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CAAV Briefing Basic Payment in England DEFRA Consultation Recorded Webinar 2021


PLEASE NOTE – While useful preparation, listening to Recorded Webinars will NOT count for tutorial certificates for an examination application. Last year’s self-certification does not apply – see Webnote - Tutorials for the 2021 Examinations.

DEFRA is consulting on its proposals for:

- a 2022 retirement scheme option for BPS claimants to take their remaining Basic Payments as a lump sum in 2022, making most or all of their land available to others

- the full de-linking for all claimants in 2024 of the then remaining Basic Payments from requirements to occupy farmland or to farm.

In this webinar and seeking members’ questions, Jeremy Moody will set the proposals out with the issues they raise for clients and professional advice, including what is known for the lump sum on:

- eligibility and timetables

- the issues for partnerships and companies

- what land is to be sold, given, leased or surrendered and what could be kept

- entitlements, including those leased in or held on trust

- agri-environment agreements

- commons issues

- how all is to be done within the timetables required and whether that can be managed to qualify for Business Asset Disposal Relief (Entrepreneurs’ Relief).

Recorded Webinar

Due to technical issues during the live webinar there is a short section where the presentation freezes, please be assured that this lasts for no longer than 5 minutes and the webinar continues thereafter.

This is a recording of the original webinar, including questions and answers, which took place on 4th June 2021 and is available on demand. As a recording, it will not be possible to ask questions during the presentation.

Recorded webinars use computer audio only (i.e. there is no telephone dial-in option). You do not need to change any audio settings for these sessions, as the audio will automatically play using the computer's mic and speakers.

Presentation Slides

You will be able to download a copy of the full presentation slides as soon as the webinar starts. To do this, simply click on the handout symbol on the left-hand side of your screen.


The Ticket Price is £10 plus VAT (£12)

Please Note that the link for this Webinar will be sent directly from our office, if your order is received after 5pm the link will be sent on the next working day.

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