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CAAV Examinations – Results for 2018

17th December 2018

The 2018 CAAV examination results are being sent out to candidates today.

We are pleased to welcome 83 new Fellows, a very similar number to the 84 who achieved the FAAV qualification to last year. With a higher than average pass rate, average marks in all parts of the examinations are consistent with previous years.

We congratulate all who have been successful this year and offer best wishes for next year to those who passed part only or failed. Those wanting a feedback session on the Written part should contact the Secretariat and for the Practical/Oral part, the local examination convenor.

We thank the examination convenors, examiners and all who have helped for their work and commitment in this important part of the CAAV’s life and future.

We will, as every year, be reviewing this year’s examinations and the lessons to be learnt for future examinations at our January Examinations Conference to keep this key rural professional qualification up to date.

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