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Anglian Water Farm Innovation Grant

Anglian Water's Farm Innovation Grant - which pays farmers in targeted catchments in that company's region to adopt practices that improve water quality - is to open for applications from 2nd October 2023 until Sunday 12th November. There is a maximum value of £7,500/holding available. For more information, see here: Anglian Water Farming Innovation Grant | Campaigns | News and insights | Ricardo....


DEFRA is hosting a Grants and Funding for Farmers webinar on 10th October at 14:05PM. This webinar for advisors provides an overview of the latest and upcoming grants available to farmers through the Farming Investment Fund, the Farming Innovation Programme and the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway. The agenda will cover: An overview of the three schemes and information on the following grants in particular: Farming Investment Funds for Slurry Infrastructure and Improving Farm...

SFI: IPM4 (No Insecticide) and Buffer Strips

This note looks at a technical issue related to the Sustainable Farming Incentive. For context and general guidance on the scheme, see the SFI Handbook 2023. Several members have contacted us about issues applying the SFI Action IPM4 (No use of insecticide on arable crops and permanent crops) to a land parcel where they also intend to carry out a compatible part-parcel action (IPM2; AHL1; AHL4). IPM4 with a whole-parcel action. Those applying IPM4 to the parcel first will find that they are...

Harper Adams University Experience Day - 1st November

Harper Adams University Experience Day – 1st November 2023 As part of work to inform and encourage prospective recruits to the profession, Harper Adams is holding a day for 14 to 19 year olds to understand something of its land and property management courses and so professional work. Any member who knows someone who could be interested in this is asked to pass these details on so that they can book a place in good time. The Experience Day, free of charge, includes: Introductions...

England: Nutrient Mitigation Scheme - Application Window & Credit Pricing

The next round of Natural England's Nutrient Mitigation Scheme is to open at 10am on 2 October 2023. More information about the scheme, which is available to housing developers in the Tees Catchment Area, is available in a website note from July 2022. Credits for this round are priced at £2,300....

Jeremy's Blog 29th September 2023: Permitted Development Rights

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 28th September 2023 Permitted development rights can be seen as one means to save the over-stretched and under resourced planning system from itself, a safety valve allowing investment in and change for the future. A member has recently had to make a full planning application for two environmental ponds, one 3m by 3m and the other 5m by 8m, in an AONB that, among other things, required a dark skies assessment, a relative...

Wales: Habitat Scheme Payment Rates

The Welsh Government has now announced the payment rates for the Habitat Wales Scheme: Habitat Wales Scheme: outline [HTML] | GOV.WALES. For more background on the scheme, see our website note of 31st August.

Homes England - Housing Information Hub

Homes England has published a Housing Information Hub, collecting up a series of guidance pages into one place. The Hub can be found here: Housing Information Hub - GOV.UK (

England and Wales: Boiler Upgrade Scheme - Grant Increased

In his speech on 20th September setting out changes to net zero targets, the Prime Minister announced that grants made for the installation of heat pumps would be increased. The Secretary of State has issued a notice under Regulation 13 of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (England and Wales) Regulations 2022 that the grant will be increased from £5,000 for air source heat pumps and £6,000 for ground source heat pumps to £7,500 for both types of heat pump. The increase will become effective from 23rd...

Eligibility Criteria Expanded: Animal Health and Welfare Review

The Government has broadened the eligibility criteria for the Animal Health and Welfare Review (for background, see our website note of 7th February). Farmers who have not receive BPS in the past - as well as those who have or expect to receive the Lump Sum Exit Scheme payment - are now also able to apply for funding for a vet visit and welfare report. More information on applying is available on GOV.UK: Guidance for farmers - Annual health and welfare review of livestock (

Jeremy's Blog 22nd September 2023: Recalibrating to Meet Environmental Policies

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 22nd September 2023What a moment to be starting on a professional career as an agricultural valuer. Having spoken this week to the new entry at the RAU and soon to speak at Harper Adams, students are starting their courses leading to the profession. Across the country, people are starting their first employment and their practical training. Both groups start at this fascinating time when so much is now open for change and all...

Feasibility Studies: Applications Open

Applications are now open for the Farm Innovations Programme Feasibility Studies. Applications for this competition should be at an early stage of research and development, with the grants to support projects through testing to see if a research idea works in practice and if it is worth further investment. The total cost of the project must be between £200,000 and £500,000 and last up to 24 months. More information is available in our website note of 2nd August....

SFI: Applications and Updates

The Sustainable Farming Incentive opened for applications on the 18th September. DEFRA are undertaking a 'controlled' roll-out of the SFI, with the scheme gradually opened to more land managers. For more detail, see the SFI Handbook, our website notes of 21st June and 29th August, as well as a recent CAAV podcast. In conjunction with the opening of the SFI applications, DEFRA has updated some of the relevant guidance pages on the GOV.UK website. This includes the publication of a range of...

CS Mid Tier Application Deadline: Open Applications

In an announcement today (Friday 15th September), DEFRA has confirmed that those with an open CS Mid Tier application, or those who have submitted an RLE1 form with the intention to apply, will have additional time to complete their application beyond the 15th September deadline. Some may be aware of ongoing tech issues with the CS application portal, meaning that some have been unable to complete and submit open applications. Those in this position should contact the RPA by email, including...

Jeremy's Blog 15th September 2023: The Purpose of Dispute Resolution

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 15th September 2023 The end of September brings Michaelmas, for perhaps half the tenancies in England and Wales a key point, whether for rent review or termination. Its longstanding place in the agricultural calendar is shown by the persistence of the old Michaelmas date of 10th October with continuity from before the UK changed its calendar in 1752, alongside new Michaelmas on 29th September. Tenancies will start and...

Northern Ireland: Consultation on Regulations for Smoke and Other Alarms and Electrical Safety under Private Tenancies Act 2022

The Department for Communities has announced consultations on two sets of technical regulations that are proposed to be made under the Private Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Act 2022. One set of regulations would introduce requirements for the provision of smoke, heat and carbon monoxide alarms in private rented properties in Northern Ireland, including draft regulations and how to respond are provided. A second set of regulations would introduce five-yearly electrical safety inspections in...

Wales: New National Park

Natural Resources Wales has published the dates for engagement events about the creation of a new National Park, based on the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB. More background to the designation is available in our website note of 6th June. Those working within the identified area are encouraged to participate in the designation process. More information is available on the NRW website....

SFI: Accelerated Payments for 2023

Many will be aware that the roll-out of the Sustainable Farming Incentive in 2023 was delayed; the scheme now opens on a staged basis from 18th September (for more information, see our website note of 29th August). Responding to concerns about cash-flow due to the delayed roll-out, on 13th September DEFRA committed to distributing accelerated payments for those who enter into the scheme this year. Those with a live SFI agreement before the end of 2023 will receive their first quarterly payment...

CS Mid Tier Applications: Moorland Line

The CAAV has been made aware that some Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier applicants have seen land misidentified within the Rural Payments Service portal as being above the moorland line, therefore restricting which CS options are available for their application. Those who believe that this is the case should first check the extent of the moorland line on the Magic Map, as this is amended from time to time. Where there is a mismatch between what is shown on the Magic map and what is available...

Jeremy's Blog 8th September 2023: Making the Best of Water

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 7th September 2023 Water supply is steadily becoming a critical issue in the United Kingdom with agriculture needing to look ahead and ensure both access to water and making the best use of it. Only last year, four Sussex councils were proposing water neutrality policies for housing development – that no more use should be made of water once houses are built than before – while, earlier this year, South East Water...