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The Beavers (England) Order 2022

The Beavers (England) Order 2022 was laid before Parliament on 22nd of July. The Order, coming into force from 1st October 2022, has two effects: The Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) will be listed in Schedule 2 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. This will include the animal in the list of European Protected Species, and provides the species with legal protection against the unlicensed capture, killing or disruption.The Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) will be included in...

DEFRA Farming Grants

Today (26th July) DEFRA have published a brochure detailing the grants available for farmers and land managers in England, and setting out the schemes that will be available in the coming years. The brochure can be downloaded from

Jeremy's Blog 22nd July 2022: Rural Land Management for the Future

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 21st July 2022 Now is a time to prepare for the future. While farming’s common response is to point to uncertainty for delay and remaining as we are, now is when to improve businesses and build in resilience ahead of the post-BPS world. Earlier planned change is likely to be more effective; hiding from it risks later radical change, whether from public policy or the marketplace. Improving the business is likely to be...

Sizewell C Project Development Consent Order granted

The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has granted consent for the construction of a new nuclear power station, announced by the Government on 20th July. The decision and the evidence considered by the Examining Authority in reaching its recommendation are publicly available on the project pages of the National Infrastructure Planning website....

Addressing Nutrient Pollution

DEFRA has announced two new policies to address ongoing issues of nutrient pollution in catchments and waterways. An amendment is to be introduced into the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, requiring water companies in England to upgrade wastewater treatment works by 2030 in ‘nutrient neutrality’ areas to the highest achievable technological levels.A new Nutrient Mitigation Scheme, establishing a process of offsetting for use by Local Authorities. The CAAV will be reviewing the proposals...

DEFRA Response to OEP

DEFRA has responded to the Office for Environmental Protection's first Monitoring Report (for more information, see our website note of 12th May). The response sets out some of DEFRA's ongoing work in relation to meeting its environmental targets, including a review of the 25 Year Environment Plan, that is to be published by 31st January 2023. In the response, George Eustice states that the review is to become the main environmental work programme for the department....

Jeremy's Blog 15th July 2022: Government Faces the Winter

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 14th July 2022 History can rhyme. The Downing Street storm broke and the Prime Minister is now a caretaker awaiting his successor. It is a century long echo of the removal of Lloyd George as Prime Minister by the Carlton Club Conservative Party meeting in 1922, Stanley Baldwin saying “a dynamic force was a terrible thing” destroying political parties. With tax cuts now canvassed as freely as tree planting in the last...

House of Commons Library Briefings on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

The House of Commons Library has prepared two useful briefing notes on renewable energy and energy efficiency. One covers schemes available to support domestic energy efficiency, heating and power generation while the other discusses improving energy efficiency in older houses. Both briefing notes contain references for further reading....

DEFRA Updates: Subscribing to Emails

As new schemes and opportunities are developed, DEFRA and its arms length bodies such as Natural England are posting a number of updates and announcements across the Government website. Members may wish to subscribe to receive updates on new posts via email. Some sites of interest are listed below:DEFRA's Future Farming Blog: Future Farming ( Email updates can be subscribed to here: Subscribe - Future Farming ( Updates from the Rural Payments Agency, including...

Jeremy's Blog 8th July 2022: Governments Face the Summer

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 7th July 2022 This is being written amid the political standoff in Downing Street as ministers resign without prospect of immediate replacement and constitutional crisis threatens, perhaps averted by the Prime Minister’s resignation. Significant parts of the government might now be barely functioning with issues for decision in a difficult world left fallow and Bill Committees grinding to a halt for want of ministers. With...

Energy Security Bill introduced to Parliament

The Energy Security Bill was introduced to Parliament on 6th July 2022. It "will deliver a cleaner, more affordable, and more secure energy system". Related documents can be found here. See the press release and Energy Security Bill: factsheets....

Jeremy's Blog 1st July 2022: Conference and Climate Change

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 30th June 2022 The CAAV held its annual National Conference and AGM last week in Liverpool as a physical event for the first time in three years with all the opportunities this gives for members and the life of the Association. With the warm sunny weather that has often accompanied it, members and guests in pre-pandemic numbers met on the regenerated waterfront at Liverpool and visited the Earl of Derby’s Knowsley...

CAAV Presidential Team for 2022/2023

The investiture of the CAAV Presidential Team for 2022/2023 took place at the AGM. The team comprises:Simon Alden (National President) Malcolm Gale (Senior Vice-President) Martin Hall (Junior Vice-President) Biographies of the Presidential Team can be found on our website.

England: Peatland and Woodland Decision Support Framework

The Progress Report of the Climate Change Committee, published on 28th June (see our website note), highlighted the work still needing to be done to increase woodland planting rates and restore peatland. One challenge is to identify suitable land for these activities. DEFRA, the Forestry Commission and Natural England have today published a Decision Support Framework for Peatland Protection, the Establishment of New Woodland and Re-Establishment of Existing Woodland on Peatland in England to...

Investigation of Suspected Case of Foot and Mouth - UPDATED

Update 30th June: Following further investigation, DEFRA has confirmed that Foot and Mouth and Swine Vesicular Disease have been ruled out, and the restriction zone has been lifted. DEFRA has announced that they are investigating an as yet unconfirmed case of Foot and Mouth in the Norfolk area. As a precautionary measure, an exclusion zone has been put in place. More detail - and updates - can be found on the government’s website. The CAAV will continue to update members....

Jeremy’s Blog 24th June 2022: Private Residential Tenancies

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 23rd June 2022 Somewhere, perhaps seven years ago, the wheel turned and Government thinking on private landlords flipped from respecting valued providers of flexibility in the economy to seeing them more as a problem. Increases in transactions taxes and the removal of Income Tax reliefs particularly affected buy-to-let, until then seen as a valid self-reliant alternative to pressured pension provision but now a mis-direction...

Scottish Government Biodiversity Strategy Consultation

The Scottish Government has opened a consultation on a proposed Biodiversity Strategy. The strategy, which aims to have 'substantially restored and regenerated' biodiversity in Scotland by 2045, targets several outcomes on rural land, including the restoration of peatland, planting more trees and improving water quality. The CAAV will be reviewing the the strategy in more detail....

23rd June 2022: Supreme Court Gives Decisions in Code Appeals

SUPREME COURT GIVES DECISIONS IN CODE APPEALS The Supreme Court heard appeals in three cases under the Electronic Communications Code in early February: Compton Beauchamp - Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd (Appellant) v Compton Beauchamp Estates Ltd (Respondent) Ashloch - Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd (Appellant) v Ashloch Ltd and AP Wireless II (UK) Ltd (Respondents) “Queens Oak”/ On Tower - On Tower UK Ltd (formerly known as Arqiva Services Ltd)...