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The CAAV Committees are responsible for technical matters, responding to consultations and issues raised in practice as well as developing CAAV numbered publications (often through working parties involving skilled members from outside the Committee).

Members are welcome to put general questions of principle and general professional interest to the Committees as well as contributions to consultation responses and discussion drafts. However queries relating to any specific individual case a member may be handling should be directed to the CAAV Secretariat.

The Committees are:


Chairman – Andrew T Coney (Past President)

Committee members – Malcolm Gale (Immediate Past President), Simon Alden, David Brooks, Andrew Monro, Richard Stagg, Simon Wearmouth, The President, the Vice-Presidents and Jeremy Moody for the Secretariat.

Education and Examinations

Chairman – David Steel

Vice Chairman – Andrew Wallace

Committee members – Rob Close, Harriet Corp, Scott Edmondson, Martin Hall, Abigail Lewis, Ruth Ofield, Mark Simcock, Hannah Skingley, Emma Williams, and Jeremy Moody (Convenor) for the Secretariat.

Farming and Business

Chairman – Johanna Merritt

Committee members – George Badger, Hugh Baker, James Begg, Chris Dodds, Davina Fillingham, Simon Haley, Andrew Jamieson, Richard King, James Sealy, John Smithson Whitehead, Alastair Sneddon, Kevin Stewart, Andrew Wallace, Mark Webb with Jeremy Moody and Flossy Freeman-Inglis for the Secretariat.


Chairman – Mark Fogden

Committee members – Eifion Bibby, Ben Burbridge, Charles Birch, Philip Coles, Thomas Donaghy, Rebecca Horne, Giles Hunt, Andrew Lane, Julie Liddle, Graeme Lister, Charles Meynell, Vicki Oliver, Robert Rhys, Ben Sharples, Ian Thornton- Kemsley, Emma Williams, Rosie Wilson with Jeremy Moody and Rebecca Collins for the Secretariat.

Valuation and Compensation

Chairman – Geoff Coster

Committee members – John Ikin (Vice Chairman), Roger Bedson, Edward Briggs, Matt Brown, Charles Cowap, James Dick, Christian Green, Andrew Highwood, Shaun Irvine, Larry Irwin, Tony Rimmer, Jacqui Stoddart, Jason Heath, Helena Tibbits, Andrew Thomas with Jeremy Moody and Rebecca Collins for the Secretariat.

Environment and Land Use

Chairman – Holly Story

Committee members – Adam Birchall, Libby Barron, Roland Bull, Andrew Coney, Trudie Cooper, Andy Dyer, William Hawes, Sarah Howe, Rhian Jardine, Alice Keith, Alastair Leake, David Lewis, Nick Millard, Josh Pollock, Kate Russell, Ben Sharples, Penny Stokes with Jeremy Moody and Richard Sanders for the Secretariat.


Chairman – Ian Thornton-Kemsley

Administrative Secretary - Mags Clark

Committee members – Andrew Linehan (Vice Chairman), James Begg, Ben Burbridge, Jenni Douglas, Rosanna Fraser, Martin Hall, Larry Irwin, Gordon Kerr, Catherine Lawson, Hannah Matthew, Ed Morris, Jamie Murray, Rachel Newton, Emma Savage, Susan Shand with Jeremy Moody for the Secretariat.


Chairman – Richard Williams

Secretary - Gary Owen

Committee members – Huw Myfyr( N. Wales AVA Chairman), Frances Chester-Master, Tomos Davies, Hywel Davies, Richard Evans, Ian Howell, Chris Hyde, Lloyd James, Sarah Jones, Jeremy Liley, Kathryn Perkins, David Powell, (S. Wales AVA Chairman), Gwilym Richards, Carys Studley (N. Wales Secretary), Isobel Thomas, Andrew Thomas, Tudor Watkins, Emma Williams with Jeremy Moody and Flossy Freeman-Inglis for the Secretariat.

Northern Ireland

Chairman - Gareth Gibson

Secretary - Mary-Louise Press

Committee members - Richard Aldworth, Peter Brown, Ken Crawford, Douglas Gibson, Gareth Gibson, Victoria Hall, Shaun Irvine, Rodney McVitty, Margo Rogan, Matt Stuart with Jeremy Moody for the Secretariat.