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Professional Standards

The Companies Act 2006











As approved by the CAAV Council on 21st May 2024


Incorporated the 29th day of August, 1945

Company Number 398155


Issued May 2024

1. Each member shall in all points of business act professionally and with probity, diligence, honesty and integrity and shall discharge all professional duties:

(a) with due care, attention, competence and respect for all parties

(b) honouring, as relevant, the duties of a professional to a court, tribunal or equivalent forum

(c) with the objective and independent exercise of professional judgement upholding and demonstrating these professional standards in that work, so as to maintain the reputation of the Association and that of the member as a professional.

2. Members shall:

(a) be open and accountable to clients in undertaking professional work for them

(b) advise clients in writing when a conflict of interest arises prior to or in the course of an instruction

(c) maintain a separate clients’ account or accounts to hold money entrusted to them for clients. Those conducting auctions or sales on terms that

(i) do not hold out that funds received for sales at such events are held on trust for clients; and

(ii) assure vendors of payment whether or not monies are received from the purchaser of any lot

are not required by this bylaw to hold such funds in a clients’ account.

3. Members shall

(a) keep themselves abreast of all professional matters and current developments relevant to their professional work so as to maintain and develop their competence and shall encourage the competence required in staff for whom they are responsible

(b) where in private professional practice or otherwise applicable, directly or through their firm or employer, at all times be covered by a level of professional indemnity insurance appropriate to all aspects of their professional business, including run-off cover. Those Fellows who draft documents relating to purported farm business tenancies which must be made by deed must provide cover for this work

(c) where practising as a sole practitioner, partner or director ensure that there is a written procedure for the handling of complaints concerning professional conduct, shall advise clients of the existence of this document and follow its requirements.

It shall be sufficient for the purposes of this Bylaw that a Fellow can satisfy the Association that the obligations of this Bylaw are met by membership of a recognised professional body approved for such purposes by the Council.

[By resolution of 19th April 2001, the Council agreed that “For the purposes of Bylaw 3.2, (now 5.3) the obligations of corporate membership of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors are accepted as satisfying the demands of that Bylaw.”]

4. No member is to be connected with any occupation or business or engage in behaviour which would, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, prejudice the professional standing of the member or bring the Association into disrepute.

5. Without prejudice to Bylaw 5 of the Bylaws on Membership as regards monitoring conduct, any member who is convicted of any criminal offence (other than a summary offence) is to notify the CAAV immediately.

Interpretation of CAAV Bylaws

As approved by Resolution at the General Meeting of 8th June 2007 and as subsequently amended by

meetings of the CAAV Council up to and including 21st May 2024

In these Bylaws, any reference to

  • the “Association” is to the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers.
  • an “Article” is to one of the Articles of Association of the Association.
  • a “Branch” is to a body as defined in Article 1.
  • the “Council” is to the Council of the Association.
  • a “Member” is a member as defined by the Articles of Association and in particular by Articles 2 and 3
  • “in writing” shall mean written, printed or lithographed, or partly one and partly another, and other modes of representing or reproducing words in a visible form including in electronic form and by facsimile.
  • a statute or statutory instrument shall include any other subsequent measure insofar as it modifies amends or replaces that statute or statutory instrument and also any previous measure to the extent that the Statute or Statutory Instrument which modifies, amends or replaces it is not yet in force.
  • words importing the singular number only shall include the plural number and vice versa.
  • words importing the masculine gender only shall include the feminine gender and vice versa.