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Jeremy's Blog 28th January 2022: Managing Climate Change

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 27th January 2022 Climate change discussion has focused on its mitigation by carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Affecting society and the economy, this has particular consequences for land management, farming and buildings. However, adaptation is equally important. All forecasts point to significant further change, even if mitigation is as effective as intended by 2030 and 2050 – with so much of...

HS2 Phase 2b (Crewe to Manchester) Bill Deposit

The High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Bill has been deposited into Parliament to seek the powers to build and operate the next section of the HS2 route. More information can be found via this link.

Jeremy's Blog 21st January 2022: Focus of ELM

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 20th January 2022 With the Commons Public Accounts Committee asking DEFRA how its proposed environmental schemes might affect food production in England and similar arguments elsewhere in the UK, these schemes should be put into some perspective. DEFRA has set out the broad outlines. As money is released from Basic Payment, 10 per cent is to support productivity improvement and 90 per cent goes to buy environmental change on...

Farming in a Protected Landscape: Rolling Applications

DEFRA has announced that, following feedback during the early rounds, the Farming in a Protected Landscape Programme will now have rolling application window. This will allow applications to be submitted up until the programme closes in 2024. For more on the aims of the programme, and the funding available, see our website note of 25th June 2021....

Jeremy's Blog 14th January 2022: Mast Rents and Premiums

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 13th January 2022 A court has awarded a rent of £3,500 for a rural mast on the renewal of a Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 lease. This recognised the widespread use by operators of “Early Completion Incentive Payments” (ECIPs) as tantamount to premiums – the court required their disclosure. As a renewal of a lease protected by the 1954 Act to be a Code agreement, the case (Pippingford (EE Limited v Morriss [2022] EW...

Future Farming Resilience Fund Extension

DEFRA has announced an extension to the second round of the Future Farming Resilience Fund, which supports independent advisors in providing free business advice to farmers to help them prepare and adapt during the agricultural transition. The second round of the fund, which opened last year, was due to end in March 2022. However, it is to be extended until September 2022, when the next round of funding will become available. To access advice, farmers should contact the list of independent...

Jeremy's Blog 7th January 2022: Land Use Competition

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 6th January 2022 The growing competition for land use is a key theme at this week’s Oxford Farming Conference, starting with the CAAV’s presentation on Farming and Land Use: Having Control. Forestry, looking to the low carbon supply chain as a lucrative market more than offsetting, is buoyant and competing for a wider range of lower value farmland, notably in Scotland and Wales. Renewable energy sees larger areas as solar...

CAAV delivers the first of the on-line fringe events at the Oxford Farming Conference 2022

On Wednesday, 5th January 2022, the CAAV delivered the first of the on-line fringe events on the opening day of the Oxford Farming Conference. The CAAV’s 45 minute session had Jeremy Moody discussing: Farming and Land Use: Having Control We face changing economics, policies, markets, technologies and climate and new demands on land use from nature and carbon. Now outside the CAP, these might prompt much change in who is farming what land in which ways. Those decisions are personal –...

CAAV at Oxford Farming Conference 2022

CAAV AT ON-LINE OXFORD FARMING CONFERENCE 2022 With the Oxford Farming Conference now going remote in response to the pandemic, the CAAV is to deliver the first of the on-line fringe events on the opening Wednesday 5th January. The CAAV’s 45 minute session at 8 a.m. has Jeremy Moody discussing: Farming and Land Use: Having Control We face changing economics, policies, markets, technologies and climate and new demands on land use from nature and carbon. Now outside the CAP, these might...

Jeremy's Blog 24th December 2021: 2021 Review and Predictions for 2022

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 22nd December 2021 2021 has been a step in major processes of change with both post-Brexit policies and the pandemic. All parts of the UK have re-written inherited EU law. DEFRA’s replacement of Basic Payment with environmental management and productivity measures is now firmly underway. The Environment Act now frames the Agriculture Act, making environmental improvement a key government policy, alongside climate change...

CAAV Christmas Closure

The CAAV office will close for Christmas at 1 p.m. on Wednesday 22nd December 2021 and re-open on Tuesday 4th January 2022. May we take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

Jeremy's Blog 17th December 2021: Housing Market

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 16th December 2021 The housing market is a market for people. A house sale or purchase is the largest transaction many make while a house may be home, with a sense of place as well as a potential financial assurance. A home-owning democracy was a mainstay of 20th century politics but tight supply and loose money have made housing unaffordable for many. The functioning of this market is a key political issue – often also a...

Jeremy's Blog 10th December 2021: DEFRA's Developing Policy

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 9th December 2021 DEFRA has made the third of its Agricultural Transition Plan statements, this time largely on SFI 2022 focussed on soils but also with a larger policy speech. This follows the Plan of November 2020 and June’s announcements on SFI and DEFRA’s payment principles. This is and should be seen as a pattern of the progressive development, implementation and testing of new policies, with a flexibility possible...

Scotland: Sustainable Agriculture Capital Grants Scheme Deadline

The Scottish Government have published a reminder that applications for the Sustainable Agriculture Capital Grants Scheme (SACGS), along with the relevant supporting documentation, should be submitted by 31st December. Completed claims and supporting documents should be emailed to local Area Offices. Applications already submitted will need to have the relevant documentation by that date as well. More information can be found online....

Jeremy's Blog 3rd December 2021: Forestry

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 2nd December 2021 With strong commodity prices (and their input costs), one established trend has been the growing strength of commercial forestry with harvested timber’s uses from construction to biomass now having more value as part of reducing carbon emissions in the wider economy. Economics and policies make this a different market from farm woodlands or from using standing trees to sequester carbon or offset...

Jeremy's Blog 26th November: Housing - Tightening Controls

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 25th November 2021 It is striking that, while waiting for the mystery of England’s new housing policies to be revealed by Michael Gove, the last eight days have seen Wales and Scotland developing housing packages that interlock local taxation with planning control and licences: the close of the Welsh consultation on Council Tax and potential premiums for second homes and the qualification for business rates on holiday...

Consultation: Housing Legal Aid - The Way Forward

The Ministry of Justice has opened a consultation on changes to the Housing Legal Aid programme. The main proposals are: remodel the delivery to become a new Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service (HLPAS), incorporating both the existing service of advice and representation at court but also early legal advice before courtexpanding the scope of legal aid so that HLPAS providers can offer early legal advice on social welfare law matters to individuals facing procession proceedingscontracts for...

Jeremy's Blog 19th November 2021: The Need for Good Businesses

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 18th November 2021 The national, rural and agricultural economies need more good businesses to face the expected challenges of this decade. For all the developing policies and larger national objectives, the economy and so living standards and public services rest on improving business performance. That means providing what people will pay well for, doing so efficiently with the greatest ratio between outputs and inputs –...

England: Farming Equipment and Technology Fund - List of Items

The Farming Investment Fund was launched on 16th November and, within that, the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) is now open for applications until 7th January 2022. Details are covered in this CAAV webnote The full and expanded list of items eligible for FETF with their specification and the grant payable on each is set out in this note on the website....

Jeremy's Blog 12th November 2021: Nature and Measurement

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 11th November 2021 The theme of nature recovery has gathered political force over the last decade, since the Lawton Report, Making Space for Nature, and DEFRA’s 2011 Natural Environment White Paper. From David Cameron’s concern, the 25 Year Environment Plan published under Theresa May’s premiership to the new Environment Act, the theme, summarised by George Eustice in July 2020 is that: “This Government’s pledge is...


CAAV POWER CUT – THURSDAY 11TH NOVEMBER CAAV e-mails and other services are likely to be disrupted for most of Thursday 11th November as Western Power Distribution has warned that, with local high voltage works in hand, it is cutting off power to the area from 8.30am until later afternoon, though these times are taken as approximate. Arrangements have been made to divert the telephone lines and to handle examinations traffic. Normal service should then be resumed. Alternatively, please call...

Jeremy's Blog 5th November 2021: Animals

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 4th November 2021 Animal welfare concerns now have an increased prominence, breadth and reach in Government policies, with a political force that should not be underrated. The Government has two animal welfare Bills in Parliament: the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill and the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill – each with potentially significant consequences. The 2017 election crystallised the new moment. The Conservative...

Jeremy's Blog 29th October 2021: Government Policy

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 29th October 2021 While the Government wrestles on a day-to-day basis with many areas of policy, it shows a sustained strategic direction for environmental and, within that, agricultural policy. While buffeted by events, the realities of government and practical issues of implementation, the approach, pre-dating Boris Johnson’s premiership, can be summarised as: the goal of environmental improvement, embracing climate...

Jeremy's Blog 22nd October: The Climate Change Journey

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 21st October 2021 Net zero by 2050 – a short and simple phrase for vast and complex changes across society and the economy over a generation. The Government has taken another set of steps on this road with this week’s series of papers setting out more policies, actions and more intermediate targets as it tackles domestic policy and seeks to lead the COP26 summit. Both require detailed practical policies, blending...

211022 UK Agriculture Evidence Pack

DEFRA has published a visual evidence pack for the latest statistical data on UK Agriculture, covering areas including productivity, natural capital values and import : export figures. The document provides a useful and accessible overview of the current position of the sector....

Jeremy's Blog 15th October 2021: Supply Chains and Adaptation

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 14th October 2021 It is a complex world. Today’s disrupted supply chain issues overlay the adjustments of the post-Brexit process, in turn overlaying the long run pressures of climate change. The global disruption of the pandemic is now rippling down the seasons like water sloshing when carrying a bowl. The waves of the pandemic were followed by strong recoveries in demand but supply chains frustrated as Chinese ports...

Jeremy's Blog 8th October 2021: Land Use and Planning

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 7th October 2021 Boris Johnson’s speech yesterday to the Conservative Party Conference is another step in the mystery of the Government’s developing land use policies – indeed of “levelling up”. The pattern is for his high level statements to be developed later by ministers. It could intend extensive land use change. After a paeon to the UK’s landscape of “untouched moorlands” and “broadleaf forests”...

Soil Management Plan Guidance

DEFRA has updated its guidance on creating and using a soil management plan. This information may be of interest to those land managers entering into the Sustainable Farming Incentive Pilot or considering soil and environmental management of their land. The guidance is available here.

Jeremy's Blog 1st October 2021: The World of Farm Advice

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 30th September 2021 There is much discussion now about the need for farmers and landowners to be well advised. The need is clear with the scale of change and challenge for businesses and families: facing the withdrawal of Basic Payment in England and then Wales, with its prospective reduction and revision in Scotland and Northern Ireland. more commercial and changing markets and new technologiesthe effects of climate change...

Jeremy's Blog 24th September 2021: Risks and Resilience - The Lessons of CO2

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 23rd September 2021 “‘Just in time’; that’s almost late”: a Cornish manufacturer’s description to me in December 2018 of the then supply chains. Current experience endorses his view of the weaknesses in ultra-efficient systems, lacking resilience when facing the problems we see on a national, continental and global basis. Stocks have been seen as a cost, an insurance provision not worth paying. The risks in...

210921 England: NVZ Designated Areas

Following their 4-yearly review of Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) designated areas in December 2020, DEFRA have announced that no substantial changes in the patterns of nitrate pollution in England have been found. Accordingly, designated areas remain the same for 2021 to 2024. A map of designated areas can be found here. More information, including how to challenge the inclusion of land within a designated area, can be found on the Government website....

Jeremy's Blog 17th September 2021: Social Care, Planning and Tax

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 16th September 2021 The fascinating politics of the last few days reveal serious conundrums as the government navigates between its existing voters wanting protection and the needs of its potential voters.While little may have been done to reform or even fund social care, the threat of crippling care costs to existing homeowners and their heirs appears reduced. It is now reported that their concerns see teeth drawn from the...

Jeremy's Blog 10th September 2021: Carbon and Other Deals

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 9th September 2021 The fledgling world of transactions for environmental commitments is very young and potentially very innocent. It may match the early days for solar panels after Feed-in Tariffs were introduced in spring 2010 when initial activity moved faster than understanding or clearer perspective on value, opportunity and risk. We see a shifting balance from agreements for running payments for actions (common in...

Jeremy Moody's Blog 3rd September 2021: Supply Chains

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 2nd September 2021 From the start of the pandemic, the Government’s concern has been to maintain contracts and activity in the economy. It has done so with measures such as the furlough scheme protecting employment contracts and grants and loans to tide businesses through. The resilience of the food supply chain passed its test last spring. As lockdown has eased, so the economy regained ground and unemployment stayed low....


We are now processing the applications for this year’s examination on 10th and 11th November and will be confirming acceptance to the good number of candidates who have come forward. For those who are also taking the RICS APC this autumn we are aware that an IT problem in RICS’ ARC system is leading it to slip its timetables including those for APC interviews. We are in touch with the RICS with a view to ensuring that there are no clashes for candidates. We will brief further as soon as the...

Jeremy's Blog 27th August 2021: New Policies to Challenge Many

This article by Jeremy Moody first appeared in the CAAV e-Briefing of 26th August 2021 All parts of the UK are now shaping future agricultural policy. This week’s consultation paper from Scotland and policy framework from Northern Ireland follow England’s implementation of change and the Welsh Government’s confirmation of next year’s Agriculture Bill.Policies for climate change and biodiversity have increasing priority alongside wider environmental concerns and business performance. The...