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Who do agricultural valuers work for?

Agricultural valuers work in all sorts of places, wherever their rural property and business skills are needed, across the whole of the United Kingdom and sometimes abroad.

Many work in private practice, providing property advice for lots of different clients. They may be employed in the business or own and run it. Other agricultural valuers work directly for charities or businesses with land and property interests, including managing traditional landed estates. Some work for the Government or for non-governmental organisations and others act as advisers to trade associations and professional bodies.

You can find out more about these different types of work below.

Private Practice
Most CAAV members are either working for, or running, businesses which provide advice and expertise on rural property matters. These businesses vary widely from international companies employing many hundreds of people in dozens of offices to small businesses with only a few employees.
Charities concerned with or invested in land and property often employ agricultural valuers to advise them. Some smaller charities seek advice from members in private practice, while larger charities such as the National Trust, RSPB, the Woodland Trust and some Wildlife Trusts employ full time agricultural valuers to help them manage their land and property.
Corporate Business and Utilities
Some corporate businesses have significant property interests which require the skills of an agricultural valuer. They can be found working for most of the major water companies, Network Rail, Tarmac, UK Coal, Cemex and private property investment companies.
Landed Estates
Many of the great British landed estates employ agricultural valuers to manage theei prime asset – their land and property. Some have diversified so that our members are now the chief executives of thriving businesses encompassing tourism, shops, renewable energy, mineral extraction and farming, as well as property management.
National and Local Government
Agricultural valuers work in national and local government bodies and non-government organisations, including local authorities, National Parks, DEFRA, Ministry of Defence in the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Environment Agency, Natural England, Rural Payments Agency, Natural Resources Wales, NatureScot, Forestry Commission, Valuation Office Agency and the Highways Agency.
Trade Associations and Professional Bodies
The interests of those who own, work or live on rural land are looked after by a range of trade associations and professional bodies, who represent their views to Government and others. Agricultural valuers are employed by the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), the Country Land and Business Association (CLA), the Tenant Farmers’ Association (TFA) and the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).

Click here to see what life as an agricultural valuer is like with some case studies of agricultural valuers working in the categories listed above.