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NEW PODCAST - Good Practice in Statutory Compensation Claims

Kate Russell of the CAAV explains why good practice is so important in compulsory purchase and other statutory compensation claims and highlights some of the key messages for agents involved in this work. Also available on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Catch-up on previous episodes here....

Extra month to claim for farm payments in England

Government has confirmed a one month extension to claim for farm payments in England. The 15th May deadline has been extended to 15th June 2020 for BPS 2020 applications and 2020 revenue claims for Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship. Please see the press release on the website for further details....

Dairy sector crisis - Government to relax competition law

The Government has confirmed that it will temporarily relax some competition law so that the dairy processing industry can work together to manage supply and demand during the coronavirus pandemic. In recent weeks some dairy farmers have had to throw away fresh milk because their buyers have lost catering and food service contracts. It is hoped that the temporary relaxation will allow more fresh milk to be processed into longer-life products, such as cheese, butter, or skimmed milk powder....

Covid-19 and Rights of Way

Michelmores Solicitors has published a useful article on options for landowners facing busy rights of way during the coronavirus pandemic. The article can be found on the Michelmores website.

Bookings are now open for the CAAV’s new webinar on Contract Farming

Contract Farming Webinar Thursday, 30th April 2020 10:15 - 11:15am With many farmers and landowners needing to look hard at and review their businesses, joint ventures offer one possible answer. Contract farming agreements have developed as one form of joint venture approach that has suited many. They can be flexible, give access to skills and machinery but need to be done properly. Widely used in combineable cropping, the CAAV has updated its publication “Arable Farming with...

Lantra Scotland Skills Matching Service

Lantra Scotland has set up a Skills Matching Service to help rural and land-based businesses find staff with suitable skills and to help those looking for work to find suitable positions. Visit the Lantra Scotland website for more information.

NEW PODCAST on Electrical Safety Standards for Private Rented Property in England

New Regulations will come into force in England in 2020 which will require all landlords of residential premises to carry out electrical safety inspections every five years. New tenancies will need to comply from 1st July 2020 and existing tenancies from 1st April 2021. Kate Russell of the CAAV reviews the new Regulations and explains what they will mean for landlords and their advisers. Also available on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Catch-up on previous episodes here....

Wales confirms emergency measures to support farmers during COVID-19 outbreak

Wales' Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, has confirmed that the Single Application Form (SAF) deadline is now extended to 15th June 2020, giving an extra month to complete forms. She has also confirmed that the Crop Diversification requirements are being removed for BPS 2020. To alleviate potential cash flow issues, an additional £5.5m has been allocated for the BPS and Glastir 2019 support scheme which has re-opened today for farmers who have not received...

CLA and TFA Joint Statement in Challenging Times

In a joint statement the TFA and CLA, with DEFRA’s support, are appealing to all rural landlords and tenants to work together collaboratively and compassionately during this unprecedented time. The plea is made in respect of all tenancy matters, but particularly rent payments, notices to quit and finalising new tenancy agreements. The full statement is available on the TFA and CLA websites....

Covid-19: Advice for people with animals

The Government has published advice for pet owners and livestock keepers during the coronavirus outbreak:

COVID-19: Letter from the Environment Secretary

The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, George Eustice, has written an open letter to the food industry thanking all those involved for their efforts so far in supporting the nation during the coronavirus outbreak.

Covid-19: Government support for self-employed

On 26th March Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that self-employed workers will be able to apply for a grant worth 80% of their average monthly profits over the last three years, up to a maximum of £2,500 a month. The money will be paid in a single lump sum, but will not begin to arrive until the start of June at the earliest.


Podcast No. 6 - EPCs and MEES for domestic property: what you need to know Energy efficiency in buildings is a key area for Government to tackle if it is to meet the deadline for net zero carbon by 2050. Kate Russell of the CAAV explains how the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards are being implemented for let residential property in England and Wales at the moment and looks ahead to where standards will go in future. ​​ Also available on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Catch-up...

Covid-19: Government to pay wages

The Chancellor has announced today (20th March) that the Government will step in and pay up to 80% of wages for employees not working due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Guidance for businesses during CV-19 outbreak

Many professional firms are publishing useful guidance on their websites for businesses during the Covid-19 outbreak. As examples of what is available, Michelmores solicitors has published guidance for employers and Roythornes solicitors has published information on employment issues for farm businesses....

DEFRA relaxes crop diversification rules and confirms £6m funding for flood-affected farmers

DEFRA has confirmed that the crop diversification rules under "greening" will not apply for Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2020 applications. This is to assist farmers in England who have been unable to establish crops because of the prolonged wet weather and flooding. In addition, the Farming Recovery Fund is being further extended with £6 million funding to assist farmers affected by flooding during February 2020. This support is being made available to eligible farmers in parts of East and...

Protection for private renters during Covid-19 outbreak

The Prime Minister has said that he will introduce legislation to prevent tenants in the private rented sector from being evicted if they are unable to pay rent due to lost earnings because of the coronavirus outbreak. Further details are awaited.

Government announces emergency Coronavirus Bill

The government has annouced the introduction of the Coronavirus Emergency Measures Bill to enable action in five key areas:- 1. increasing the available health and social care workforce 2. easing the burden of frontline staff 3. containing and slowing the virus 4. managing the deceased with respect and dignity 5. supporting people The legislation is to be time-limited for two years. Further details on the powers to be introduced can be found on the GOV.UK website. The Bill is due to be...

Wales confirms emergency support for businesses affected by coronavirus

As part of a package of financial support for businesses affected by coronavirus, the Welsh Government has confirmed: 100% business rates relief will be apply for retail, leisure and hospitality businesses with a rateable value of £51,000 or less; A £5,000 reduction in business rates for pubs with a rateable value between £51,000 and £100,000; and £100m grant funding for small businesses - further details on this grant scheme "will be confirmed as soon as possible."...

£1 million for Future Farming Resilience Funding

DEFRA has confirmed that nine organisations have been awarded a proportion of £1 million funding being made available as part of a Future Farming Resilience pilot. The projects approved range from one to one advice to workshops and should assess the effectiveness of these approaches in supporting farmers and land managers through the seven year agricultural transition period from 2021. Further information is available on the GOV.UK website and DEFRA's Blog....

Two month window opens for BPS 2020 applications and Stewardship claims

The two month window for Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2020 applications and annual revenue claims for existing Countryside Stewardship (CS) and Environmental Stewardship (ES) agreements has opened. BPS applications and CS/ ES claims must be submitted by 15th May 2020 to avoid late claim penalties. Further information is available on the GOV.UK website....

NEW PODCAST on the 2020 Budget

Following yesterday’s budget announcement, we have recorded a new podcast episode. This is the first budget of Boris Johnson’s majority government and the newly appointed Chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Packed with announcements and substantial spending commitments, what does it all mean for rural business owners? Tune in to hear Jeremy Moody’s expert analysis of the policy changes and new fiscal measures. Also available on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Catch-up on previous episodes...

UK interest rate cut to 0.25%

The Bank of England has cut the interest rate to 0.25% today (11th March 2020) as part of the response to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Scotland begins making CAP convergence payments to farmers and crofters

The Scottish Government has made initial CAP convergence payments worth £86.2 million to over 17,400 farmers and crofters. This represents the first tranche of a £160 million convergence funding package. A further payment should be made in the "coming weeks". More information can be found in the Scottish Government's News Release.

RPA pays almost 99% of Basic Payment Scheme claimants

The RPA has issued an update on payments under the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS), Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship. The headline figures given in the update are:- BPS 2020 payments have been made to almost 99% of eligible claimants (total value of £1.76 billion); Environmental Stewardship (ES) - 77% of agreement holders should have received a full payment for ES 2019 annual revenue claims (total value of £133 million); and Countryside Stewardship (CS) - 37% of agreement...

NEW PODCAST on Residential Tenancies

Episode No.4 - Residential Tenancies: Radical Reform in England – or is it? Kate Russell of the CAAV explains the key measures set out in the Rented Homes Bill, including the proposed abolition of assured shorthold tenancies in England. This is the most significant change to the letting of residential property in England for forty years, but what will the real impact be for private landlords? The full podcast is available below and on Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts. Catch-up on...

Environment Bill progresses with Second Reading

The Environment Bill has been brought forward today for its Second Reading in the House of Commons, giving MPs the first opportunity to debate the new Bill. The Bill forms a key element of the government's commitment to an ambitious environmental programme and is one of the main vehicles for delivering the 25 Year Environment Plan. Further details can be found on the GOV.UK website....

Eustice delivers speech at NFU Conference

Environment Secretary, George Eustice, delivered his speech earlier this morning at the NFU Conference. The speech was originally scheduled for the first day of the Conference (yesterday) to coincide with the publication of the Agriculture Bill Policy Statement and the new Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) consultation, but had to be delayed due to a meeting of the Cabinet to discuss the latest flooding issues. The transcript of the speech can be viewed on the GOV.UK website....

DEFRA publishes future farm support details

The Environment Secretary, George Eustice, will be delivering a speech at the NFU Conference tomorrow (Wednesday 26th February) and ahead of that has announced the publication today of:- a Policy Discussion Document around the design of the new Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) - this should give a high level overview of the proposed three tier structure. DEFRA is inviting views on these proposals, with ten weeks to submit comments (through to 5th May 2020); and a Future Farming...

NEW PODCAST on The Electronic Communications Code

The Electronic Communications Code - still in stasis? Whilst the new Electronic Communications Code has been in place for over two years, there is still considerable frustration over the lack of progress in agreeing terms for new agreements. In this episode, Jeremy Moody talks us through the purpose and operation of the Code, the approach to assessing rents and he provides a full run down of two Upper Tribunal cases - CTIL v Compton Beauchamp Estates Ltd and CTIL v Ashloch and AP Wireless.​...

Seasonal Workers Pilot extended for 2020

Environment Secretary, George Eustice, has confirmed that the Seasonal Workers Pilot is to be extended in 2020 to support the horticultural sector. Up to 10,000 temporary workers may be employed for up to six months, compared with the previous 2,500 workers. Further information is available on the GOV.UK website....

Government announces support package for areas affected by flooding

Following the recent storms and flooding, the government has announced funding and support for those affected, including:- A Community Recovery Grant - £500 financial hardship payments to cover short-term need; 100% council tax and business rates relief for at least three months; A Business Recovery Grant - up to £2,500 Business Recovery Grant for small and medium sized businesses with uninsurable losses; and A Property Resilience Scheme - up to £5,000 funding for homes and businesses...

NEW PODCAST on the Agriculture Bill – a watershed moment for British Agriculture

Our NEW PODCAST has just gone live! In this episode, Jeremy Moody gives an in-depth analysis of the new and eagerly anticipated Agriculture Bill. He talks through the phasing out of BPS in England, the payment of “public money” for the delivery of “public goods” and the proposed changes to agricultural tenancies. Whilst the Bill primarily focuses on future powers for England, Jeremy also provides commentary and comparison with the policies being developed in the other devolved countries...

Eustice confirmed as new DEFRA Secretary of State

George Eustice MP has been confirmed as the new DEFRA Secretary of State. Formerly the farming Minister, his promotion comes following the departure of Theresa Villiers earlier today as part of the Cabinet reshuffle.

Villiers no longer Environment Secretary

As part of today's Cabinet reshuffle, it seems that Theresa Villiers has lost her role as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. We await further news on who will replace her.

Government funding to re-open Beeching rail lines

The Government has pledged £500 million of funding for communities to develop proposals to re-open local railway lines, including those closed in the Beeching cuts. Further information is available on the website.

HS2 announcement expected today (11th February)

It is being widely reported in the media that the Prime Minister is expected to make an announcement later today on the future of the HS2 project, confirming that it will go ahead. Further briefing will follow in due course.

Harper Adams University Rural Research Conference 2020

Harper Adams University's Rural Research Conference takes place on Thursday 23rd April 2020. Details of the programme and how to book are available at

NFU Rural Surveyor and Planning Firms - invitation to tender

The National Farmers’ Union of England and Wales (NFU) is looking to renew its approved list of professionals providing land and tenancy and/or planning advice and services to NFU Farmer and Grower members. Successful firms will be will promoted as NFU Rural Surveyor and Planning Firms on the NFU’s website and in national and regional NFU publications. Firms will also be able to display their status with an NFU Rural Surveyor Firm or NFU Planning Firm logo and may be invited to participate...

Scotland begins to issue Basic Payment Scheme 2019 payments

The Scottish Government has confirmed that Basic Payment Scheme 2019 payments (including Greening and Young Farmer payments) have started to be issued. This follows the National Basic Payment Support Scheme 2019 loan payments (up to 95% of estimated payment value) which were issued in October 2019. Please see the Scottish Government website for further details....

Northern Ireland: Agriculture Minister confirms £293 million secured for Direct Payments for 2020

The Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots MLA has confirmed that farmers will share £293 million in Direct Payments for 2020, with the Department aiming to make full payments from 16th October 2020. The Minister announced that the 2020 scheme will operate in a similar fashion to that in 2019, apart from a small number of changes as a result of the exit from the EU. The full article can be found on the DAERA website...

Agriculture Bill is brought forward for Second Reading

The Agriculture Bill was brought forward for Second Reading in the House of Commons yesterday (3rd February 2020). This was the first opportunity for the Bill to be debated by MPs. The Bill will now go to Committee Stage, Report Stage and Third Reading, before transferring to the House of Lords. Please see the GOV.UK website for a news release and the progress of the Bill can be viewed on the UK Parliament website....