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The Secretariat, based in Gloucestershire, administers the Association and supports its technical and policy work.

Jeremy Moody
Jeremy Moody

Jeremy Moody

CAAV Secretary and Adviser

Jeremy Moody has been Secretary and Adviser to the CAAV since 1995. He was closely involved with the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995, several rounds of CAP reform and now the new policies developing across the United Kingdom. He handles the many issues covered by the CAAV including agricultural tenancy and land occupation issues, taxation, valuation, planning, climate change and environmental issues, liaising with government at all levels and writing widely on both policy and practice. He is an Assembly member of the European Group of Valuers’ Associations (TEGoVA) and Vice Chairman of the European Valuation Standards Board.

Contact information

The CAAV’s Secretariat may be contacted at:
Harts Barn Farmhouse, Monmouth Road, Longhope, Gloucestershire, GL17 0QD
Tel: (01452) 831815
General email: – please see below for specific email contact details.

Staff responsibilities are listed below to assist members in directing their enquiries to the relevant person:

Rebecca Collins


assists Jeremy Moody on a wide range of professional matters:

Rebecca Collins
  • compulsory purchase and compensation; agricultural, residential and commercial tenancies; residential lettings and energy efficiency; telecoms
  • Property Committee
  • Valuation and Compensation Committee
  • Annual Fees Survey
  • Agricultural Land Occupation Survey

    Flossy Freeman-Inglis

    Flossy Freeman-Inglis
    Flossy Freeman-Inglis


    assists Jeremy Moody on a wide range of professional matters:

    • planning, water issues
    • Wales Committee
    • Property Committee
    • Valuation and Compensation Committee
    • Farming and Business Committee
    • News Letter, Handbook
    • CAAV Costings

    Richard Sanders

    Richard Sanders Profile
    Richard Sanders


    assists Jeremy Moody across his work

    • Climate Change, Environment and Biodiversity
    • Agricultural Tenancies
    • Agri-Environment Schemes and BPS
    • Environment and Land Use Committee

    Richard Spencer

    Richard Spencer
    Richard Spencer


    • Assists Jeremy with Executive matters
    • Energy Matters

    Elaine Neades


    • Runs the office
    • Organises meetings, events, briefings and conferences
    • Manages diary
    • Handles job advertisements.

    Dorota Szmid


    • Handles membership matters
    • Deals with website operations
    • Deals with examinations

    Abigail Jones

    Email: - membership administration and administrative support, administers sales of CAAV publications and merchandise. (part-time).

    Samantha Marfell

    Email: - assists the membership department, deals with the examinations alongside Dorota and provides administrative support, including for events (part-time).

    Charlotte Haddock

    Email: - carries out research and provides support for publications (including Costings and the Handbook), surveys, events, dispute resolution appointments and social media.