitation, space and water heating; fixtures, fittings and appliances; and furnishings. A new version of The...

England: BPS Payment Query Deadline


On their blog, the RPA has reminded BPS claimants of the new deadlines for payment queries and appeals. The 60 day deadline starts on the ‘date of notification’. This is the date the RPA emails or writes to a claimant, giving notification of a payment decision. This can be:a payment remittancea payment querya response to a payment query, when the original payment query was received by the RPA within 60 days of sending a payment remittanceFor any BPS payment decisions notified before 1...

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CAAV Note 240131: Northern Ireland - New Agreement to Lead to New Executive


A package was announced on 30th January for revision of the regulatory and other arrangements for trade with Northern Ireland. The Government has now published the Command paper, Safeguarding the Union, and the first legislation to implement parts of it are expected to be debated tomorrow. This note provides an overview of issues related to agriculture.

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240131: England & Wales - Consultation on Contractual Controls on Land


The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities has launched a consultation for greater transparency regarding contractual controls over land (option agreements), with proposals to create a dataset comprising the “what”, “where”, “who” and “when” of contractual control agreements. The consultation closes 20th March 2024. There is a similar consultation regarding greater transparency where land ownership involves trusts (closing 21st February 2024 - see CAAV 11th January...

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