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Jeremy's Blog 4th December 2020: Change for Agricultural and Land Management

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 3rd December 2020 The drumbeat of change for agriculture and land management is now fast and loud. The message of prospective change is becoming real economic and practical change for farmers and their advisers, moving in a short period of days from speculation to a part of work. Policy making and scrutiny are now in the UK. While the negotiations with the EU remain unresolved and the Northern Ireland Protocol a mess, the EU...

NEW PODCAST on the Agricultural Transition Plan

The Agricultural Transition Plan - the biggest shake-up in farming policy for over 50 years Jeremy Moody reviews the government’s new Agricultural Transition Plan which lays out the roadmap for phasing out direct payments (Basic Payment Scheme (BPS)) and phasing in the new Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme and productivity schemes. Also available on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Catch-up on previous episodes here....

Jeremy's Blog 27th November 2020: Asset Values

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 26th November 2020 What drives asset values? The basic answer is supply and demand, encapsulating human behaviour. Demand is often the key driver and supply the key constraint, with value where people want something rather than because someone has it to sell. Markets, summarising people’s thoughts, hopes and fears, express the balance between them and ever-changing prices influence actions. That restless movement guides...

HS2 review misses key points, highlights CAAV

A review of HS2’s land and property acquisition has missed some fundamental points, according to the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV). The review, initiated by the Department for Transport in the summer, tried to address a wide range of concerns raised by several different parties involved with HS2, explains Kate Russell, policy adviser to the CAAV. “Perhaps inevitably, the result is a piecemeal series of recommendations. While some are very welcome – like better...

Jeremy's Blog 20th November 2020: Renewable Energy

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 19th November 2020 Only 10 years ago renewable energy exploded on the market as something that could be done on farms and estates, going beyond a few wind turbines to the rapid expansion of solar and, to a less obvious extent, AD and hydro, as part of the farm business or, often larger schemes, leased out. As this activity spread swiftly from an initial focus in Cornwall, members applied the core skills of...

Jeremy's Blog 13th November 2020: From Agriculture Act to a Green Recovery?

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 12th November 2020 Although we wait to see the shape of the UK’s future relationship with the EU as negotiations of historic importance run beyond injury time, post-Brexit polices are moving from speculation to action. The Agriculture Act 2020 is the first post-Brexit policy statute and the first Agriculture Act since 1947. Taking effect in January, it will among many things enable the President of the CAAV to appoint...

A303 Stonehenge DCO granted

A Development Consent Order has been made for improvements to the A303 at Stonehenge, including a 2 mile tunnel to hide the road from the protected landscape. Further detail on the works can be found on the Highways England website.

Arrangements for taking the CAAV Examinations under Covid-19 Restrictions

The CAAV has been reviewing the arrangements for the November examinations in light of the developing situation with the Covid-19 virus and has prepared the following documents to assist candidates: - Arrangements for taking the Examinations under Coronavirus restrictions Examination Conditions for Remote Examinations – Supplementary Guidelines...

Jeremy's Blog 6th November 2020: Lockdowns and business

This blog by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 5th November 2020 England today joins Wales and Northern Ireland with new country-wide restrictions on social and economic life while Scotland’s Tiers were introduced on Tuesday, all responding to a rising Covid-19 incidence. Each country has struck its own difficult balance between disease control and continuity of activity and business. Ireland, France, Belgium and others have taken severe measures. This English lockdown...

CAAV Examinations 2020

A meeting tomorrow is to review the developing situation with the pandemic, including the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday evening of England-wide restrictions. We will circulate briefing after that on the approach being taken. With plans laid for the examinations to be held remotely, all candidates were e-mailed last week to ask them to: arrange a venue where they could take the papers in examination conditions test their link to the portal being used for this confirm to the...

Jeremy's Blog 30th October 2020: Dynamics for Business Change

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 29th October 2020 With barely 60 days to the end of the EU transition period, we need to look at the dynamics for business change as domestic policies take effect. All new schemes – productivity, resilience, land management, environment, animal welfare and so on – would be funded from the one pot of money, level until 2024, putting Basic Payment rates under pressure. The potential rewards from productivity...

Jeremy's Blog 23rd October 2020: Coronavirus Ongoing Measures

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 22nd October 2020 The coronavirus pandemic and the measures to manage it perplex the more as it goes on. All, including government, are trying to understand it as it evolves while, over time, the challenge in balancing business and health seems to become more difficult. It now looks more complex than the simple hit and then recovery, with a V-shaped model for the economy, assumed at first. “Herd immunity” seems...

Jeremy's Blog 16th October 2020: Remote and Examinations

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 15th October 2020 This has been a year of challenge, resilience and adaptation in keeping business going in the face of Covid-19. Business change has accelerated sharply, managing remote working and adopting new technologies. The longer the restrictions last the more some changes might remain afterwards, as we find a balance between old and new ways. The businesses that adapt successfully will be there for the future. The...

Jeremy's Blog 9th October 2020: Profit, Schemes and Work

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 8th October 2020 Over 4 years after the Referendum, we seem finally to be on the brink of new policies being introduced after the EU transition period ends with New Year’s Eve, with increasing effects on clients and for professional work for them. The Agriculture Bill, providing policy powers for DEFRA, Wales and Northern Ireland, is in its final stages before Royal Assent, perhaps completed in the next few days....

Hendy Review of UK Transport Connections

An independent review will consider ways to improve transport connections by road, rail, air and sea across the whole of the UK. Sir Peter Hendy's review, which is due to report in summer 2021, will look at the potential feasibility and economic case of options for: Reviewing air links within the UK Exploring the cost, practicality and demand for a new fixed link between Great Britain and Northern Ireland Boosting road and rail links to Scotland Cutting journey times to North Wales by...

Jeremy's Blog 2nd October 2020: Future Land Use

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 1st October 2020 Last Monday (28th September) saw two press reports illuminating possible futures. The widely publicised one was the Prime Minister’s “30 by 30” pledge to increase the area of the UK devoted “to nature” to 30 per cent by 2030. The one tucked away in the financial pages was the government’s support for insect farming companies, producing black soldier fly larvae in sheds as poultry and fish feed....

CAAV launches Facilitating Dispute Resolution service

Having an arbitrator is about to be made more practical, as the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV) launches its service Facilitating Dispute Resolution. The Agriculture Bill is to give the CAAV the power to appoint arbitrators in England and Wales, meaning it can now appoint official arbitrators in farm tenancy disputes. With that proposed standing, the CAAV is also developing a broader service – launched at the CAAV’s Annual Conference - for all forms of dispute resolution...

Jeremy's Blog 25th September 2020: International Risk

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 24th September 2020 Agriculture is remarkable as a sector of small businesses exposed directly to international economic markets. We are used to the influence of exchange rates on farm earnings, as so many produce commodities for what have become global markets. The £/€ rate for produce and subsidies has explained much of the movement in farming incomes. The oil price and dollar movements are revealed in fuel and other...

NEW PODCAST on Renewing Telecoms Agreements

Kate Russell reviews recent case law which sheds light on the correct approach to the renewal of telecoms agreements under the Electronic Communications Code in England and Wales. Also available on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Catch-up on previous episodes here....

Jeremy's Blog 18th September 2020: The New Regime

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 17th September 2020 As the Agriculture Bill enters its final straight, ministers have talked of the next steps in creating England’s post-Brexit regime, stressing productivity as interlinked with “public goods”: “our natural resources essential for food production”. A major series of statements and consultations are to come towards the end of the year with: the plan for the coming schemes giving “further...

Metaldehyde to be banned from 2022

The Government has announced that metaldehyde - most commonly used to control slugs - is to be banned for both commercial and domestic outdoor use from March 2022. Sales of metaldehyde will be prohibited after 31st March 2021. The statement by Farming Minister Victoria Prentis can be found on the website.

ICAEW Farming and Rural Business Conference 2020

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales is holding a virtual Farming and Rural Business Conference on 29th and 30th September 2020. The keynote speaker is Secretary of State for Environment and Rural Affairs, George Eustice, and the cost for non-members is £100+VAT. Details and booking are available via the ICAEW website.

Welsh Government funding for the countryside

The Welsh Government has made £7.4 million available for improving access to the countryside, investing in green infrastructure and improving sustainability. The funds will be awarded to National Parks, AONBs and Local Authorities. Further details can be found on the Welsh Government website.

Jeremy's Blog 11th September 2020: Deal or No-deal?

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 10th September 2020 We are now 16 weeks to the end of the EU transition period. If a deal is to be in place for 1st January, it needs substantial agreement by mid-October. This week has highlighted the possibility that the negotiating mandates preclude a deal acceptable to both the UK and the EU. Aside from fisheries, the major problems are understood to lie around the relationship between future UK rules and evolving EU...

The Prince's Farm Resilience Programme 2020

The Prince's Countryside Fund has opened registration for the Prince's Farm Resilience Programme 2020. The Programme enables family farm businesses to access free business skills and environmental training to help improve business viability. More detail can be found on the PCF website where there is a link to register interest in taking part....

£11.5 billion for affordable homes in England

England's Housing Minister Robert Jenrick has announced £11.5 billion of new funding for affordable homes in England which is intended to deliver 180,000 homes in the period to 2026. The homes will be a mix of tenures, including a new Shared Ownership model and affordable rented property. Further information can be found on the GOV.UK website.

CAAV adopts technology to drive agriculture’s future

Embracing technological advancements will be a major element in progressive farming in the coming years, and the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV) is arming its members with the tools to help. Speaking at the virtual CAAV AGM and conference on 3 September, incoming president, Andrew Thomas, said the end of this year will hail a big transition for the rural sector. “There are huge changes ahead for our members and clients, whether we end up on World Trade Organisation terms...

Jeremy's Blog 4th September 2020: Farming Productivity and Business Change

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 3rd September 2020Most of farming faces the same economic problems as it faced before the pandemic. The poor harvest emphasises the concerns about poor cash flow as farming goes into 2021, facing whatever may come as the EU transition period ends.That draws attention to the long run issues of poor profitability and productivity growth that might now be tackled more effectively. Recent DEFRA data show that barely...

Jeremy's Blog 28th August 2020: Valuations under the Electronic Communications Code

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 27th August 2020 With the long, fraught arguments over telecommunications masts, the last fortnight has doubled the number of Tribunal decisions on valuation, developing a picture of what Tribunals consider to be the main arguments. CTIL v Fothringham (in the Lands Tribunal for Scotland) follows EE v Islington in considering the rent for a new Code agreement. Vodafone v Hanover considers the rent on the renewal of a lease...

Covid-19 ban on evictions in England extended by 4 weeks

The Government has extended the temporary ban on evictions from dwellings in England, which was due to end this Sunday, by a further four weeks and introduced a new requirement for notices to be at least 6 months in duration. Further detail is available on the GOV.UK website.

Jeremy's Blog 21st August 2020: The Use of Algorithms

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 20th August 2020 Algorithm – a set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operation. While as simple as that, a word more used in computing than the pub has been thrust into daylight by the attempt to give examination grades without holding examinations. An algorithm is simply a tool, depending on how data are selected and assumptions about how they are handled. It can only be as good as those...

Jeremy's Blog 14th August 2020: A Radical Shock for Planners?

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 13th August 2020. The proposals in the two planning consultation papers issued last week for England appear to be a genuinely radical shock for the system. They go much further than the zoning proposals of the headlines, shaking the 70 year old foundations of planning and what local planning authorities do. Focussed on housing, rather than other development, the force of the proposals lies in their approach to housing...

Jeremy's Blog 7th August 2020: Planning

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 6th August 2020 A month ago, I wrote here:“The interruption to public life and the economy created by the pandemic is now both a prompt and political cover for change in the planning system that would be more controversial in other circumstances.”Today’s White Paper on the English planning system follows the recent extensions to permitted development rights. We need to look clearly at what has been put on the table.It...

England: The Getting Building Fund

The Government has released details of hundreds of projects which will be supported by the £900 million Getting Building Fund in England, including housing development, regeneration schemes, education and healthcare projects. The projects will be delivered through LEPs and details can be found on the GOV.UK website....

Secretariat - Alice De Soer

Alice De Soer is leaving the Secretariat at the end of Friday, 31st July. We thank her for her work in that capacity over the years, for which she was recognised by the award of the CAAV’s Kenneth Glenny Prize in 2015, and wish her well for the future. Calls and e-mails regarding her work areas should come to the Secretariat at Harts Barn Farmhouse. Consideration is being given to the skills and dispositions that might now be needed in the Secretariat....

Jeremy's Blog 31st July 2020: Agricultural Policy in England

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 30th July 2020 The reality of the new English agricultural policy, outside the EU, is imminent. Ministers are adamant that the first cut in Basic Payment will start the transition period in 2021, seeing new policies phased in. With more detail promised in an autumn statement, that seven year process was again outlined in the Government’s replies to the House of Lords Committee stage on the Agriculture Bill. That reality,...

Jeremy's Blog 24th July 2020: Environmental Policy

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 23rd July 2020 George Eustice, DEFRA Secretary of State, has consistently argued that the opportunity of Brexit is to “do policy better”. As developing post-Brexit policies and the emerging post-Covid policies blend, he has now set this argument out for environmental policy. Those concerned with the management of rural land should see the scale of the ambition for such issues as biodiversity, water quality and air...