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Expanded SFI: Expression of Interest

As many will be aware, the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive in England will be opening this summer. The RPA will be offering a controlled rollout of the scheme to a limited number of people before the scheme opens to all applicants.

This small number will be able to apply for the scheme early so that the RPA can open the service in a controlled way. They will also be asking these early applicants about their experience of submitting an application, so that they can improve the service in the future for all farmers.

An Expression of Interest Survey (EOI) for the Expanded SFI Offer will be shared soon. Anyone interested in being selected to be part of the group of early applicants should complete this survey when it is available.

People will be invited to apply based on a set of criteria, such as size of claim (the RPA want to test the system for a full range of claim sizes), participation in other schemes, and land tenure status. Therefore, not everyone completing an EOI will necessarily be invited to apply immediately.

We will update members when the EOI process opens.

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