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How to become an agricultural valuer?

There are many ways to become a agricultural valuer. Traditionally, most people would study a land management degree and enter the industry following graduation. However, there are several people who have become agricultural valuers later in their careers following a distance learning or postgraduate courses. Furthermore, there are apprenticeship opportunities which are becoming increasingly popular (read our case study).

This roadmap shows some of the common routes into the profession.

Degree Course
2/3/4 years with possible sandwich year
Work in the profession and gaining practical experience
CAAV Examinations
Masters / Diploma
1 year (or more if part time)
Work in the profession and gaining practical experience
CAAV Examinations
Degree Course
5 years, whilst working with a practice/organisation
CAAV Examinations
Practical Experience
Practical experience in professional work
CAAV Examinations