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What's New

This What's New section is a quick one-stop shop to show you the most recent additions to the Members Area (log-in required) and News items.

HS2 impact on Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship Agreements: Deadline to Notify


DEFRA has updated the guidance on the impact of the HS2 Scheme on existing agreements under Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship. On 28th June, the window for claiming force majeure – that the agreement holder will no longer be able to complete the actions of the agreement through no fault of their own – has been extended. Those affected should write to Rural Payments Agency within 8 weeks of HS2 Ltd entering their land....

New SSSI Confirmed: West Penwith


Natural England has confirmed the designation of 3,044 hectares of land in West Cornwall as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The area, known as West Penwith, includes lowland heathland, fens and dry acid grassland, lichens, wetland valley mires, as well as some surrounding 'clean' agricultural land. For more background, see our website note of 6th June....

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CAAV Note 230628: Wales - Agriculture Bill Awaits Royal Assent


The Agriculture (Wales) Bill passed its final stage in the Senedd yesterday and now awaits Royal Assent so that it could come into force in Wales from later this summer. Among other matters, it will be the authority for the Sustainable Farming Scheme that is to be introduced from 2025. This note provides more detail....

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CAAV Web Note 230628: Heads of Terms May Not Create Binding Lease Terms - Pretoria Energy Company (Chittering) Ltd v. Blankney Estates Ltd On Appeal


A recent Court of Appeal decision, Pretoria Energy Company (Chittering) Ltd v. Blankney Estates Ltd confirms limitations to the extent to which Heads of Terms (HoT) create a contract. In the original case, the High Court had been ordered to try whether HoT between Pretoria Energy Company (Pretoria), a developer of anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, the claimant, and Blankney Estates (Blankney), a farming business, were a binding and enforceable agreement other than in respect of one clause which...

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CAAV Note 230628: England - Hedgerows - DEFRA Consultation


With the de-linking of the run-off Basic Payment in England from land and farming, cross compliance ends with the end of 2023. Many requirements of cross compliance are anyway set by law for which it has provided a different enforcement regime, now more proportionate after post-Brexit changes. However, some aspects would disappear so prompting review. Hedgerows are the most obvious area for this review and are now the subject of a consultation issued by DEFRA today. This note provides an...

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CAAV Note 230627: Wales - Holiday Lets and Second Homes: Planning Controls Proposed in Gwynedd


With concerns about the effects in some areas of numbers of second homes and holiday lets, the Welsh Government has created a mechanism for change of use to these uses to be controlled at a local authority’s discretion. On 13th June, Gwynedd Council’s cabinet approved starting a process which it described as “unprecedented” that would allow it to use the new planning powers available to it to control changing: the use of primary residences to second homes or holiday letsthe use of a...

#57 - How increasing designated areas might work


In this episode, we talk about increasing demand for designated areas of landscape protection and nature recovery. The Government is committed to protecting 30% of UK land for nature by 2030 and we’re currently some way off that. There has been a raft of new announcements recently relating to increasing the number of protected areas like national parks and SSSIs – so what does this all mean for landowners and farmers? Richard Sanders, technical and policy adviser at the CAAV, joins host...

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CAAV Note 230624: Scotland - Agricultural Policy Review


Speaking to the Quality Meat Scotland breakfast at the Royal Highland Show on 22nd June 2023, Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and the Islands outlined a little more of how Scotland’s use of agricultural support money will develop from 2025 as conditionality is introduced for Basic Payment in 2025 and a new framework from 2026. This note reviews the comments.

Jeremy's Blog 23rd June 2023: Improving Farming Productivity - Change not Protection


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 22nd June 2023 Something needs to wake us up about the extent of economic stagnation in the UK (and the EU) since 2008, resulting in our current crisis with low incomes in the face of costs. Not only has our flat-lining since 2008 broken from our growth trend since the eighteenth century but the USA gives a current comparison – as ever with issues - showing a strikingly different story over the last 15 years: in 2008,...

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Landowner and Contractor Fined for Illegally Felling Protected Trees


A landowner and contractor have been ordered by a judge to pay costs in excess of £255,000 for illegally felling more than 270 protected trees. The charges included fines, confiscation monies and the Council's costs. The charges related to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, with the trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order and sitting within the Clay Hill Conservation Area. The Council has served a Tree Replacement Notice for 284 trees under the Town and Country Planning (Tree...

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Funding for Farmers: DEFRA Sector Leaflets


Along with a set of announcements related to the Sustainable Farming Incentive 2023 (reviewed in this CAAV Note), DEFRA has today published a series of sectoral leaflets on the relevant management and capital grants available to English arable, livestock, upland and organic farmers. These leaflets are available here....

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CAAV Note 230621: Telecoms - What Terms Can Be Preserved on Lease Renewal?


Apart from the issue of rent, valuers acting for the landlords (site providers) need to navigate through the fog to understand what other terms of the existing agreement might be insisted upon on renewal and those which cannot. This note summarises the CAAV’s interpretation of legislation and case law and what might be determined so far on this complex subject.

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CAAV Note 230621: FAQs for Telecom Agreements (V3)


Designed to assist members with the common questions that arise in relation to telecommunications agreements, this note covers renewals of protected Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 leases, how to value consideration, potential redevelopment, amongst other aspects. This note has been updated to provide additional clarification on lease renewals and supplemented with a detailed CAAV Note of 21st June 2023 in respect of the same....

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CAAV Note 230620: England - Farming Investment Fund Update - Calf Housing and Slurry Items


The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) is the umbrella scheme under which sit many of the Government’s productivity grants. These include the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) – and its underlying ‘themes’ – as well as the Farming Transformation Fund. For more background, see our website note of 16th November. This note reviews two recent announcements within the FIF....

Dean Organic Fund: Loan Applications


From June 2023 onward, the Dean Organic Fund will be accepting applications for new loans from its £450,000 revolving fund.Applicants must be UK-based companies, partnerships or individuals, active in organic-certified and/or ecologically sound farming and food businessesLoan amounts will be between £5,000 and £25,000Loans will be interest-free and unsecuredLoans will be repayable over periods of no more 5 years. Repayments will normally be in monthly installments starting after the first...

Jeremy's Blog 16th June 2023: Managing Climate Risks


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 15th June 2023 We have yet really to see the scale of what is involved in the climate change already to come, in mitigating and in adapting to it with the substantial trade-offs that will be needed. With El Niño changes now in the Pacific, the expectations are of above trend world temperatures for 2024 – a taste of the future – with the potential for the UK to have a harsher winter and a hotter summer. At what point will...

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SI 2023/467 The Charities (Dispositions of Land: Designated Advisers and Reports) Regulations 2023


These Regulations are part of a series of changes that implement the Charities Act 2022. With effect from 14th June 2023, trustees of charities can instruct a Fellow of the CAAV for professional advice on valuation. Charities are required to obtain such advice before disposing of land by sale or on a lease for longer than seven years. The CAAV Note 15th June 2023 provides further information....

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230614 Northern Ireland: Changes to PD rights for Domestic Heat Pumps


The Department for Infrastructure has made changes to permitted development rights for domestic heat pumps. The relaxation of the rights are intended to help consumers and providers utilise renewable energy technology. The conditions and limitations of the rights can be found in The Planning (General Permitted Development)(Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2023. The changes are to come into effect from 4th July 2023....

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Scotland: New Build Heat Standard – Building Regulations Amendment


The Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 have been amended to prohibit the installation of direct emission heating systems in new buildings effective from 1st April 2024. The prohibition follows a consultation launched in August 2022 and reported in our note at the time. A zero direct emissions heating system is defined as one by which the building is heated or cooled or by which hot water is made available using thermal energy located within the building or its curtilage and which emits more...

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Jeremy's Blog 9th June 2023: The Kakhovka Dam Breach


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 8th June 2023 It is hard this week not to dwell on Ukraine. The CAAV’s National Conference at Oxford on 7th July is to receive a presentation, The Impact of the War on Agricultural Valuation in Ukraine, from Victor Zayats, an agricultural specialist member of the Ukrainian Society of Appraisers. I was discussing this with him and other Ukrainian valuers on Tuesday morning just after the news of the blowing of the Kakhovka...

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England: FETF Funding Announced


Funding agreements have started to be sent out to successful applicants for the Productivity and Slurry Grant 2023, which is part of the wider Farming Equipment Technology Fund (FETF) (for some background, see our website note of 9th February). DEFRA has today announced that, having received over 3,000 applications, the total level of funding for this round of the FETF has been increased from £17 million to £31 million. The Animal Health and Welfare strand of FETF 2023 remains open for...

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230608: Wales - Call for Evidence on Adequate Housing, Fair Rents and Affordability


The Welsh Government has launched a consultation - 'A Call for Evidence on securing a path towards Adequate Housing – including Fair Rents and Affordability'. The consultation seeks view on: understanding rents; tenant and landlord behaviour; affordability; how further improvements can be made to the supply and adequacy of housing over time. The consultation ends on 15th September 2023; the CAAV will be reviewing the consultation in more detail in due course....

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Notice of the 79th CAAV AGM


Notice is attached of the 79th AGM of the CAAV, which will take place at The Leonardo Royal Hotel, Oxford on Friday 7th July 2023.

Northern Ireland Broadband Coverage Review


As part of Project Gigabit, the UK Government programme to enable hard-to-reach communities to access gigabit-capable broadband, the Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland conducted an open market review (OMR) of current broadband access, which closed in early 2023. DfE have now opened a Public Review of the conclusions of the OMR, allowing members of the public to check if they have been identified for subsidy. and to comment where they believe the conclusions are incorrect. More...

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230608: England - Consultation on Business Rates Improvement Relief


The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities has opened a consultation to implement the draft regulations for Business Rates Improvement Relief. The policy aim of the proposals is to ensure that no ratepayer would face higher business rates bills for 12 months as a result of qualifying improvements to a property they occupy. The consultation closes on or around 25th August 2023....

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230606: HS2 Woodland Fund Opens for Applications


HS2 funding for woodland creation will be delivered via the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO). Applications to EWCO within the 25-mile zone of the HS2 Phase One route will be identified and administered by the Forestry Commission. Guidance has been published by the Forestry Commission, with application forms available via the Government website....

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CAAV Note 230606: Update - Designated Areas in the UK


Designated areas are key to meeting a range of international and domestic targets for nature recovery to which the Government have committed in recent years. Such targets are one of the main drivers for Government policy across the UK. This note reviews some recent related policy documents, consultations and proposed designated areas.

England: Spreading Manure in NVZs


DEFRA has published the dates of the application window to apply for a derogation for spreading livestock manure on grasslands in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. Those seeking a derogation must apply between 6 June and 4 July 2023. More information is available here: Grassland derogations for livestock manure in nitrate vulnerable zones - GOV.UK (

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CAAV Note 230606: English Rural Policy Statement To Be Made Today


The Government has today issued a wide-ranging English rural policy paper, Unleashing Rural Opportunity, covering planning, connectivity, employment and transport, bringing together many current strands of work and outlining some new steps. This note provides an initial overview.

Jeremy's Blog 2nd June 2023: Valuation for Compulsory Purchase


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 1st June 2023 On Tuesday, the press carried the story that the Labour Party is proposing a change to the basis of valuation for compulsory purchase, removing hope value. Only reported in outline form, the proposal appears to be that compensation in England would be on existing use value, not market value, at least for local authorities purchasing land for house building. This comes after Keir Starmer’s speech arguing for...

Avian Influenza: Northern Ireland AIPZ Lifted


Northern Ireland's Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has announced that the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) has been lifted with effect from 2nd June 2023. The AIPZ, introduced on 17th October 2022, mandated biosecurity measures on poultry keepers. With the lifting of the AIPZ, poultry and bird gatherings are permitted. DAERA continues to encourage following the biosecurity measures set out in the AIPZ as good practice, and reminds keepers to be vigilant for signs...

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CAAV Note 230601: England - SFI - Submitting an Annual Declaration


DEFRA has updated the guidance for managing a Sustainable Farming Incentive agreement. The amendment, posted on 1st June, adds more detail on submitting an annual declaration, and includes details of deadline windows within the first year of the agreement, depending on the agreement start date. This note contains more information....

#56 – Unpicking the Renters (Reform) Bill


After several years of development and a 2019 manifesto commitment for England’s residential let sector, the Government has finally introduced the Renters (Reform) Bill into Parliament, saying it could be law by the end of the year. Even so, it has held over several items for later legislation, and full implementation might take some time. So what changes are ahead, and what do they mean for landlords and tenants in future? Rebecca Collins, technical and policy adviser at the CAAV, takes us...

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CAAV Note 230601: Farming Futures Competition


The UK government is offering funding – through the Farming Futures competition – for research and development projects aimed at enhancing productivity and sustainability within the agricultural sector. This note provides more detail.

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Scottish Government Consultation on Permitted Development Rights - Phase 3


The Scottish Government has opened consultations on the third phase of its review of permitted development rights (PDRs). The review of PDRs is part of a wider programme of planning reform. The consultation proposes to widen PDR for household level solar, heat pumps and wind turbines, including in some cases on listed buildings and in conservation areas. PDRs for solar and heat pumps on non-domestic buildings and on solar canopies in car parks would also be extended. Consideration is being...

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Electricity Transmission (Compensation) Act 2023


This Act received Royal Ascent on 24th May 2023 and provides for the Secretary of State to develop the use of ADR for issues over compensation for the imposition of transmission power lines (in Great Britain). A task force is to be set up to consider this further and the CAAV has put forward representation to be part of this work. The CAAV Note 20th March 2023 provides further information....

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CAAV Note 230530: England - CS Upland Payment Rates Updated


DEFRA has now published amended payment rates for revenue options under Countryside Stewardship, closing the gap between the uplands and lowlands. This note provides more detail. For more background, see our website note of 26th May....

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Environmental Land Management Options by Sector


As England’s new schemes have been developing over the last few months, particularly with the late January Prospectus of what is to be offered in 2023 and 2024, so DEFRA has been working on sector-specific leaflets that focus on the options most likely to be relevant to particular types of farming. The first two of these have now been issued for the Uplands (with new equalisation between lowland and upland rates for the same actions) and also Arable and Horticulture. These two leaflets are...

Jeremy's Blog 26th May 2023: The Important Future of the Let Sector


This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 25th May 2023 The tenanted sector of agriculture is important. Around a third of England’s farmland is let while a larger fraction of land is farmed by those with some let land. As with other lines of business, it is a way to farm without carrying the capital cost of premises in the balance sheet, releasing funds for active business. It is a means of entry and equally important, for flexibility, progression and exit as a...

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CAAV Note 230526: England - Upland Payments - DEFRA Announcement


In a statement on the application of environmental land management schemes in the English uplands, DEFRA has announced immediate increases in payment rates for some options and further options that are to come forward under Countryside Stewardship. This note provides some background. The accompany leaflet has been published by DEFRA to set out the detail of the changes. Update 30th May: For rates and their application, see this website note: CAAV Note 230530: England - CS Upland Payment Rates...

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CAAV Note 230526: Animal Welfare Legislation Update


The Government has announced that the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill, still in the House of Commons, is being withdrawn but that measures in it will be taken forward in other ways in the life of this Parliament. This note provides more detail.

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CAAV Note 230525: River Lugg Water Pollution Case


This note provides a summary of the recent River Lugg Water Pollution case. With growing concern and policy development regarding Water Quality and water pollution from agricultural uses, the case provides a "stark warning" to others.

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CAAV Note 230525: Wales - Consequential Amendments to Legislation for Let Dwellings


This note provides a summary of recent legislation amending the requirements for a landlord to provide a written statement of contract in particular circumstances relating to: converted contracts where the identity of the contract-holder changed prior to 1st June 2023;where a substitute contract takes effect before 1st June 2023; andwhere a substitute contract takes effect after 1st June 2023. Other consequential amendments have been made to the Rent Act 1977 to dovetail with the abolition of...

#55 – The Rock Review; what’s next?


The Government has just issued its response to the Rock Review, the report of the Tenancy Working Group which was established in January 2022 to consider farm tenants’ access to environmental schemes and markets in England. The group made 74 recommendations to Defra, and the Government’s 95-page response has now been issued. Jeremy Moody, secretary and adviser to the CAAV, sets out the key points, and considers what they mean for the tenanted sector and natural capital markets in the coming...