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Scotland: Council Tax on Second Homes

The Scottish Government has advised that with effect from Monday 1st April councils have the power to charge up to double the full rate of Council Tax on second homes. It goes on to state that 29 of the 32 Scottish local authorities have confirmed their intention to use the power. A second home is classed as any home that is not used as someone’s primary residence but that is occupied for at least 25 days in a year....

BNG Requirement for Small Sites

From 2nd April small sites are required to demonstrate biodiversity net gain as a condition of planning consent (unless exempt). Small sites are defined as: residential development where the number of dwellings is between 1 and 9 on a site of an area 1 hectare or less, or if the number of dwellings is unknown, the site area is less than 0.5 hectarescommercial development where floor space created is less than 1,000 square metres or total site area is less than 1 hectaredevelopment that is not...

Jeremy's Blog 28th March 2024: Farming and Nature; SFI and More

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 28th March 2024 Today’s developing agricultural policies have a twin-track character, embracing both farming and nature, albeit in different ways across the UK. As they develop, so the interactions become more complex. There are clear synergies with farming’s dependence on nature but, even with the well-advanced evolution of England’s new schemes, the tensions here saw this week’s swift decision limiting the use of...

Non-Production SFI Actions - 25% Holding Entry Cap

DEFRA has announced today (25th March) that there will be a cap of 25% of a holding able to be entered into 6 actions under the Sustainable Farming Incentive that take land out of direct food production. The actions are: IPM2: Flower-rich grass margins, blocks, or in-field stripsAHL1: Pollen and nectar flower mixAHL2: Winter bird food on arable and horticultural landAHL3: Grassy field corners or blocksIGL1: Take improved grassland field corners or blocks out of managementIGL2: Winter bird food...

Wales: New Welsh Rural Affairs Minister

The new Welsh First Minister. Vaughan Gething, has moved Lesley Griffiths to Culture, replacing her with Huw Irranca Davies in a new post for Climate Change and Rural Affairs. When an MP he had been a junior minister at DEFRA.

Jeremy's Blog 22nd March 2024: Scottish Land Reform - The Next Steps

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 21st March 2024 Scotland’s latest Land Reform Bill has now been published. Most of it concerns a series of agricultural tenancy changes and a revised and consolidated Small Landholders regime for perhaps less than 70 tenancies. However, its opening sections 1 to 6 would create a framework to regulate the management of over 400 of the largest rural ownerships and to control the disposal of land by many more with potential...

Jeremy's Blog 15th March 2024: New Issues for Farm Advice

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 14th March 2024 Pressures on clients’ choices as to the use of property continue to develop with new factors to be taken into account for advice. The Budget’s tax hit on holiday lets may see an appraisal of how cottages are used. Answers may range from keeping them, if integral to the holding in a tourist area and hoping to benefit from others going out, to switching to longer lettings or sale at the reduced rate for...

Jeremy's Blog 8th March 2024: The Budget - Positive APR Decisions

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 7th March 2024 Agricultural Property Relief (APR) from Inheritance Tax has again proved a very robust relief. In yesterday’s Budget with the financial constraints of poor growth, the Treasury issued the Government’s answers to last year’s major consultation: it will work with interested parties to understand what environmental transactions and assets really involve and develop a shared analysis of the issues and so how...

England, Wales and Scotland: Summary of CMA Market Study Report into Housebuilding

A summary of the Competitions and Market Authority (CMA) market study final report into housebuilding. The study considers a range of matters including planning policy, supply of housing, quality and innovation and the private management of amenities on housing estates providing an overview of their issues as well as CMA recommendations on these.

Treasury Consultation on Environmental Taxation and APR – Government Response

Following last year’s consultation, the Government has just announced that: “After careful consideration of the responses, the Government’s response outlines it has decided to: establish a joint HM Treasury and HMRC working group with industry representatives to identify solutions that provide clarity on the taxation of ecosystem service markets where existing law or guidance may not provide sufficient clarity extend the existing scope of agricultural property relief from 6...

Jeremy's Blog 1st March 2024: Look for Housing Policies that Work

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 29th February 2024 Perhaps, as in T.S. Eliot’s words, “Humankind cannot bear very much reality” (Four Quartets). Much of our public discussion seems based on making gestures, that the wish is better than the deed, the protest more material than the answer, rather than facing the realities of our problems and tackling them, explaining the issues and applying the practical remedies. One of the greatest challenges of...

SFI Action Checker

The RPA has published an online SFI Action Checker: Check what SFI actions you can get paid to do on your land ( This tool can be used to assess which SFI Actions are compatible with the land types on a holding, and directs users to the relevant guidance. It does not assess eligibility for the SFI scheme, but rather is intended as an entry-level tool for those scoping out which actions may be suitable for them....

Scam Emails Regarding CAAV Overdue Membership Payments

It has been brought to our attention that some members have been receiving scam emails purporting to be from the CAAV and stating that their membership is overdue. If you receive one of these scam emails please delete it. Any genuine emails regarding membership would come from or

Jeremy's Blog 23rd February 2024: Support for Farming as a Business

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 22nd February 2024 The Government went in strength to this week’s NFU AGM: the first Prime Minister’s visit for 16 years as well as the new Secretary of State, Steve Barclay, and Farming Minister Mark Spencer. Always an occasion for announcements, more were made than usual, fleshing out policy development and schemes. Following Steve Barclay’s speech to the Oxford Farming Conference, the theme for England is now...

Jeremy Moody at the Oxford Farming Conference

Jeremy Moody, CAAV Secretary and Adviser, spoke to the CAAV-hosted meeting at this January’s Oxford Farming Conference with the theme of UK Farming Land Tenure at a Crossroads. The need for improved farming productivity together with the focus on environmental and net zero issues is putting great pressure of rural land, its use and occupation. Agricultural tenancies, business arrangements and, indeed, land ownership are all under stress. Jeremy reviewed some of both the new challenges to be...

Avian Influenza: Restrictions on Bird Gatherings in Wales Lifted

With effect from 16th February 2024, the Welsh Government has lifted restrictions on gatherings of galliforme birds (such as pheasants, chickens and turkeys). A general licence for captive birds or poultry, as the case may be, is required. Restrictions on gatherings of anseriforme birds (such as ducks, geese and swans) remain in place....

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Summary Statement of DEFRA Schemes for England

Following the Prime Minister’s speech today at the NFU AGM, DEFRA has published these two overviews of its schemes: the range of financial assistance schemes – see this link the Farming Investment Fund for productivity The Prime Minister's announcements are summarised in our note....

Jeremy's Blog 16th February 2024: SFI Complement or Alternative

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 15th February 2024 DEFRA’s Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) is the element of England’s new regime that sits best with commercial farming. There are some non-production options but, generally, the actions offered can readily fit with or alongside commercial farming. Actions available or becoming available include improving soils, helping the adoption of precision farming and multi-species pastures with their benefits...

Forestry Commission Event: 22nd March 2024

The Forestry Commission are running a free event on 22nd March 2024 to provide an introduction to woodland creation opportunities, funding and support. The event will take place at the Holiday Inn, Scotch Corner, DL10 6NR. More detail and booking is available here: Woods Mean Business: tree and woodland event for land and forestry agents Tickets, Fri 22 Mar 2024 at 09:30 | Eventbrite....

12th February: Mandatory BNG for New Major Developments

From today (12 February), all new major housing developments in England are required to deliver at least a 10% Biodiversity Net Gain. A collection of related CAAV resources and external guidance is available on our website here: BNG - CAAV Collected Guidance - Version 1 - The Central Association for Agricultural Valuers.

Jeremy's Blog 9th February 2024: Lessons from European Farmers' Discontents

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 8th February 2024 It started in Holland but has now spread to most EU countries in the mainland of Europe, from Spain to Poland as farmers bring their tractors to town make their points. Each country’s protests though follow its national agenda, perhaps only unified by the EU’s pernickety farm-level auditing of the CAP and the growing force of the EU Green Deal. With a wider background of western malaise and ahead of...

Jeremy's Blog 2nd February 2024: Finding Farming's Answer to Land Use Changes

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 1st February 2024 Many very large things are being asked of us and our land. We are being asked to answer climate change and adapt to increasingly volatile weather, reducing emissions, sequestering carbon and managing water, improving nature and eco-systems, providing housing and other development including infrastructure – and still provide food. All that is to come from the finite area of our islands at a time of growing...

Bank of England has held its base rate at 5.25%

The Bank of England has held its base rate at 5.25% with the Governor noting that geopolitical risks had intensified. Six members of the Monetary Policy Committee voted for a standstill, two for an increase and one for a cut.

England: BPS Payment Query Deadline

On their blog, the RPA has reminded BPS claimants of the new deadlines for payment queries and appeals. The 60 day deadline starts on the ‘date of notification’. This is the date the RPA emails or writes to a claimant, giving notification of a payment decision. This can be:a payment remittancea payment querya response to a payment query, when the original payment query was received by the RPA within 60 days of sending a payment remittanceFor any BPS payment decisions notified before 1...

Jeremy's Blog 26th January 2024: Agricultural Protection is for Agricultural Use

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 25th January 2024 It can be worth remembering in today’s rapidly changing circumstances and new environmental offers that, where law or taxation make special provisions for farming, their benefit can be limited to where farming is being done. They are not entitlements, but conditional. Where agricultural activity ceases, the benefit of those special provisions can be lost. The provisions are to assist those who are farmers,...

Improving Farm Productivity Grant: Round 2 Opens

Applications have now opened for the 2nd round of the Improving Farm Productivity Grant. For more detail on the grant, see our website note of 14th December. Since the initial publication of the scheme guidance, DEFRA has increased the proportion of the costs that the grant will cover from 40% to 50% for robotic and automated equipment....

Energy DCOs - Sizewell C and Drax

Two major energy projects have reached milestones in their consenting. Sizewell C has announced that it has satisfied the commitments made in its Deed of Obligation. These were preliminary tasks required under the Development Consent Order (DCO) and preconditions for the start of the formal construction phase. The start of construction is not conditional on the final investment decision (FID) which is expected to be taken later in 2024. The Drax Bioenergy carbon capture and storage project was...

Jeremy's Blog 19th January 2024: Private Capital for Environmental Work

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 18th January 2024 The encouragement of private capital with and alongside public money has been a recurrent theme in government statements on environmental policy. DEFRA has set out very round figures as targets for this, calling for £500 million of private investment in “nature recovery” by 2027 and £1 billion by 2030 (perhaps 40 per cent of England’s legacy CAP money but not all necessarily agricultural or even...

BNG Start Dates: 12th February 2024

DEFRA has confirmed the start dates for biodiversity net gain in England:From 12 February 2024, BNG will be mandatory for new planning applications for major development made under the Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA) 1990, subject to the confirmed exemptions.BNG for small sites will have an extended transition period and will apply from 2 April 2024....

DEFRA Webinars: The Farming Offer in 2024

Following the start-of-the-year announcement by the DEFRA Secretary on schemes and coming farming policy, DEFRA is hosting several webinars to brief advisers and farmers. The Farming and Countryside Programme (FCP) will be holding an adviser specific webinar on Monday 22nd January: Advisor Webinar - the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI24) Tickets, Mon 22 Jan 2024 at 15:00 | Eventbrite. DEFRA are hosting a webinar on 26th January. Janet Hughes and others from the RPA will be providing an...

Jeremy's Blog 12th January 2024: The Outlook for Interest Rates

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 11th January 2024 Recent weeks have seen a mood that interest rates may be on the way down. However, UK 10 year gilts are nudging back up to 4 per cent and there seems reason for rates to remain higher for longer and also be more volatile. The strange period was the 15 years of unprecedented ultra-low interest rates from 2008 to 2023, not the last few months in which we have returned to a world of significant interest rates....

CAFRE Soil Nutrient Health Scheme Training

DAERA has announced that the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) is providing free, face-to-face Soil Nutrient Health Scheme (SNHS) training sessions for farmers in the County Down area.

Updated Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) Payment Rates

Defra has reviewed and updated Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) payment rates based on current costs. Where the 2024 rate has increased, the higher payment rate will be paid for: existing SFI Pilot and 2023 agreements, backdated to the start of their current agreement applications received in 2024 SFI 22 payment rates are not changing as the scheme is closing....

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