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Covid-19: Survey of resilience in rural and farming businesses

The National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE) is asking rural and farming businesses in England's North East, South West and Midlands how they are dealing with COVID-19 to explore rural resilience. The survey will also explore how firms’ local networks have contributed to survival and growth, the impact of financial pressures on businesses, families and communities as well as issues around workforce, the availability of broadband, and aspects of local supply chains. Any business...

Jeremy's Blog 9th April 2021: Pace of Change

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 8th April 2021 Despite the late spring, the pace of policy change here is quickening and that will see change on the ground. We should shortly have DEFRA’s consultation on the lump sum option and delinking of Basic Payment in England. Whether or not the lump sum option for 2022 proves attractive, simply considering it draws attention to how little life is left for English Basic Payment entitlements. Entitlement...

Jeremy's Blog 2nd April 2021: Generational Change

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 1st April 2021 In a sector of family businesses, a quarter or more of farms and estates might see generational change in any decade. Some may take longer, as where the business has no natural successor; others will come faster, whether by chance or necessity. This is likely to accelerate in the 2020s as the pressures for change intensify, often in circumstances requiring careful advice, personal support and good management....

Jeremy's Blog 26th March 2021 - Utilities Infrastructure

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 25th March 2021 Three recent decisions on utilities regulation are intended to enable more investment by them, resulting in more work on clients’ land. Since their privatisation, the main utility companies, with their access to the consumer’s doorstep, have been closely regulated. Concerns about affordability and hostile press coverage has put a public focus on regulating the prices charged for water, gas, electricity and...

Super Deduction Capital Allowance - Rural Economy Snubbed

The exclusion of a huge proportion of the rural economy from the new super deduction capital allowance is perverse and discriminatory, according to the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV). The 130% super deduction capital allowance announced in the Spring Budget is limited to companies, excluding a substantial part of the economy, says Jeremy Moody, secretary and adviser to the CAAV. “At a time when the economy needs more support to invest than ever before, the exclusion of...

Jeremy's Blog 19th March 2021: Environmental Principles

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 18th March 2021. Looking from the outside, current European attitudes to the Astra Zeneca vaccine can appear to live down to the UK’s expectations of the EU’s approach to the precautionary principle, especially in the context of innovation. While that principle states that scientific uncertainty should not postpone cost-effective measures to prevent a threat of serious or irreversible harm, the EU’s interpretation...

Jeremy's Blog 12th March 2021: The Budget and Investment

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 11th March 2021. Barely two months after the EU Transition Period, the pace of post-EU policy development is sustained, especially in England and perhaps particularly with DEFRA. Without the 28 state, 3 institution haggling of the EU (the post-2020 CAP is still unresolved), George Eustice saw Brexit as the opportunity to do domestic policy better while some in Government already see the urgency imposed by a 2024 election....

Jeremy's Blog 5th March 2021: The Budget and Investment

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 4th March 2021 Yesterday’s Budget heralds two years in which companies will be paid to invest in plant and machinery. An investment that would now have an 18 per cent capital allowance against tax will from next month have a 130 per cent capital allowance (the “super deduction”) and those that would get a 6 per cent allowance will be allowed at 50 per cent. A lack of business investment has been seen as a key part...

Jeremy's Blog 26th February 2021: Carbon Deals

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 25th February 2021 Do we know what it means for a landowner to enter into an agreement for carbon sequestration? What are the implications of “selling” carbon for the land and its users? Are we at risk of uncritical assumptions that: this is a significant source of value for an average landowner?that, being associated with positive change, it imposes no practical constraints? that now or soon is the time to sell? Simply...

Will the Stamp Duty Land Tax holiday be extended?

It is being widely reported in the press this morning (24th February) that the Stamp Duty Land Tax holiday will be extended until the end of June. An announcement from HM Treasury is expected in next week's Budget.

Jeremy's Blog 19th February 2021: Looking Beyond

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 18th February 2021 Reflecting on conversations over the last week, one common theme has been the importance of looking beyond the immediate challenge. Seeing where the world is moving will aid better decisions that are more effective for the longer term when meeting immediate issues. The pressure for climate change mitigation and other environmental goals is now a central part of policies across the United Kingdom....

England: RPA IT error - Countryside Stewardship claim reminders

We are told that Rural Payments has this morning unexpectedly issued e-mails to Countryside Stewardship agreement holders reminding them to submit their claim. This appears to be quirk of the IT system and we are asked to assure members that these should be ignored with no action to be undertaken in response.

Jeremy's Blog 12th February 2021: Recovery and Change

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 11th February 2021 Economic shocks, like the pandemic, both bring damage and precipitate change shaping a new economy, as energy, skills and assets find new opportunities, often with new technologies. Only hindsight might tell which was which, as it is easier to see losers than those building the future. Accelerated change for physical retail, under long-run pressure and particularly burdened by business rates, sees talk...

Jeremy's Blog 5th February 2021: Regulatory Baseline

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 4th February 2021 With the current focus on the development of schemes and grants for public goods and productivity, it can be easy to overlook another key component of the new policies. This is the move to a “regulatory baseline” – simply put, what the law will require of farmers as it requires standards from others. Whether under England’s ELM, the Welsh Sustainable Farming Scheme, the Animal Health and Welfare...

Jeremy's Blog 29th January 2021: Facts for Environmental Decisions

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 28th January 2021 While the Government has again delayed the important Environment Bill, pressures accumulate for change in environmental practice, for climate change and biodiversity. On the day that the Bill stalled, BlackRock, the world largest asset manager, asked companies in which it invests to disclose their plans to be net zero by 2050: “There is no company whose business model won’t be profoundly affected by the...

Written Statement on Second Homes in Wales

The Welsh Government has published a written statement on the impact of second homes on communities, access to housing and affordability and the impact this has on the Welsh language. It outlines the discretionary powers given to local authorities to help address their local housing needs, including discretionary powers to levy higher rates of council tax on second homes – and long-term empty properties – since 2017. It states that eight councils are currently charging premiums on second...

National Parks England: Collective Vision and Strategies

National Parks England has published its Collective Vision and Strategies, with 4 Delivery Plans setting out its commitments, ambitions and plans under the headings Wildlife and Nature Recovery, Climate Leadership, Sustainable Farming and Land Management and Landscapes for Everyone. Further information is available on the National Parks England website....

New CAAV Website and Membership Information

We are experiencing some problems with our new website updating membership information. This may mean that the website still states that your membership is lapsed, even though you have paid your subscription. We apologise for the problem and are working to fix it. If you wish to check and confirm that your subscription payment has been received, please email us at

Jeremy's Blog 22nd January 2021: Valuation

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 21st January 2021 Ten months into the pandemic, Wizz Air, the central European budget airline with an 80 per cent fall in passenger numbers, has issued a three year corporate bond paying just over 1 per cent. Ultra-low interest rates have prevailed unprecedentedly since the 2008 financial crisis. UK and US bonds remain at low rates, much EU member states’ government debt is at negative interest rates and, yesterday, 10 year...

SEPA cyber attack

SEPA - the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency - was subject to a cyber attack on Christmas Eve. Data was stolen and some is believed to have been published online. Further details are available on the SEPA website.

The Environment Bill 2019-20 has completed the Committee Stage in the House of Commons

The Environment Bill 2019-21 has completed the Committee Stage in the House of Commons. A Report on Committee Stage has been published summarising what happened in the Committee and how the Bill has changed. It considers key Government and Opposition amendments. It is prepared in advance of the Bill's next stages (Report and Third Reading) scheduled for 26 January 2021.

England: New legal protection for statues and monuments

The Government has announced that new laws will offer additional protection to historic statues and monuments in England, by requiring listed building consent or full planning permission to be obtained before a statue or monument can be removed. Further information is available on the GOV.UK website.

NEW PODCAST on Telecoms

Three years after the new Electronic Communications Code came into force, we are starting to see some clarity emerge on how the renewal of agreements for rural telecoms sites should be dealt with. In our latest podcast, Kate Russell of the CAAV discusses the Upper Tribunal decision in ON Tower v Green and how it can help those dealing with renewals to reach agreement.

Jeremy's Blog 15th January 2021: A Time for Change

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 14th January 2021 Meetings this week have shown both the Government’s sense of urgency to drive change for English agriculture and the conflicts in doing that. While England’s Agricultural Transition Plan runs to 2027, its real detail is for the period that the Government sees it has until the next election: what it has not done by then might then not be done. The present funding is only assured to 2024. With the...

Jeremy's Blog 8th January 2021: What Now for Business and Land Use

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 7th January 2021 Starting the New Year, we must look beyond the grim Covid-19 circumstances and the lockdown. They will pass, though it will take time and we need to keep continuity in commercial life while changes in property use and business practice will be accelerated by the pandemic and the counter-measures. With the structural change triggered by the 2016 referendum, the UK left the EU last January and the Transition...

George Eustice speaks on gene editing at the Oxford Farming Conference

The Environment Secretary George Eustice delivered a speech on the opportunities presented by gene editing technology to the virtual Oxford Farming Conference yesterday (7th January). The speech can be read here. The DEFRA consultation on the regulation of gene editing technology can be found on the GOV.UK website....

December Mailing and Subscription Invoices

The December mailing, which includes the December News Letter and subscription invoices, was delayed but is expected to be with members during the week commencing 11th January. Please wait until your copy of the mailing has arrived before contacting the office with queries about your subscription invoice - thank you for your patience. The mailing also includes two new publications: Rural Arbitration in the UK and Beyond Brexit: The UK's New Agricultural Policies....

CAAV Christmas Closure

The CAAV office will be closed for Christmas from lunchtime on Tuesday 22nd December until Monday 4th January 2021

Jeremy's Blog 18th December 2020: 2020 and Forward

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 17th December 2020 A local pub has expressed the bizarreness of 2020 as this nightmare examination question:“If you are going down a river at 2mph and a wheel falls off your canoe, how much pancake mix do you need to re-shingle your shed?”In a year of “learning by doing”, the CAAV’s themes in answering are challenge, resilience and adaption. Change is accelerated as society and the economy have been challenged in...

Jeremy's Blog 11th December 2020: The Role of the Trusted Advisor

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 10th December 2020 As the CAP becomes part of the UK’s past, whatever the outcome of the current impasse with EU, so we have to look at the work to come. In England, the Transition Plan sets the direction but there is much work in its implementation with new tenancy regulations, consultations on the lump sum payment option for 2022 and then de-linking in 2024, the ELM Pilots starting in 2021, the development of the...

201204 England: EFRA Select Committee Inquiry into ELM and the agricultural transition

Today, Friday 4th December, the Environment, Food and Rural Affrairs (EFRA) Select Committee launches its inquiry into Environmental Land Management and the agricultural transition. The inquiry follows the Ministers' introduction of the Governments plans for an agricultural transition in England. The EFRA Committee will scrutinise the design of the new Environmental Land Management Scheme pilot, ahead of its launch in late 2021. More detail on the inquiry can be found at -...

Jeremy's Blog 4th December 2020: Change for Agricultural and Land Management

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 3rd December 2020 The drumbeat of change for agriculture and land management is now fast and loud. The message of prospective change is becoming real economic and practical change for farmers and their advisers, moving in a short period of days from speculation to a part of work. Policy making and scrutiny are now in the UK. While the negotiations with the EU remain unresolved and the Northern Ireland Protocol a mess, the EU...

NEW PODCAST on the Agricultural Transition Plan

The Agricultural Transition Plan - the biggest shake-up in farming policy for over 50 years Jeremy Moody reviews the government’s new Agricultural Transition Plan which lays out the roadmap for phasing out direct payments (Basic Payment Scheme (BPS)) and phasing in the new Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme and productivity schemes. Also available on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Catch-up on previous episodes here....

Jeremy's Blog 27th November 2020: Asset Values

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 26th November 2020 What drives asset values? The basic answer is supply and demand, encapsulating human behaviour. Demand is often the key driver and supply the key constraint, with value where people want something rather than because someone has it to sell. Markets, summarising people’s thoughts, hopes and fears, express the balance between them and ever-changing prices influence actions. That restless movement guides...

HS2 review misses key points, highlights CAAV

A review of HS2’s land and property acquisition has missed some fundamental points, according to the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV). The review, initiated by the Department for Transport in the summer, tried to address a wide range of concerns raised by several different parties involved with HS2, explains Kate Russell, policy adviser to the CAAV. “Perhaps inevitably, the result is a piecemeal series of recommendations. While some are very welcome – like better...

Jeremy's Blog 20th November 2020: Renewable Energy

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 19th November 2020 Only 10 years ago renewable energy exploded on the market as something that could be done on farms and estates, going beyond a few wind turbines to the rapid expansion of solar and, to a less obvious extent, AD and hydro, as part of the farm business or, often larger schemes, leased out. As this activity spread swiftly from an initial focus in Cornwall, members applied the core skills of...

Jeremy's Blog 13th November 2020: From Agriculture Act to a Green Recovery?

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 12th November 2020 Although we wait to see the shape of the UK’s future relationship with the EU as negotiations of historic importance run beyond injury time, post-Brexit polices are moving from speculation to action. The Agriculture Act 2020 is the first post-Brexit policy statute and the first Agriculture Act since 1947. Taking effect in January, it will among many things enable the President of the CAAV to appoint...

A303 Stonehenge DCO granted

A Development Consent Order has been made for improvements to the A303 at Stonehenge, including a 2 mile tunnel to hide the road from the protected landscape. Further detail on the works can be found on the Highways England website.

Arrangements for taking the CAAV Examinations under Covid-19 Restrictions

The CAAV has been reviewing the arrangements for the November examinations in light of the developing situation with the Covid-19 virus and has prepared the following documents to assist candidates: - Arrangements for taking the Examinations under Coronavirus restrictions Examination Conditions for Remote Examinations – Supplementary Guidelines...

Jeremy's Blog 6th November 2020: Lockdowns and business

This blog by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 5th November 2020 England today joins Wales and Northern Ireland with new country-wide restrictions on social and economic life while Scotland’s Tiers were introduced on Tuesday, all responding to a rising Covid-19 incidence. Each country has struck its own difficult balance between disease control and continuity of activity and business. Ireland, France, Belgium and others have taken severe measures. This English lockdown...

CAAV Examinations 2020

A meeting tomorrow is to review the developing situation with the pandemic, including the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday evening of England-wide restrictions. We will circulate briefing after that on the approach being taken. With plans laid for the examinations to be held remotely, all candidates were e-mailed last week to ask them to: arrange a venue where they could take the papers in examination conditions test their link to the portal being used for this confirm to the...

Jeremy's Blog 30th October 2020: Dynamics for Business Change

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 29th October 2020 With barely 60 days to the end of the EU transition period, we need to look at the dynamics for business change as domestic policies take effect. All new schemes – productivity, resilience, land management, environment, animal welfare and so on – would be funded from the one pot of money, level until 2024, putting Basic Payment rates under pressure. The potential rewards from productivity...

Jeremy's Blog 23rd October 2020: Coronavirus Ongoing Measures

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 22nd October 2020 The coronavirus pandemic and the measures to manage it perplex the more as it goes on. All, including government, are trying to understand it as it evolves while, over time, the challenge in balancing business and health seems to become more difficult. It now looks more complex than the simple hit and then recovery, with a V-shaped model for the economy, assumed at first. “Herd immunity” seems...

Jeremy's Blog 16th October 2020: Remote and Examinations

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 15th October 2020 This has been a year of challenge, resilience and adaptation in keeping business going in the face of Covid-19. Business change has accelerated sharply, managing remote working and adopting new technologies. The longer the restrictions last the more some changes might remain afterwards, as we find a balance between old and new ways. The businesses that adapt successfully will be there for the future. The...

Jeremy's Blog 9th October 2020: Profit, Schemes and Work

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 8th October 2020 Over 4 years after the Referendum, we seem finally to be on the brink of new policies being introduced after the EU transition period ends with New Year’s Eve, with increasing effects on clients and for professional work for them. The Agriculture Bill, providing policy powers for DEFRA, Wales and Northern Ireland, is in its final stages before Royal Assent, perhaps completed in the next few days....

Hendy Review of UK Transport Connections

An independent review will consider ways to improve transport connections by road, rail, air and sea across the whole of the UK. Sir Peter Hendy's review, which is due to report in summer 2021, will look at the potential feasibility and economic case of options for: Reviewing air links within the UK Exploring the cost, practicality and demand for a new fixed link between Great Britain and Northern Ireland Boosting road and rail links to Scotland Cutting journey times to North Wales by...

Jeremy's Blog 2nd October 2020: Future Land Use

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 1st October 2020 Last Monday (28th September) saw two press reports illuminating possible futures. The widely publicised one was the Prime Minister’s “30 by 30” pledge to increase the area of the UK devoted “to nature” to 30 per cent by 2030. The one tucked away in the financial pages was the government’s support for insect farming companies, producing black soldier fly larvae in sheds as poultry and fish feed....

CAAV launches Facilitating Dispute Resolution service

Having an arbitrator is about to be made more practical, as the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV) launches its service Facilitating Dispute Resolution. The Agriculture Bill is to give the CAAV the power to appoint arbitrators in England and Wales, meaning it can now appoint official arbitrators in farm tenancy disputes. With that proposed standing, the CAAV is also developing a broader service – launched at the CAAV’s Annual Conference - for all forms of dispute resolution...

Jeremy's Blog 25th September 2020: International Risk

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 24th September 2020 Agriculture is remarkable as a sector of small businesses exposed directly to international economic markets. We are used to the influence of exchange rates on farm earnings, as so many produce commodities for what have become global markets. The £/€ rate for produce and subsidies has explained much of the movement in farming incomes. The oil price and dollar movements are revealed in fuel and other...

NEW PODCAST on Renewing Telecoms Agreements

Kate Russell reviews recent case law which sheds light on the correct approach to the renewal of telecoms agreements under the Electronic Communications Code in England and Wales. Also available on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Catch-up on previous episodes here....

Jeremy's Blog 18th September 2020: The New Regime

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 17th September 2020 As the Agriculture Bill enters its final straight, ministers have talked of the next steps in creating England’s post-Brexit regime, stressing productivity as interlinked with “public goods”: “our natural resources essential for food production”. A major series of statements and consultations are to come towards the end of the year with: the plan for the coming schemes giving “further...